diff options
3 files changed, 97 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/emcc b/emcc
index fe2816ec..3cd049d8 100755
--- a/emcc
+++ b/emcc
@@ -341,6 +341,10 @@ Options that are modified or new in %s include:
For more docs on the options --preload-file
accepts, see https://github.com/kripken/emscripten/wiki/Filesystem-Guide
+ --exclude-file <name> Files and directories to be excluded from
+ --embed-file and --preload-file
+ wildcard is supported
--compression <codec> Compress both the compiled code and embedded/
preloaded files. <codec> should be a triple,
@@ -780,6 +784,7 @@ try:
split_js_file = None
preload_files = []
embed_files = []
+ exclude_files = []
compression = None
ignore_dynamic_linking = False
shell_path = shared.path_from_root('src', 'shell.html')
@@ -896,6 +901,11 @@ try:
newargs[i] = ''
newargs[i+1] = ''
+ elif newargs[i].startswith('--exclude-file'):
+ check_bad_eq(newargs[i])
+ exclude_files.append(newargs[i+1])
+ newargs[i] = ''
+ newargs[i+1] = ''
elif newargs[i].startswith('--compression'):
parts = newargs[i+1].split(',')
@@ -1738,6 +1748,9 @@ try:
if len(embed_files) > 0:
file_args += embed_files
+ if len(exclude_files) > 0:
+ file_args.append('--exclude')
+ file_args += exclude_files
if Compression.on:
file_args += ['--compress', Compression.encoder, Compression.decoder, Compression.js_name]
if use_preload_cache:
diff --git a/tests/test_other.py b/tests/test_other.py
index 11a19f1c..c0f926df 100644
--- a/tests/test_other.py
+++ b/tests/test_other.py
@@ -1347,6 +1347,32 @@ f.close()
Popen([PYTHON, EMCC, os.path.join(self.get_dir(), 'main.cpp'), '--embed-file', 'tst']).communicate()
self.assertContained('|frist|\n|sacond|\n|thard|\n', run_js(os.path.join(self.get_dir(), 'a.out.js')))
+ def test_exclude_file(self):
+ try_delete(os.path.join(self.get_dir(), 'tst'))
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.get_dir(), 'tst'))
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.get_dir(), 'tst', 'abc.exe'))
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.get_dir(), 'tst', 'abc.txt'))
+ open(os.path.join(self.get_dir(), 'tst', 'hello.exe'), 'w').write('''hello''')
+ open(os.path.join(self.get_dir(), 'tst', 'hello.txt'), 'w').write('''world''')
+ open(os.path.join(self.get_dir(), 'tst', 'abc.exe', 'foo'), 'w').write('''emscripten''')
+ open(os.path.join(self.get_dir(), 'tst', 'abc.txt', 'bar'), 'w').write('''!!!''')
+ open(os.path.join(self.get_dir(), 'main.cpp'), 'w').write(r'''
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ int main() {
+ if(fopen("tst/hello.exe", "rb")) printf("Failed\n");
+ if(!fopen("tst/hello.txt", "rb")) printf("Failed\n");
+ if(fopen("tst/abc.exe/foo", "rb")) printf("Failed\n");
+ if(!fopen("tst/abc.txt/bar", "rb")) printf("Failed\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ''')
+ Popen([PYTHON, EMCC, os.path.join(self.get_dir(), 'main.cpp'), '--embed-file', 'tst', '--exclude-file', '*.exe']).communicate()
+ output = run_js(os.path.join(self.get_dir(), 'a.out.js'))
+ assert output == ''
def test_multidynamic_link(self):
# Linking the same dynamic library in will error, normally, since we statically link it, causing dupe symbols
# A workaround is to use --ignore-dynamic-linking, see emcc --help for details
diff --git a/tools/file_packager.py b/tools/file_packager.py
index 7d9344cd..bd3f669d 100644
--- a/tools/file_packager.py
+++ b/tools/file_packager.py
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ data downloads.
- file_packager.py TARGET [--preload A [B..]] [--embed C [D..]] [--compress COMPRESSION_DATA] [--crunch[=X]] [--js-output=OUTPUT.js] [--no-force] [--use-preload-cache] [--no-heap-copy]
+ file_packager.py TARGET [--preload A [B..]] [--embed C [D..]] [--exclude E [F..]] [--compress COMPRESSION_DATA] [--crunch[=X]] [--js-output=OUTPUT.js] [--no-force] [--use-preload-cache] [--no-heap-copy]
--crunch=X Will compress dxt files to crn with quality level X. The crunch commandline tool must be present
and CRUNCH should be defined in ~/.emscripten that points to it. JS crunch decompressing code will
@@ -45,9 +45,10 @@ import posixpath
import shared
from shared import Compression, execute, suffix, unsuffixed
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
+import fnmatch
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
- print '''Usage: file_packager.py TARGET [--preload A...] [--embed B...] [--compress COMPRESSION_DATA] [--crunch[=X]] [--js-output=OUTPUT.js] [--no-force] [--use-preload-cache] [--no-heap-copy]
+ print '''Usage: file_packager.py TARGET [--preload A...] [--embed B...] [--exclude C...] [--compress COMPRESSION_DATA] [--crunch[=X]] [--js-output=OUTPUT.js] [--no-force] [--use-preload-cache] [--no-heap-copy]
See the source for more details.'''
@@ -66,10 +67,10 @@ DDS_HEADER_SIZE = 128
AV_WORKAROUND = 0 # Set to 1 to randomize file order and add some padding, to work around silly av false positives
data_files = []
-in_preload = False
-in_embed = False
+excluded_patterns = []
+leading = ''
has_preloaded = False
-in_compress = 0
+compress_cnt = 0
crunch = 0
plugins = []
jsoutput = None
@@ -83,43 +84,38 @@ no_heap_copy = True
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
if arg == '--preload':
- in_preload = True
- in_embed = False
has_preloaded = True
- in_compress = 0
+ leading = 'preload'
elif arg == '--embed':
- in_embed = True
- in_preload = False
- in_compress = 0
+ leading = 'embed'
+ elif arg == '--exclude':
+ leading = 'exclude'
elif arg == '--compress':
+ compress_cnt = 1
Compression.on = True
- in_compress = 1
- in_preload = False
- in_embed = False
+ leading = 'compress'
elif arg == '--no-force':
force = False
+ leading = ''
elif arg == '--use-preload-cache':
use_preload_cache = True
+ leading = ''
elif arg == '--no-heap-copy':
no_heap_copy = False
+ leading = ''
elif arg.startswith('--js-output'):
jsoutput = arg.split('=')[1] if '=' in arg else None
+ leading = ''
elif arg.startswith('--crunch'):
from shared import CRUNCH
crunch = arg.split('=')[1] if '=' in arg else '128'
- in_preload = False
- in_embed = False
- in_compress = 0
+ leading = ''
elif arg.startswith('--plugin'):
plugin = open(arg.split('=')[1], 'r').read()
eval(plugin) # should append itself to plugins
- in_preload = False
- in_embed = False
- in_compress = 0
- elif in_preload or in_embed:
- mode = 'preload'
- if in_embed:
- mode = 'embed'
+ leading = ''
+ elif leading == 'preload' or leading == 'embed':
+ mode = leading
if '@' in arg:
srcpath, dstpath = arg.split('@') # User is specifying destination filename explicitly.
@@ -128,16 +124,21 @@ for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
data_files.append({ 'srcpath': srcpath, 'dstpath': dstpath, 'mode': mode })
print >> sys.stderr, 'Warning: ' + arg + ' does not exist, ignoring.'
- elif in_compress:
- if in_compress == 1:
+ elif leading == 'exclude':
+ excluded_patterns.append(arg)
+ elif leading == 'compress':
+ if compress_cnt == 1:
Compression.encoder = arg
- in_compress = 2
- elif in_compress == 2:
+ compress_cnt = 2
+ elif compress_cnt == 2:
Compression.decoder = arg
- in_compress = 3
- elif in_compress == 3:
+ compress_cnt = 3
+ elif compress_cnt == 3:
Compression.js_name = arg
- in_compress = 0
+ compress_cnt = 0
+ else:
+ print >> sys.stderr, 'Unknown parameter:', arg
+ sys.exit(1)
if (not force) and len(data_files) == 0:
has_preloaded = False
@@ -172,16 +173,14 @@ def has_hidden_attribute(filepath):
result = False
return result
-# The packager should never preload/embed any directories that have a component starting with '.' in them,
-# or if the file is hidden (Win32). Note that this filter ONLY applies to directories. Explicitly specified single files
-# are always preloaded/embedded, even if they start with a '.'.
-def should_ignore(filename):
- if has_hidden_attribute(filename):
+# The packager should never preload/embed files if the file is hidden (Win32).
+# or it matches any pattern specified in --exclude
+def should_ignore(fullname):
+ if has_hidden_attribute(fullname):
return True
- components = filename.replace('\\\\', '/').replace('\\', '/').split('/')
- for c in components:
- if c.startswith('.') and c != '.' and c != '..':
+ for p in excluded_patterns:
+ if fnmatch.fnmatch(fullname, p):
return True
return False
@@ -190,20 +189,31 @@ def add(arg, dirname, names):
# rootpathsrc: The path name of the root directory on the local FS we are adding to emscripten virtual FS.
# rootpathdst: The name we want to make the source path available on the emscripten virtual FS.
mode, rootpathsrc, rootpathdst = arg
+ new_names = []
for name in names:
fullname = os.path.join(dirname, name)
- if not os.path.isdir(fullname):
- if should_ignore(fullname):
- if DEBUG:
- print >> sys.stderr, 'Skipping hidden file "' + fullname + '" from inclusion in the emscripten virtual file system.'
- else:
+ if should_ignore(fullname):
+ if DEBUG:
+ print >> sys.stderr, 'Skipping file "' + fullname + '" from inclusion in the emscripten virtual file system.'
+ else:
+ new_names.append(name)
+ if not os.path.isdir(fullname):
dstpath = os.path.join(rootpathdst, os.path.relpath(fullname, rootpathsrc)) # Convert source filename relative to root directory of target FS.
- data_files.append({ 'srcpath': fullname, 'dstpath': dstpath, 'mode': mode })
+ new_data_files.append({ 'srcpath': fullname, 'dstpath': dstpath, 'mode': mode })
+ del names[:]
+ names.extend(new_names)
+new_data_files = []
for file_ in data_files:
- if os.path.isdir(file_['srcpath']):
- os.path.walk(file_['srcpath'], add, [file_['mode'], file_['srcpath'], file_['dstpath']])
-data_files = filter(lambda file_: not os.path.isdir(file_['srcpath']), data_files)
+ if not should_ignore(file_['srcpath']):
+ if os.path.isdir(file_['srcpath']):
+ os.path.walk(file_['srcpath'], add, [file_['mode'], file_['srcpath'], file_['dstpath']])
+ else:
+ new_data_files.append(file_)
+data_files = filter(lambda file_: not os.path.isdir(file_['srcpath']), new_data_files)
+if len(data_files) == 0:
+ print >> sys.stderr, 'Nothing to do!'
+ sys.exit(1)
# Absolutize paths, and check that they make sense
curr_abspath = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())