diff options
19 files changed, 670 insertions, 162 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index cab1d74a..8749f02f 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -10,7 +10,40 @@ Not all changes are documented here. In particular, new features, user-oriented
Current trunk code
- To see a list of commits in the active development branch 'incoming', which have not yet been packaged in a release, see
- https://github.com/kripken/emscripten/compare/1.7.8...incoming
+ https://github.com/kripken/emscripten/compare/1.8.2...incoming
+v1.8.2: 1/4/2013
+ - Fixed glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv and an issue with glGetXXX when the returned value was null.
+ - Full list of changes: https://github.com/kripken/emscripten/compare/1.8.1...1.8.2
+v1.8.1: 1/3/2013
+ - Added support for WebGL hardware instancing extension.
+ - Improved fastcomp native LLVM backend support.
+ - Added support for #include filename.js to JS libraries.
+ - Deprecated --compression emcc command line parameter that manually compressed output JS files, due to performance issues. Instead, it is best to rely on the web server to serve compressed JS files.
+ - Full list of changes: https://github.com/kripken/emscripten/compare/1.8.0...1.8.1
+v1.8.0: 12/28/2013
+ - Fix two issues with function outliner and relooper.
+ - Full list of changes: https://github.com/kripken/emscripten/compare/1.7.9...1.8.0
+v1.7.9: 12/27/2013
+ - Added new command line parameter --em-config that allows specifying a custom location for the .emscripten configuration file.
+ - Reintroduced relaxed asm.js heap sizes, which no longer need to be power of 2, but a multiple of 16MB is sufficient.
+ - Added emrun command line tool that allows launching .html pages from command line on desktop and Android as if they were native applications. See https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/emscripten-discuss/t2juu3q1H8E . Adds --emrun compiler link flag.
+ - Began initial work on the "fastcomp" compiler toolchain, a rewrite of the previous JS LLVM AST parsing and codegen via a native LLVM backend.
+ - Added --exclude-file command line flag to emcc and a matching --exclude command line flag to file packager, which allows specifying files and directories that should be excluded while packaging a VFS data blob.
+ - Improved GLES2 and EGL support libraries to be more spec-conformant.
+ - Optimized legacy GL emulation code path. Added new GL_FFP_ONLY optimization path to fixed function pipeline emulation.
+ - Added new core functions emscripten_log() and emscripten_get_callstack() that allow printing out log messages with demangled and source-mapped callstack information.
+ - Improved BSD Sockets support. Implemented getprotobyname() for BSD Sockets library.
+ - Fixed issues with simd support.
+ - Various bugfixes: #1573, #1846, #1886, #1908, #1918, #1930, #1931, #1942, #1948, ..
+ - Full list of changes: https://github.com/kripken/emscripten/compare/1.7.8...1.7.9
v1.7.8: 11/19/2013
diff --git a/emcc b/emcc
index 45f16039..00cf3f06 100755
--- a/emcc
+++ b/emcc
@@ -1916,6 +1916,9 @@ try:
js_optimizer_queue += [get_eliminate()]
+ js_optimizer_queue += ['aggressiveVariableElimination']
if opt_level >= 2:
js_optimizer_queue += ['simplifyExpressions']
diff --git a/src/closure-externs.js b/src/closure-externs.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a82aa669
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/closure-externs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+ * This file contains definitions for things that we'd really rather the closure compiler *didn't* minify.
+ * See http://code.google.com/p/closure-compiler/wiki/FAQ#How_do_I_write_an_externs_file
+ * See also the discussion here: https://github.com/kripken/emscripten/issues/1979
+ *
+ * The closure_compiler() method in tools/shared.py refers to this file when calling closure.
+ */
+// Closure externs used by library_uuid.js
+ * @param {Array} typedArray
+ */
+crypto.getRandomValues = function(typedArray) {};
+ var crypto = require('crypto');
+ */
+ * @type {Object.<string,*>}
+ */
+var crypto = {};
+ * @param {number} size
+ * @param {function(Error, buffer.Buffer)} callback
+ */
+crypto.randomBytes = function(size, callback) {};
+// Closure externs used by library_sockfs.js
+ var ws = require('ws');
+ */
+ * @type {Object.<string,*>}
+ */
+var ws = {};
+ * @param {string} event
+ * @param {function()} callback
+ */
+ws.on = function(event, callback) {};
+ * @param {Object} data
+ * @param {Object} flags
+ * @param {function()=} callback
+ */
+ws.send = function(data, flags, callback) {};
+* @type {boolean}
+ * @type {Object.<string,*>}
+ */
+var wss = ws.Server;
+ * @param {string} event
+ * @param {function()} callback
+ */
+wss.on = function(event, callback) {};
+ * @param {function()} callback
+ */
+wss.broadcast = function(callback) {};
+* @type {Object.<string,*>}
+* @type {string}
+* @type {string}
+* @type {number}
+* @type {Object.<string,*>}
+var flags = {};
+* @type {boolean}
diff --git a/src/library_uuid.js b/src/library_uuid.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..adfd1882
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/library_uuid.js
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+// Implementation of libuuid creating RFC4122 version 4 random UUIDs.
+mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, {
+ // Clear a 'compact' UUID.
+ uuid_clear: function(uu) {
+ // void uuid_clear(uuid_t uu);
+ _memset(uu, 0, 16);
+ },
+ // Compare whether or not two 'compact' UUIDs are the same.
+ // Returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if uu1 is found, respectively, to be
+ // lexigraphically less than, equal, or greater than uu2.
+ uuid_compare__deps: ['memcmp'],
+ uuid_compare: function(uu1, uu2) {
+ // int uuid_compare(const uuid_t uu1, const uuid_t uu2);
+ return _memcmp(uu1, uu2, 16);
+ },
+ // Copies the 'compact' UUID variable from src to dst.
+ uuid_copy: function(dst, src) {
+ // void uuid_copy(uuid_t dst, const uuid_t src);
+ _memcpy(dst, src, 16);
+ },
+ // Write a RFC4122 version 4 compliant UUID largely based on the method found in
+ // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/105034/how-to-create-a-guid-uuid-in-javascript
+ // tweaked slightly in order to use the 'compact' UUID form used by libuuid.
+ uuid_generate: function(out) {
+ // void uuid_generate(uuid_t out);
+ var uuid = null;
+ // If Node.js try to use crypto.randomBytes
+ try {
+ var rb = require('crypto').randomBytes;
+ uuid = rb(16);
+ } catch(e) {}
+ } else if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB &&
+ typeof(window.crypto) !== 'undefined' &&
+ typeof(window.crypto.getRandomValues) !== 'undefined') {
+ // If crypto.getRandomValues is available try to use it.
+ uuid = new Uint8Array(16);
+ window.crypto.getRandomValues(uuid);
+ }
+ // Fall back to Math.random if a higher quality random number generator is not available.
+ if (!uuid) {
+ uuid = new Array(16);
+ var d = new Date().getTime();
+ for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
+ var r = (d + Math.random()*256)%256 | 0;
+ d = Math.floor(d/256);
+ uuid[i] = r;
+ }
+ }
+ uuid[6] = (uuid[6] & 0x0F) | 0x40;
+ uuid[8] = (uuid[8] & 0x7F) | 0x80;
+ writeArrayToMemory(uuid, out);
+ },
+ // Compares the value of the supplied 'compact' UUID variable uu to the NULL value.
+ // If the value is equal to the NULL UUID, 1 is returned, otherwise 0 is returned.
+ uuid_is_null: function(uu) {
+ // int uuid_is_null(const uuid_t uu);
+ for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++, uu = (uu+4)|0) {
+ var val = {{{ makeGetValue('uu', 0, 'i32') }}};
+ if (val) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+ },
+ // converts the UUID string given by inp into the binary representation. The input UUID is a string of
+ // the form "%08x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%012x" 36 bytes plus the trailing '\0'.
+ // Upon successfully parsing the input string, 0 is returned, and the UUID is stored in the location
+ // pointed to by uu, otherwise -1 is returned.
+ uuid_parse: function(inp, uu) {
+ // int uuid_parse(const char *in, uuid_t uu);
+ var inp = Pointer_stringify(inp);
+ if (inp.length === 36) {
+ var i = 0;
+ var uuid = new Array(16);
+ inp.toLowerCase().replace(/[0-9a-f]{2}/g, function(byte) {
+ if (i < 16) {
+ uuid[i++] = parseInt(byte, 16);
+ }
+ });
+ if (i < 16) {
+ return -1;
+ } else {
+ writeArrayToMemory(uuid, uu);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ },
+ // Convert a 'compact' form UUID to a string, if the upper parameter is supplied make the string upper case.
+ uuid_unparse: function(uu, out, upper) {
+ // void uuid_unparse(const uuid_t uu, char *out);
+ var i = 0;
+ var uuid = 'xxxx-xx-xx-xx-xxxxxx'.replace(/[x]/g, function(c) {
+ var r = upper ? ({{{ makeGetValue('uu', 'i', 'i8', 0, 1) }}}).toString(16).toUpperCase() :
+ ({{{ makeGetValue('uu', 'i', 'i8', 0, 1) }}}).toString(16);
+ r = (r.length === 1) ? '0' + r : r; // Zero pad single digit hex values
+ i++;
+ return r;
+ });
+ writeStringToMemory(uuid, out);
+ },
+ // Convert a 'compact' form UUID to a lower case string.
+ uuid_unparse_lower__deps: ['uuid_unparse'],
+ uuid_unparse_lower: function(uu, out) {
+ // void uuid_unparse_lower(const uuid_t uu, char *out);
+ _uuid_unparse(uu, out);
+ },
+ // Convert a 'compact' form UUID to an upper case string.
+ uuid_unparse_upper__deps: ['uuid_unparse'],
+ uuid_unparse_upper: function(uu, out) {
+ // void uuid_unparse_upper(const uuid_t uu, char *out);
+ _uuid_unparse(uu, out, true);
+ },
+ uuid_type: function(uu) {
+ // int uuid_type(const uuid_t uu);
+ return {{{ cDefine('UUID_TYPE_DCE_RANDOM') }}};
+ },
+ uuid_variant: function(uu) {
+ // int uuid_variant(const uuid_t uu);
+ return {{{ cDefine('UUID_VARIANT_DCE') }}};
+ }
diff --git a/src/modules.js b/src/modules.js
index e2d3433f..c0b98f6f 100644
--- a/src/modules.js
+++ b/src/modules.js
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ var LibraryManager = {
load: function() {
if (this.library) return;
- var libraries = ['library.js', 'library_path.js', 'library_fs.js', 'library_idbfs.js', 'library_memfs.js', 'library_nodefs.js', 'library_sockfs.js', 'library_tty.js', 'library_browser.js', 'library_sdl.js', 'library_gl.js', 'library_glut.js', 'library_xlib.js', 'library_egl.js', 'library_gc.js', 'library_jansson.js', 'library_openal.js', 'library_glfw.js'].concat(additionalLibraries);
+ var libraries = ['library.js', 'library_path.js', 'library_fs.js', 'library_idbfs.js', 'library_memfs.js', 'library_nodefs.js', 'library_sockfs.js', 'library_tty.js', 'library_browser.js', 'library_sdl.js', 'library_gl.js', 'library_glut.js', 'library_xlib.js', 'library_egl.js', 'library_gc.js', 'library_jansson.js', 'library_openal.js', 'library_glfw.js', 'library_uuid.js'].concat(additionalLibraries);
for (var i = 0; i < libraries.length; i++) {
diff --git a/src/parseTools.js b/src/parseTools.js
index 655248b3..4d6d7bd3 100644
--- a/src/parseTools.js
+++ b/src/parseTools.js
@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ function preprocess(text) {
showStack.push(ident in this && this[ident] > 0);
} else if (line[2] == 'n') { // include
- ret += '\n' + read(line.substr(line.indexOf(' ')+1)) + '\n'
+ var included = read(line.substr(line.indexOf(' ')+1));
+ ret += '\n' + preprocess(included) + '\n'
} else if (line[2] == 'l') { // else
@@ -1639,7 +1640,10 @@ function getFastValue(a, op, b, type) {
function getFastValues(list, op, type) {
- assert(op == '+');
+ assert(op === '+' && type === 'i32');
+ for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
+ if (isNumber(list[i])) list[i] = (list[i]|0) + '';
+ }
var changed = true;
while (changed) {
changed = false;
@@ -1647,6 +1651,7 @@ function getFastValues(list, op, type) {
var fast = getFastValue(list[i], op, list[i+1], type);
var raw = list[i] + op + list[i+1];
if (fast.length < raw.length || fast.indexOf(op) < 0) {
+ if (isNumber(fast)) fast = (fast|0) + '';
list[i] = fast;
list.splice(i+1, 1);
diff --git a/src/settings.js b/src/settings.js
index 753e2367..04b2cc79 100644
--- a/src/settings.js
+++ b/src/settings.js
@@ -156,6 +156,8 @@ var OUTLINING_LIMIT = 0; // A function size above which we try to automatically
// with, but something around 20,000 to 100,000 might make sense.
// (The unit size is number of AST nodes.)
+var AGGRESSIVE_VARIABLE_ELIMINATION = 0; // Run aggressiveVariableElimination in js-optimizer.js
// Generated code debugging options
var SAFE_HEAP = 0; // Check each write to the heap, for example, this will give a clear
// error on what would be segfaults in a native build (like deferencing
diff --git a/src/struct_info.json b/src/struct_info.json
index c136cc8b..a22851b6 100644
--- a/src/struct_info.json
+++ b/src/struct_info.json
@@ -1061,5 +1061,17 @@
+ },
+ {
+ "file": "uuid/uuid.h",
+ "defines": [
+ ],
+ "structs": {}
diff --git a/system/include/uuid/uuid.h b/system/include/uuid/uuid.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0a84e02c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/include/uuid/uuid.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#ifndef _UUID_H
+#define _UUID_H
+typedef unsigned char uuid_t[16];
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+void uuid_clear(uuid_t uu);
+int uuid_compare(const uuid_t uu1, const uuid_t uu2);
+void uuid_copy(uuid_t dst, const uuid_t src);
+void uuid_generate(uuid_t out);
+int uuid_is_null(const uuid_t uu);
+int uuid_parse(const char *in, uuid_t uu);
+void uuid_unparse(const uuid_t uu, char *out);
+void uuid_unparse_lower(const uuid_t uu, char *out);
+void uuid_unparse_upper(const uuid_t uu, char *out);
+int uuid_type(const uuid_t uu);
+int uuid_variant(const uuid_t uu);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* _UUID_H */
diff --git a/tests/cases/gepaddoverflow.ll b/tests/cases/gepaddoverflow.ll
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..11246c1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cases/gepaddoverflow.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+; ModuleID = 'new.o'
+target datalayout = "e-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-p:32:32:32-v128:32:32"
+target triple = "le32-unknown-nacl"
+declare i32 @printf(i8* noalias, ...) nounwind
+@x = common global [4194304 x i8] zeroinitializer, align 4
+@.str = private constant [6 x i8] c"*%d*\0A\00", align 1
+define i8* @test_gep(i32 %y) nounwind readnone {
+ ; JavaScript uses double precision 64-bit floating point values, with
+ ; a 53 bit mantissa. The maximum precisely representable integer is
+ ; 9007199254740992. A number close to that limit is constructed here
+ ; for the constant part of the getelementptr instruction:
+ ; 4194304 * 2147483647 == 9007199250546688 == 9007199254740992 - 4194304
+ ; If that number appears in JavaScript source instead of being properly
+ ; limited to 32 bits, the %y parameter can be used to exceed the maximum
+ ; precisely representable integer, and make the computation inexact.
+ %test_res = getelementptr [4194304 x i8]* @x, i32 2147483647, i32 %y
+ ret i8* %test_res
+define i32 @main() {
+ %res_0 = call i8* (i32)* @test_gep(i32 1000000000)
+ %res_1 = call i8* (i32)* @test_gep(i32 1000000001)
+ %res_0_i = ptrtoint i8* %res_0 to i32
+ %res_1_i = ptrtoint i8* %res_1 to i32
+ ; If getelementptr limited the constant part of the offset to 32 bits,
+ ; result will be 1. Otherwise, it cannot be 1 because the large numbers in
+ ; the calculation cannot be accurately represented by floating point math.
+ %res_diff = sub i32 %res_1_i, %res_0_i
+ %printf_res = call i32 (i8*, ...)* @printf(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([6 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0), i32 %res_diff)
+ ret i32 0
diff --git a/tests/cases/gepaddoverflow.txt b/tests/cases/gepaddoverflow.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..10fd998b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cases/gepaddoverflow.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/tests/runner.py b/tests/runner.py
index 494297db..7f0cbaed 100755
--- a/tests/runner.py
+++ b/tests/runner.py
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ process(sys.argv[1])
if self.library_cache is not None:
if cache and self.library_cache.get(cache_name):
- print >> sys.stderr, '<load %s from cache> ' % cache_name,
+ print >> sys.stderr, '<load %s from cache> ' % cache_name
generated_libs = []
for basename, contents in self.library_cache[cache_name]:
bc_file = os.path.join(build_dir, cache_name + '_' + basename)
diff --git a/tests/test_benchmark.py b/tests/test_benchmark.py
index c4d3d216..21a47178 100644
--- a/tests/test_benchmark.py
+++ b/tests/test_benchmark.py
@@ -119,21 +119,27 @@ process(sys.argv[1])
return run_js(self.filename, engine=self.engine, args=args, stderr=PIPE, full_output=True)
# Benchmarkers
-benchmarkers = [
- #NativeBenchmarker('clang', CLANG_CC, CLANG),
- NativeBenchmarker('clang-3.2', os.path.join(LLVM_3_2, 'clang'), os.path.join(LLVM_3_2, 'clang++')),
- #NativeBenchmarker('clang-3.3', os.path.join(LLVM_3_3, 'clang'), os.path.join(LLVM_3_3, 'clang++')),
- #NativeBenchmarker('clang-3.4', os.path.join(LLVM_3_4, 'clang'), os.path.join(LLVM_3_4, 'clang++')),
- #NativeBenchmarker('gcc', 'gcc', 'g++'),
- JSBenchmarker('sm-f32', SPIDERMONKEY_ENGINE, ['-s', 'PRECISE_F32=2']),
- #JSBenchmarker('sm-f32-3.2', SPIDERMONKEY_ENGINE, ['-s', 'PRECISE_F32=2'], env={ 'LLVM': LLVM_3_2 }),
- #JSBenchmarker('sm-f32-3.3', SPIDERMONKEY_ENGINE, ['-s', 'PRECISE_F32=2'], env={ 'LLVM': LLVM_3_3 }),
- #JSBenchmarker('sm-f32-3.4', SPIDERMONKEY_ENGINE, ['-s', 'PRECISE_F32=2'], env={ 'LLVM': LLVM_3_4 }),
- #JSBenchmarker('sm-fc', SPIDERMONKEY_ENGINE, env={ 'EMCC_FAST_COMPILER': '1' }),
- #JSBenchmarker('sm-noasm', SPIDERMONKEY_ENGINE + ['--no-asmjs']),
- #JSBenchmarker('sm-noasm-f32', SPIDERMONKEY_ENGINE + ['--no-asmjs'], ['-s', 'PRECISE_F32=2']),
- #JSBenchmarker('v8', V8_ENGINE)
+ benchmarkers_error = ''
+ benchmarkers = [
+ #NativeBenchmarker('clang', CLANG_CC, CLANG),
+ NativeBenchmarker('clang-3.2', os.path.join(LLVM_3_2, 'clang'), os.path.join(LLVM_3_2, 'clang++')),
+ #NativeBenchmarker('clang-3.3', os.path.join(LLVM_3_3, 'clang'), os.path.join(LLVM_3_3, 'clang++')),
+ #NativeBenchmarker('clang-3.4', os.path.join(LLVM_3_4, 'clang'), os.path.join(LLVM_3_4, 'clang++')),
+ #NativeBenchmarker('gcc', 'gcc', 'g++'),
+ JSBenchmarker('sm-f32', SPIDERMONKEY_ENGINE, ['-s', 'PRECISE_F32=2']),
+ #JSBenchmarker('sm-f32-aggro', SPIDERMONKEY_ENGINE, ['-s', 'PRECISE_F32=2', '-s', 'AGGRESSIVE_VARIABLE_ELIMINATION=1']),
+ #JSBenchmarker('sm-f32-3.2', SPIDERMONKEY_ENGINE, ['-s', 'PRECISE_F32=2'], env={ 'LLVM': LLVM_3_2 }),
+ #JSBenchmarker('sm-f32-3.3', SPIDERMONKEY_ENGINE, ['-s', 'PRECISE_F32=2'], env={ 'LLVM': LLVM_3_3 }),
+ #JSBenchmarker('sm-f32-3.4', SPIDERMONKEY_ENGINE, ['-s', 'PRECISE_F32=2'], env={ 'LLVM': LLVM_3_4 }),
+ #JSBenchmarker('sm-fc', SPIDERMONKEY_ENGINE, env={ 'EMCC_FAST_COMPILER': '1' }),
+ #JSBenchmarker('sm-noasm', SPIDERMONKEY_ENGINE + ['--no-asmjs']),
+ #JSBenchmarker('sm-noasm-f32', SPIDERMONKEY_ENGINE + ['--no-asmjs'], ['-s', 'PRECISE_F32=2']),
+ #JSBenchmarker('v8', V8_ENGINE)
+ ]
+except Exception, e:
+ benchmarkers_error = str(e)
+ benchmarkers = []
class benchmark(RunnerCore):
save_dir = True
@@ -171,6 +177,8 @@ class benchmark(RunnerCore):
def do_benchmark(self, name, src, expected_output='FAIL', args=[], emcc_args=[], native_args=[], shared_args=[], force_c=False, reps=TEST_REPS, native_exec=None, output_parser=None, args_processor=None, lib_builder=None):
+ if len(benchmarkers) == 0: raise Exception('error, no benchmarkers: ' + benchmarkers_error)
args = args or [DEFAULT_ARG]
if args_processor: args = args_processor(args)
diff --git a/tests/test_browser.py b/tests/test_browser.py
index 20b38bb5..c2eaabb6 100644
--- a/tests/test_browser.py
+++ b/tests/test_browser.py
@@ -1720,3 +1720,30 @@ keydown(100);keyup(100); // trigger the end
assert 'argv[3]: 3' in stdout
assert 'hello, world!' in stdout
assert 'hello, error stream!' in stderr
+ def test_uuid(self):
+ # Run with ./runner.py browser.test_uuid
+ # We run this test in Node/SPIDERMONKEY and browser environments because we try to make use of
+ # high quality crypto random number generators such as crypto.getRandomValues or randomBytes (if available).
+ # First run tests in Node and/or SPIDERMONKEY using run_js. Use closure compiler so we can check that
+ # require('crypto').randomBytes and window.crypto.getRandomValues doesn't get minified out.
+ Popen([PYTHON, EMCC, '-O2', '--closure', '1', path_from_root('tests', 'uuid', 'test.c'), '-o', path_from_root('tests', 'uuid', 'test.js')], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()
+ test_js_closure = open(path_from_root('tests', 'uuid', 'test.js')).read()
+ # Check that test.js compiled with --closure 1 contains ").randomBytes" and "window.crypto.getRandomValues"
+ assert ").randomBytes" in test_js_closure
+ assert "window.crypto.getRandomValues" in test_js_closure
+ out = run_js(path_from_root('tests', 'uuid', 'test.js'), full_output=True)
+ print out
+ # Tidy up files that might have been created by this test.
+ try_delete(path_from_root('tests', 'uuid', 'test.js'))
+ try_delete(path_from_root('tests', 'uuid', 'test.js.map'))
+ # Now run test in browser
+ self.btest(path_from_root('tests', 'uuid', 'test.c'), '1')
diff --git a/tests/test_core.py b/tests/test_core.py
index 6442f894..1dc25dce 100644
--- a/tests/test_core.py
+++ b/tests/test_core.py
@@ -4652,12 +4652,15 @@ return malloc(size);
if Settings.QUANTUM_SIZE == 1: return self.skip('TODO: make this work')
if os.environ.get('EMCC_FAST_COMPILER') == '1': return self.skip('todo in fastcomp')
- self.do_run('',
- 'hello lua world!\n17\n1\n2\n3\n4\n7',
- args=['-e', '''print("hello lua world!");print(17);for x = 1,4 do print(x) end;print(10-3)'''],
- libraries=self.get_library('lua', [os.path.join('src', 'lua'), os.path.join('src', 'liblua.a')], make=['make', 'generic'], configure=None),
- includes=[path_from_root('tests', 'lua')],
- output_nicerizer=lambda string, err: (string + err).replace('\n\n', '\n').replace('\n\n', '\n'))
+ for aggro in ([0, 1] if '-O2' in self.emcc_args else [0]):
+ print aggro
+ self.do_run('',
+ 'hello lua world!\n17\n1\n2\n3\n4\n7',
+ args=['-e', '''print("hello lua world!");print(17);for x = 1,4 do print(x) end;print(10-3)'''],
+ libraries=self.get_library('lua', [os.path.join('src', 'lua'), os.path.join('src', 'liblua.a')], make=['make', 'generic'], configure=None),
+ includes=[path_from_root('tests', 'lua')],
+ output_nicerizer=lambda string, err: (string + err).replace('\n\n', '\n').replace('\n\n', '\n'))
def get_freetype(self):
Settings.DEAD_FUNCTIONS += ['_inflateEnd', '_inflate', '_inflateReset', '_inflateInit2_']
diff --git a/tests/test_other.py b/tests/test_other.py
index 9c983f9f..f9ee2d9d 100644
--- a/tests/test_other.py
+++ b/tests/test_other.py
@@ -2209,3 +2209,4 @@ mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, {
process = Popen([PYTHON, EMCC, '-c', path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-o', outdir, '--default-obj-ext', 'obj'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
assert(os.path.isfile(outdir + 'hello_world.obj'))
diff --git a/tests/uuid/test.c b/tests/uuid/test.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dc2c6589
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/uuid/test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#include <uuid/uuid.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <emscripten.h>
+int isUUID(char* p, int upper) {
+ char* p1 = p;
+ do {
+ if (!(isxdigit(*p1) || (*p1 == '-')) || (upper && islower(*p1)) || (!upper && isupper(*p1))) {
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ }
+ } while (*++p1 != 0);
+ if ((p[8] == '-') && (p[13] == '-') && (p[18] == '-') && (p[23] == '-')) {
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+int main() {
+ uuid_t uuid;
+ uuid_t uuid1;
+ uuid_t uuid2;
+ uuid_t empty_uuid = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+ uuid_generate(uuid);
+ assert(uuid_is_null(uuid) == 0);
+ assert(uuid_type(uuid) == UUID_TYPE_DCE_RANDOM);
+ assert(uuid_variant(uuid) == UUID_VARIANT_DCE);
+ char *generated = (char *)malloc(37*sizeof(char));
+ uuid_unparse(uuid, generated);
+ assert(isUUID(generated, 0) == 1); // Check it's a valid lower case UUID string.
+ printf("\nuuid = %s\n", generated);
+ assert(uuid_parse(generated, uuid1) == 0); // Check the generated UUID parses correctly into a compact UUID.
+ assert(uuid_compare(uuid1, uuid) == 0); // Compare the parsed UUID with the original.
+ uuid_unparse_lower(uuid, generated);
+ assert(isUUID(generated, 0) == 1); // Check it's a valid lower case UUID string.
+ printf("uuid = %s\n", generated);
+ uuid_unparse_upper(uuid, generated);
+ assert(isUUID(generated, 1) == 1); // Check it's a valid upper case UUID string.
+ printf("uuid = %s\n", generated);
+ uuid_copy(uuid2, uuid);
+ assert(uuid_compare(uuid2, uuid) == 0);
+ uuid_clear(uuid);
+ assert(uuid_compare(empty_uuid, uuid) == 0);
+ assert(uuid_is_null(uuid) == 1);
+ // The following lets the browser test exit cleanly.
+ int result = 1;
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ exit(0);
diff --git a/tools/js-optimizer.js b/tools/js-optimizer.js
index 161ed59c..b507a45a 100644
--- a/tools/js-optimizer.js
+++ b/tools/js-optimizer.js
@@ -2930,162 +2930,180 @@ function relocate(ast) {
var NODES_WITHOUT_ELIMINATION_SENSITIVITY = set('name', 'num', 'binary', 'unary-prefix');
-function outline(ast) {
- function measureSize(ast) {
- var size = 0;
- traverse(ast, function() {
- size++;
- });
- return size;
- }
- function aggressiveVariableElimination(func, asmData) {
- // This removes as many variables as possible. This is often not the best thing because it increases
- // code size, but it is far preferable to the risk of split functions needing to do more spilling. Specifically,
- // it finds 'trivial' variables: ones with 1 definition, and that definition is not sensitive to any changes: it
- // only depends on constants and local variables that are themselves trivial. We can unquestionably eliminate
- // such variables in a trivial manner.
- var assignments = {};
- var appearances = {};
- var defs = {};
- var considered = {};
+function measureSize(ast) {
+ var size = 0;
+ traverse(ast, function() {
+ size++;
+ });
+ return size;
- traverse(func, function(node, type) {
- if (type == 'assign' && node[2][0] == 'name') {
- var name = node[2][1];
- if (name in asmData.vars) {
- assignments[name] = (assignments[name] || 0) + 1;
- appearances[name] = (appearances[name] || 0) - 1; // this appearance is a definition, offset the counting later
- defs[name] = node;
- } else {
- if (name in asmData.params) {
- assignments[name] = (assignments[name] || 1) + 1; // init to 1 for initial parameter assignment
- considered[name] = true; // this parameter is not ssa, it must be in a hand-optimized function, so it is not trivial
- }
- }
- } else if (type == 'name') {
- var name = node[1];
- if (name in asmData.vars) {
- appearances[name] = (appearances[name] || 0) + 1;
+function aggressiveVariableEliminationInternal(func, asmData) {
+ // This removes as many variables as possible. This is often not the best thing because it increases
+ // code size, but it is far preferable to the risk of split functions needing to do more spilling, so
+ // we use it when outlining.
+ // Specifically, this finds 'trivial' variables: ones with 1 definition, and that definition is not sensitive to any changes: it
+ // only depends on constants and local variables that are themselves trivial. We can unquestionably eliminate
+ // such variables in a trivial manner.
+ var assignments = {};
+ var appearances = {};
+ var defs = {};
+ var considered = {};
+ traverse(func, function(node, type) {
+ if (type == 'assign' && node[2][0] == 'name') {
+ var name = node[2][1];
+ if (name in asmData.vars) {
+ assignments[name] = (assignments[name] || 0) + 1;
+ appearances[name] = (appearances[name] || 0) - 1; // this appearance is a definition, offset the counting later
+ defs[name] = node;
+ } else {
+ if (name in asmData.params) {
+ assignments[name] = (assignments[name] || 1) + 1; // init to 1 for initial parameter assignment
+ considered[name] = true; // this parameter is not ssa, it must be in a hand-optimized function, so it is not trivial
- });
+ } else if (type == 'name') {
+ var name = node[1];
+ if (name in asmData.vars) {
+ appearances[name] = (appearances[name] || 0) + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ });
- var allTrivials = {}; // key of a trivial var => size of its (expanded) value, at least 1
- // three levels of variables:
- // 1. trivial: 1 def (or less), uses nothing sensitive, can be eliminated
- // 2. safe: 1 def (or less), can be used in a trivial, but cannot itself be eliminated
- // 3. sensitive: uses a global or memory or something else that prevents trivial elimination.
- function assessTriviality(name) {
- // only care about vars with 0-1 assignments of (0 for parameters), and can ignore label (which is not explicitly initialized, but cannot be eliminated ever anyhow)
- if (assignments[name] > 1 || (!(name in asmData.vars) && !(name in asmData.params)) || name == 'label') return false;
- if (considered[name]) return allTrivials[name];
- considered[name] = true;
- var sensitive = false;
- var size = 0, originalSize = 0;
- var def = defs[name];
- if (def) {
- var value = def[3];
- originalSize = measureSize(value);
- if (value) {
- traverse(value, function recurseValue(node, type) {
- var one = node[1];
- if (!(type in NODES_WITHOUT_ELIMINATION_SENSITIVITY)) { // || (type == 'binary' && !(one in FAST_ELIMINATION_BINARIES))) {
- sensitive = true;
+ var allTrivials = {}; // key of a trivial var => size of its (expanded) value, at least 1
+ // three levels of variables:
+ // 1. trivial: 1 def (or less), uses nothing sensitive, can be eliminated
+ // 2. safe: 1 def (or less), can be used in a trivial, but cannot itself be eliminated
+ // 3. sensitive: uses a global or memory or something else that prevents trivial elimination.
+ function assessTriviality(name) {
+ // only care about vars with 0-1 assignments of (0 for parameters), and can ignore label (which is not explicitly initialized, but cannot be eliminated ever anyhow)
+ if (assignments[name] > 1 || (!(name in asmData.vars) && !(name in asmData.params)) || name == 'label') return false;<