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authorAlon Zakai <azakai@mozilla.com>2011-01-20 20:28:41 -0800
committerAlon Zakai <azakai@mozilla.com>2011-01-20 20:28:41 -0800
commit5fe04609c3192717c8eff9b238967cb9a86d57c1 (patch)
treea0e919ed4693deff9b0fb3b8997e89686a8788cc /docs
parent326b36f8404417749c34b47aabfe0684ba82d769 (diff)
initial version of emscripten paper
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+%\conferenceinfo{Splash '11}{??-2011, Portland.}
+%\copyrightdata{[to be supplied]}
+%\titlebanner{} % These are ignored unless
+%\preprintfooter{(C) 2011 Alon Zakai, Creative Commons BY-SA Licensed} % 'preprint' option specified.
+\title{Emscripten: An LLVM-to-JavaScript Compiler}
+%\authorinfo{Alon Zakai}
+% {Mozilla}
+% {azakai@mozilla.com}
+\author{Alon Zakai \\ Mozilla \\ \url{azakai@mozilla.com}}
+JavaScript is the standard language of the web, supported on essentially
+all web browsers. Despite efforts to allow other languages to be run as well,
+none have come close to being universally available on all
+browsers, which severely limits their usefulness on the web. However, there are reasonable reasons why
+allowing other languages would be beneficial, including reusing existing code and allowing
+developers to use their languages of choice.
+We present Emscripten, an LLVM-to-JavaScript compiler. Emscripten compiles
+LLVM assembly code into standard JavaScript, which opens up two avenues for running code written
+in other languages on the web: (1) Compile a language directly into LLVM, and
+then compile that into JavaScript using Emscripten, or (2) Compiling
+a language's entire runtime (typically written in C or C++) into JavaScript using Emscripten, and
+using the compiled runtime to run code written in that language. Examples of languages
+that can use the first approach are C and C++, as compilers exist for them into LLVM. An example
+of a language that can use the second approach is Python, and Emscripten has
+been used to compile CPython (the standard C implementation of Python) into JavaScript,
+allowing standard Python code to be run on the web, which was not previously
+Emscripten itself is written in JavaScript (to enable various
+dynamic compilation techniques), and is available under the MIT
+license (a permissive open source license), at \url{http://www.emscripten.org}.
+As an LLVM-to-JavaScript compiler, the challenges in designing
+Emscripten are somewhat the reverse of the norm -- one must go from a low-level
+assembly into a high-level language, and recreate parts of the original
+high-level structure of the code that were lost in the compilation to
+low-level LLVM. We detail the algorithms used in
+Emscripten to deal with those challenges.
+%term1, term2
+%keyword1, keyword2
+\copyright 2011 Alon Zakai. License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA), \url{http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/}
+Since the mid 1990's, JavaScript has been present in most web browsers (sometimes
+with minor variations and under slightly different names, e.g., JScript in Internet
+Explorer), and today it is
+well-supported on essentially all web browsers, from desktop browsers like
+Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Safari, to mobile browsers on smartphones
+and tablets. Together with HTML and CSS, JavaScript is the standards-based
+foundation of the web.
+Running other programming languages on the web has been suggested many times,
+and browser plugins have allowed doing so, e.g., via the Java
+and Flash plugins. However, plugins must be manually installed and do not integrate in
+a perfect way with the outside HTML. Perhaps more problematic is that they cannot run
+at all on some platforms, for example, Java and Flash cannot run on iOS devices such as the iPhone
+and iPad. For those reasons, JavaScript remains
+the primary programming language of the web.
+There are, however, justifiable motivations for running code from
+other programming languages on the web, for example, if one has a large
+amount of existing code already written in another language, or if one
+simply has a strong preference for another language (and perhaps is
+more productive in it).
+As a consequence, there have been some efforts to compile languages
+\textbf{into} JavaScript. Since JavaScript is present in essentially all web
+browsers, by compiling one's language of choice into JavaScript, one
+can still generate content that will run practically everywhere.
+Examples of this approach include the Google Web Toolkit, which compiles
+Java into JavaScript; Pyjamas, which compiles Python into JavaScript;
+and rumors have it that projects in Oracle and Microsoft, respectively,
+allow running JVM and CLR bytecode in JavaScript (which would allow
+running the languages of the JVM and CLR, respectively).
+In this paper we present another project along those lines: \textbf{Emscripten},
+which compiles LLVM assembly into JavaScript. LLVM (Low Level Virtual
+Machine) is a compiler project primarily focused on C, C++ and
+Objective-C. It compiles those languages through a \emph{frontend} (the
+main ones of which are Clang and LLVM-GCC) into the
+LLVM intermediary representation (which can be machine-readable
+bitcode, or human-readable assembly), and then passes it
+through a \emph{backend} which generates actual machine code for a particular
+architecure. Emscripten plays the role of a backend which targets JavaScript.
+By using Emscripten, potentially many languages can be
+run on the web, using one of the following methods:
+\item Compile \textbf{code} in a language recognized by one of the existing LLVM frontends
+ into LLVM, and then compile that
+ into JavaScript using Emscripten. Frontends for various languages
+ exist, including many of the most popular programming languages such as C and
+ C++, and also various new and emerging languages (e.g., Rust).
+\item Compile the \textbf{runtime} used to parse and execute code in
+ a particular language into LLVM, then compile that into JavaScript using
+ Emscripten. It is then possible to run code in that runtime on the web.
+ This is a useful approach if
+ a language's runtime is written in a language for which an LLVM
+ frontend exists, but the language iself has no such frontend. For
+ example, no currently-supported frontend exists for Python, however
+ it is possible to compile CPython -- the standard implementation of
+ Python, written in C -- into JavaScript, and run Python code on that
+ (see Subsection X.Y).
+From a technical standpoint, the main challenges in designing and implementing
+Emscripten are that it compiles a low-level language -- LLVM assembly -- into
+a high-level one -- JavaScript. This is somethat the reverse of the usual
+situation one is in when building a compiler, and leads to some unique
+difficulties. For example, to get good performance in JavaScript one must
+use natural JavaScript code flow structures, like loops and ifs, but
+those structures do not exist in LLVM assembly (instead, what is present
+there is essentially `flat' code with \emph{goto} commands).
+Emscripten must therefore reconstruct a high-level
+representation from the low-level data it receives.
+In theory that issue could have been avoided by compiling a higher-level
+language into JavaScript. For example, if compiling Java into JavaScript
+(as the Google Web Toolkit does), then one can benefit from the fact
+that Java's loops, ifs and so forth generally have a very direct parallel
+in JavaScript (of course the downside is that this approach yields a
+compiler only for Java). Compiling LLVM into JavaScript is less straightforward,
+but wee will see later that it is possible to reconstruct
+a substantial part of the high-level structure of the original code.
+We conclude this introduction with a list of this paper's main contributions:
+\item We describe Emscripten itself, during
+ which we detail its approach in compiling LLVM into JavaScript.
+\item We give details of Emscripten's `Relooper' algorithm, which generates
+ high-level loop structures from low-level branching data. We are
+ unaware of related results in the literature.
+In addition, the following are the main contributions of Emscripten
+itself, that to our knowledge were not previously possible:
+\item It allows compiling a very large subset of C and C++ code into
+ JavaScript, which can then be run on the web.
+\item By compiling their runtimes, it allows running languages such as Python
+ on the web.
+The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 we
+describe, from a high level, the approach taken to compiling LLVM assembly into JavaScript.
+In Section 3 we describe the workings of Emscripten on a lower, more
+concrete level. In Section 4 we give an overview of some uses of
+Emscripten. In Section 5 we summarize and give directions for future
+work on Emscripten and uses of it.
+\section{Compilation Approach}
+Let us begin by considering what the challenge is, when we want to compile something
+into JavaScript. Assume we are given the
+following simple example of a C program, which we want to compile into JavaScript:
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ int main()
+ {
+ int sum = 0;
+ for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++)
+ sum += i;
+ printf("1+...+100=%d\n", sum);
+ return 0;
+ }
+This program calculates the sum of the integers from 1 to 100. When
+compiled by Clang, the generated LLVM
+assembly code includes the following:
+@.str = private constant [14 x i8]
+ c"1+...+100=%d\0A\00"
+define i32 @main() {
+ %1 = alloca i32, align 4
+ %sum = alloca i32, align 4
+ %i = alloca i32, align 4
+ store i32 0, i32* %1
+ store i32 0, i32* %sum, align 4
+ store i32 1, i32* %i, align 4
+ br label %2
+; <label>:2
+ %3 = load i32* %i, align 4
+ %4 = icmp slt i32 %3, 100
+ br i1 %4, label %5, label %12
+; <label>:5
+ %6 = load i32* %i, align 4
+ %7 = load i32* %sum, align 4
+ %8 = add nsw i32 %7, %6
+ store i32 %8, i32* %sum, align 4
+ br label %9
+; <label>:9
+ %10 = load i32* %i, align 4
+ %11 = add nsw i32 %10, 1
+ store i32 %11, i32* %i, align 4
+ br label %2
+; <label>:12
+ %13 = load i32* %sum, align 4
+ %14 = call i32 (i8*, ...)*
+ @printf(i8* getelementptr inbounds
+ ([14 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0),
+ i32 %13)
+ ret i32 0
+At first glance, this may look more difficult to translate into
+JavaScript than the original C++. However, compiling C++ in
+general would require writing code to handle preprocessing,
+classes, templates, and all the idiosyncrasies and complexities
+of C++. LLVM assembly, while more verbose in this example, is
+lower-level and simpler to work on. It also has the benefit we
+mentioned earlier, which
+is one of the main goals of Emscripten, that many languages can
+be compiled into LLVM.
+A detailed overview of LLVM assembly is beyond our scope here. Briefly,
+though, the example assembly above can easily be seen to define a
+function main(), then allocate some values on the stack (alloca),
+then load and store various values (load and store). We do not have
+the high-level code structure as we had in C++, with a loop, instead
+we have code `fragments', each with a label, and code flow moves
+from one to another by branch (br) instructions. (Label 2 is the
+condition check in the loop; label 5 is the body, label 9 is the
+increment, and label 12 is the final part of the function, outside
+of the loop).
+Conditional branches
+can depend on calculations, for example the results of comparing
+two values (icmp). Other numerical operations include addition (add).
+Finally, printf is called (call). The challenge, then, is to convert
+this and things like it into JavaScript.
+In general, Emscripten's approach is to translate each line of LLVM
+assembly into JavaScript, 1 for 1, into `normal' JavaScript
+as much as possible. So, for example, an \emph{add} operation becomes
+a normal JavaScript addition, a function call becomes a JavaScript
+function call, etc. This 1 to 1 translation generates JavaScript
+that resembles assembly code, for example, the LLVM assembly shown
+before for main() would be compiled into the following:
+function _main() {
+ var __stackBase__ = STACKTOP;
+ STACKTOP += 12;
+ var __label__ = -1;
+ while(1) switch(__label__) {
+ case -1:
+ var $1 = __stackBase__;
+ var $sum = __stackBase__+4;
+ var $i = __stackBase__+8;
+ HEAP[$1] = 0;
+ HEAP[$sum] = 0;
+ HEAP[$i] = 0;
+ __label__ = 0; break;
+ case 0:
+ var $3 = HEAP[$i];
+ var $4 = $3 < 100;
+ if ($4) { __label__ = 1; break; }
+ else { __label__ = 2; break; }
+ case 1:
+ var $6 = HEAP[$i];
+ var $7 = HEAP[$sum];
+ var $8 = $7 + $6;
+ HEAP[$sum] = $8;
+ __label__ = 3; break;
+ case 3:
+ var $10 = HEAP[$i];
+ var $11 = $10 + 1;
+ HEAP[$i] = $11;
+ __label__ = 0; break;
+ case 2:
+ var $13 = HEAP[$sum];
+ var $14 = _printf(__str, $13);
+ STACKTOP = __stackBase__;
+ return 0;
+ }
+Some things
+to take notice of:
+\item A switch-in-a-loop construction is used in order to let the flow
+ of execution move between fragments of code in an arbitrary manner: We set
+ \emph{\_\_label\_\_} to the (numerical representation of the) label of
+ the fragment we want to reach, and do a break, which leads to the proper
+ fragment being reached. Inside each fragment, every line of code corresponds to a line of
+ LLVM assembly, generally in a very straightforward manner.
+\item Memory is implemented by \emph{HEAP}, a JavaScript array. Reading from
+ memory is a read from that array, and writing to memory is a write.
+ \emph{STACKTOP} is the current position of the stack. (Note that we
+ allocate 4 memory locations for 32-bit integers on the stack, but only
+ write to 1 of them. See the Load-Store Consistency subsection below for why.)
+\item LLVM assembly functions become JavaScript functions, and function calls
+ are normal JavaScript function calls. In general, we attempt to generate
+ as `normal' JavaScript as possible.
+\subsection{Load-Store Consistency (LSC)}
+We saw before that Emscripten's memory usage allocates the usual number
+of bytes on the stack for variables (4 bytes for a 32-bit integer, etc.).
+However, we only wrote values into the first location, which appeared odd.
+We will now see the reason for that.
+To get there, we must first step back, and note that
+Emscripten does not aim to achieve perfect compatibility with all possible
+LLVM assembly (and correspondingly, with all possible C or C++ code, etc.);
+instead, Emscripten targets a subset of LLVM assembly code, which is portable
+and does not make crucial assumptions about the underlying CPU architecture
+on which the code is meant to run. That subset is meant to encompass the
+vast majority of real-world code that would be compiled into LLVM,
+while also being compilable into very
+performant JavaScript.
+More specifically, Emscripten assumes that the LLVM assembly code it is
+compiling has \textbf{Load-Store Consistency} (LSC), which is the requirement that
+loads from and stores to a specific memory address will use the same type. Normal C and C++
+code generally does so: If $x$ is a variable containing a 32-bit floating
+point number, then both loads and stores of $x$ will be of 32-bit floating
+point values, and not 16-bit unsigned integers or anything else. (Note that
+even if we write something like \begin{verbatim}float x = 5\end{verbatim} then the
+compiler will assign a 32-bit float with the value of 5 to $x$, and not
+an integer.)
+To see why this is important for performance, consider the following
+C code fragment, which does \emph{not} have LSC:
+ int x = 12345;
+ [...]
+ printf("first byte: %d\n", *((char*)&x));
+Assuming an architecture with more than 8 bits, this code will read
+the first byte of \emph{x}. (It might, for example, be used to detect the
+endianness of the CPU.) To compile this into JavaScript in
+a way that will run properly, we must do more than a single operation
+for either the read or the write, for example we could do this:
+ var x_value = 12345;
+ var x_addr = stackAlloc(4);
+ HEAP[x_addr] = (x_value >> 0) & 255;
+ HEAP[x_addr+1] = (x_value >> 8) & 255;
+ HEAP[x_addr+2] = (x_value >> 16) & 255;
+ HEAP[x_addr+3] = (x_value >> 24) & 255;
+ [...]
+ printf("first byte: %d\n", HEAP[x_addr]);
+Here we allocate space for the value of \emph{x} on the stack, and
+store that address in \emph{x\_addr}. The stack itself is part of
+the `memory space', which is the array \emph{HEAP}. In order for
+the read on the final line to give the proper value, we must go to
+the effort of doing 4 store operations, each of the value of a
+particular byte. In other words, \emph{HEAP} is an array of bytes,
+and for each store into memory, we must deconstruct the value into
+bytes.\footnote{Note that we can use JavaScript typed arrays with a shared memory
+buffer, which would work as expected, assuming (1) we are running
+in a JavaScript engine which supports typed arrays, and (2) we
+are running on a CPU with the same architecture as we expect. This
+is therefore dangerous as the generated code may run differently on
+different JavaScript engines and different CPUs.
+Emscripten currently has optional experimental support for typed arrays.}
+Alternatively, we can store the value in a single operation, and
+deconstruct into bytes as we load. This will be faster in some
+cases and slower in others, but is still more overhead
+than we would like, generally speaking -- for if the code \textbf{does} have
+LSC, then we can translate that code fragment into
+the far more optimal
+ var x_value = 12345;
+ var x_addr = stackAlloc(4);
+ HEAP[x_addr] = x_value;
+ [...]
+ printf("first byte: %d\n", HEAP[x_addr]);
+(Note that even this can be optimized even more -- we can store
+\emph{x} in a normal JavaScript variable. For now though we are
+just clarifying why it is useful to assume we are compiling code
+that has LSC -- doing so lets us generate shorter and more natural
+In practice the vast majority of C and C++ code does have LSC. Exceptions
+do exist, however, for example:
+\item Code that detects CPU features like endianness, the behavior of floats, etc. In general such code can be disabled
+ before running it through Emscripten, as it is not needed.
+\item \emph{memset} and related functions typically work on values of one kind,
+ regardless of the underlying values. For example, memset may write 64-bit
+ values on a 64-bit CPU since that is usually faster than writing individual
+ bytes. This tends to
+ not be a problem, as with \emph{memset} the most common case is setting to
+ 0, and with \emph{memcpy}, the values end up copied properly anyhow.
+\item Even LSC-obeying C or C++ code may turn into LLVM assembly that does not,
+ after being optimized. For example, when storing two 32-bit integers constants into
+ adjoining locations in a structure, the optimizer may generate a single
+ 64-bit store of an appropriate constant. In other words, optimization can
+ generate nonportable code, which runs faster on the current CPU, but
+ nowhere else. Emscripten currently assumes that optimizations of this form
+ are not being used.
+In practice it may be hard to know if code has LSC or not, and requiring
+a time-consuming code audit is obviously impractical. Emscripten therefore has
+automatic tools to detect violations of LSC, see SAFE\_HEAP in Subsection X.Y.
+Note that it is somewhat wasteful to allocation 4 memory locations for
+a 32-bit integer, and use only one of them. It is possible to change
+that behavior with the QUANTUM\_SIZE parameter to Emscripten, however,
+the difficulty is that LLVM assembly has hardcoded values that depend on
+the usual memory sizes being used. For example, \emph{memcpy} can be
+called with the normal size each the value would have, and not a single
+memory address each as Emscripten would prefer. We are looking into modifications
+to LLVM itself to remedy that.
+When comparing the example program from before (that counts the
+integers from 1 to 100), the generated code was fairly complicated
+and cumbersome, and unsurprisingly it performs quite poorly. There
+are two main reasons for that: First, that the code is simply
+unoptimized -- there are many variables declared when fewer could
+suffice, for example, and second, that the code does not use `normal'
+JavaScript, which JavaScript engines are optimized for -- it
+stores all variables in an array (not normal JavaScript variables),
+and it controls the flow of execution using a switch-in-a-loop, not
+normal JavaScript loops and ifs.
+Emscripten's approach to generating fast-performing code is as
+follows. Emscripten doesn't do any
+optimization that can otherwise be done by additional tools:
+LLVM can be used to perform optimizations before Emscripten, and
+the Closure Compiler can perform optimizations on the generated JavaScript afterwards. Those
+tools will perform standard useful optimizations like removing unneeded variables, dead code, etc.
+That leaves two major optimizations that are left for Emscripten
+to perform:
+\item \textbf{Variable nativization}: Convert variables
+ that are on the stack into native JavaScript variables. In general,
+ a variable will be nativized unless it is used
+ outside that function, e.g., if its address is taken and stored somewhere
+ or passed to another function. When optimizing, Emscripten tries to nativize
+ as many variables as possible.
+\item `\textbf{Relooping}': Recreate high-level loop and if structures
+ from the low-level labels and branches that appear in LLVM assembly.
+ We detail the algorithm Emscripten uses for this purpose in Section X.
+When run with Emscripten's optimizations, the above code looks
+like this:
+function _main() {
+ var __label__;
+ var $1;
+ var $sum;
+ var $i;
+ $1 = 0;
+ $sum = 0;
+ $i = 0;
+ $2$2: while(1) { // $2
+ var $3 = $i;
+ var $4 = $3 < 100;
+ if (!($4)) { __label__ = 2; break $2$2; }
+ var $6 = $i;
+ var $7 = $sum;
+ var $8 = $7 + $6;
+ $sum = $8;
+ var $10 = $i;
+ var $11 = $10 + 1;
+ $i = $11;
+ __label__ = 0; continue $2$2;
+ }
+ var $13 = $sum;
+ var $14 = _printf(__str, $13);
+ return 0;
+If in addition the Closure Compiler is run on that output, we get
+function K() {
+ var a, b;
+ b = a = 0;
+ a:for(;;) {
+ if(!(b < 100)) {
+ break a
+ }
+ a += b;
+ b += 1;
+ }
+ _printf(J, a);
+ return 0;
+which is fairly close to the original C++ (the differences, of
+having the loop's condition inside the loop instead of inside
+the for() expression at the top of the original loop, are not important to performance). Thus, it is possible
+to recreate the original high-level structure of the code that
+was compiled into LLVM assembly, despite that structure not being
+explicitly available to Emscripten.
+We will see performance measurements in Section 4.
+\subsection{Dealing with Real-World Code}
+As mentioned above, in practice it may be hard to know if code has LSC or not,
+and other difficulties may arise as well. Accordingly, Emscripten has a set of
+tools to help detect if compiled code has certain problems. These are mainly
+compile-time options that lead to additional runtime checks. One then runs
+the code and sees the warnings or errors generated. The debugging tools include:
+\item \textbf{SAFE\_HEAP}: This option adds runtime checks for LSC. It will
+ raise an exception if LSC does not hold, as well as related issues like
+ reading from memory before a value was written (somewhat similarly to tools
+ like Valgrind). If such a problem
+ occurs, possible solutions are to ignore the issue (if it has no actual
+ consqeuences), or altering the source code. In
+ some cases, such nonportable code can be avoided in a simple manner by changing the configutation under
+ which the code is built (see the examples in Section X).
+\item \textbf{CHECK\_OVERFLOWS}: This option adds runtime checks for overflows in integer operations,
+ which are an issue since all JavaScript numbers are doubles, hence simple translation
+ of LLVM numerical operations (addition, multiplication, etc.) into JavaScript ones may lead
+ to different results than expected. \textbf{CHECK\_OVERFLOWS} will add runtime checks for
+ actual overflows of this sort, that is, whether the result of an operation is a value too large for the type it defined as.
+ Code that has such overflows can enable \textbf{CORRECT\_OVERFLOWS}, which fixes overflows at
+ runtime. The cost, however, is decreased speed due to the correction operations (which perform
+ a bitwise AND to force the value into the proper range). Since such
+ overflows are rare, it is possible to use this option to find where they
+ occur, and modify the original code in a suitable way (see the examples in Section).
+\section{Emscripten's Architecture}
+In the previous section we saw a general overview of Emscripten's approach
+to compiling LLVM assembly into JavaScript. We will now get into more detail
+into how Emscripten implements that approach and its architecture.
+Emscripten is written in JavaScript. A main reason for that decision
+was to simplify sharing code between the compiler and the runtime, and
+to enable various dynamic compilation techniques. Two simple examples: (1)
+The compiler can create JavaScript objects that represent constants in
+the assembly code, and convert them to a string using JSON.stringify()
+in a convenient manner,
+and (2) The compiler can simplify numerical operations by simply
+eval()ing the code (so ``1+2'' would become ``3'', etc.). In both examples,
+writing Emscripten is made simpler by having the exact same environment
+during compilation as the executing code will have.
+Emscripten has three main phases:
+\item The \textbf{intertyper}, which converts from LLVM assembly into
+ Emscripten's internal representation.
+\item The \textbf{analyzer}, which inspects the internal representation
+ and generates various useful information for the final phase,
+ including type and variable information, stack usage analysis,
+ optional data for optimizations
+ (variable nativization and relooping), etc.
+\item The \textbf{jsifier}, which does the final conversion of the
+ internal representation plus additional analyzed data into JavaScript.
+\subsection{The Runtime Environment}
+Code generated from Emscripten is meant to run in a JavaScript engine,
+typically in a web browser. This has implications for the kind of
+runtime environment we can generate for it, for example, there is no
+direct access to the local filesystem.
+Emscripten comes with a partial implementation of a C library,
+mostly written from scratch in JavaScript, which parts compiled from the
+newlib C library. Some aspects of the runtime environment, as
+implemented in that C library, are:
+\item Files to be read must be `preloaded' in JavaScript. They can
+ then be accessed using the usual C library methods (fopen, fread, etc.).
+ Files that are written are cached, and can be read by JavaScript
+ later. While limiting, this approach can often be sufficient for
+ many purposes.
+\item Emscripten allows writing pixel data to an HTML5 canvas element,
+ using a subset of the SDL API. That is, one can write an application in C or C++ using
+ SDL, and that same application can be compiled normally and run
+ locally, or compiled using Emscripten and run on the web. See
+ the raytracing demo at \url{http://syntensity.com/static/raytrace.html}.
+\item \emph{sbrk} is implemented using the \textbf{HEAP} array which
+ was mentioned previously. This allows a normal \emph{malloc}
+ implementation written in C to be compiled to JavaScript.
+\subsection{The Relooper: Recreating high-level loop structures}
+The Relooper is among the most complicated components in Emscripten. It receives
+a `soup of labels', which is a set of labeled fragments of code -- for brevity we call such fragments simply `labels' -- each
+ending with a branch operation (either a simple branch, a conditional branch, or a switch), and the goal is to generate normal
+high-level JavaScript code flow structures such as loops and ifs.
+For example, the LLVM assembly on page X has the following label
+ /-----------\
+ | |
+ V |
+ENTRY --> 2 --> 5 --> 9
+ |
+ V
+ 12
+In this simple example, it is fairly straightforward to see that a natural way to implement it
+using normal loop structures is
+while (true) do
+ 2
+ if (condition) break
+ 5
+ 9
+In general though, this is not always easy or even possible -- there may
+not be a reasonable high-level loop structure corresponding to the low-level one, if
+for example the original C code relied heavily on \emph{goto} instructions.
+In practice, however, almost all real-world C and C++ code tends to
+be amenable to loop recreation.
+Emscripten's Relooper takes as input a `soup of labels' as described above,
+and generates a structured set of code `blocks', which are each a set of labels,
+with some logical structure, of one of the following types:
+\item \textbf{Simple block}: A block with one internal label and a Next
+ block, which the internal label branches to. The block is later
+ translated simply into the code for that label, and the Next
+ block appears right after it.
+\item \textbf{Loop}: A block that represents an infinite loop, comprised of
+ two internal sub-blocks:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \textbf{Inner}: A block of labels that will appear inside
+ the loop, i.e., when execution reaches the end of that block,
+ flow will return to the beginning. Typically a loop will contain
+ a conditional \emph{break} defining where it is exited. When we
+ exit, we reach the Next block, below.
+ \item \textbf{Next}: A block of labels that will appear just outside
+ the loop, in other words, that will be reached when the loop is exited.
+ \end{itemize}
+\item \textbf{Multiple}: A block that represents an divergence into several
+ possible branches, that eventually rejoin. A Multiple block can
+ implement an `if', an `if-else', a `switch', etc. It is comprised of
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \textbf{Handled blocks}: A set of blocks to which execution can
+ enter. When we reach the multiple block, we check which of them
+ should execute, and go there. When execution of that block is
+ complete, or if none of the handled blocks was selected for
+ execution, we proceed to the Next block, below.
+ \item \textbf{Next}: A block of labels that will appear just outside
+ this one, in other words, that will be reached after code flow
+ exits the Handled blocks, above.
+ \end{itemize}
+Remember that we have a \emph{\_\_label\_\_} variable that helps control
+the flow of execution: Whenever we enter a block with more than one
+entry, we set \emph{\_\_label\_\_} before we branch into it, and we
+check its value when we enter that block. So, for example, when we
+create a Loop block, it's Next block can have multiple entries -- any
+label to which we branch out from the loop. By creating a Multiple
+block after the loop, we can enter the proper label when the loop is
+exited. Having a \emph{\_\_label\_\_} variable does add some overhead,
+but it greatly simplifies the problem that the Relooper needs to solve.
+Of course, it is possible to optimize
+away writes and reads to \emph{\_\_label\_\_} in many cases.
+Emscripten uses the following recursive algorithm for generating
+blocks from the soup of labels:
+\item Receive a set of labels and which of them are entry points.
+ We wish to create a block comprised of all those labels.
+\item Calculate, for each label, which other labels it \emph{can}
+ reach, i.e., which labels we are able to reach if we start
+ at the current label and follow one of the possible paths
+ of branching.
+\item If we have a single entry, and cannot return to it from
+ any other label, then create a Simple block, with the entry
+ as its internal label, and the Next block comprised of all
+ the other labels. The entries for the Next block are the entry
+ to which the internal label can branch.
+\item If we can return to all of the entries, return a
+ Loop block, whose Inner block is comprised of all labels that
+ can reach one of the entries, and whose Next block is
+ comprised of all the others. The entry labels for the current
+ block become entry labels for the Inner block (note that
+ they must be in the Inner block, as each one can reach
+ itself). The Next block's entry labels are all the labels
+ in the Next block that can be reached by the Inner block.
+\item If we have more than one entry, try to create a Multiple block: For each entry, find all
+ the labels it reaches that cannot be reached by any other
+ entry. If at least one entry has such labels, return a
+ Multiple block, whose Handled blocks are blocks for those
+ labels, and whose Next block is all the rest. Entry labels
+ for those two blocks become entries of the new block they are now part of.
+ We may have additional entry labels in the Next block, for
+ each entry in the Next block that can be reached from the Handled ones.
+\item We must be able to return to at least one of the entries (see proof below), so create
+ a Loop block as described above.
+Note that we first create a loop only if we must, then try to create a
+multiple, then create a loop if we can. We could have slightly simplified this in
+various ways. The algorithm as presented above has given overall better
+results in practice, in terms of the `niceness' of the shape of the
+generated code, both subjectively and in some benchmarks (however,
+the benchmarks are limited, and we cannot be sure the result will
+remain true for all possible inputs to the Relooper).
+Additional details of the algorithm include `fixing' branch
+instructions accordingly. For example, when we create a Loop
+block, then all branch instructions outside of the loop are
+converted into \emph{break} commands, and all branch
+instructions to the beginning of the loop are converted into
+\emph{continue} commands. Those commands are then
+ignored when called recursively to generate the Inner block (that is,
+the \emph{break} and \emph{continue}
+commands are guaranteed, by the semantics of JavaScript, to get us to
+where we need to go -- they do not need any further consideration
+for them to work properly).
+Emscripten also does an additional pass after running the Relooper algorithm
+which has been described. The Relooper is guaranteed to produce valid output (see below).
+The second pass takes that valid output and optimizes it, by
+making minor changes such as removing
+\emph{continue} commands that occur at the very end of loops
+(where they are not needed), etc. In other words, the first pass focuses on
+generating high-level code flow structures that are correct,
+while the second pass simplifies and optimizes that structure.
+We now turn to an analysis of the Relooper algorithm. It is straightforward to see that the output of the algorithm,
+assuming it completes successfully -- that is, that if finishes in finite time, and does
+not run into an error in the last part (where it is claimed that
+if we reach it we can return to at least one of the entry labels) --
+is correct in the sense of code execution being carried out
+as in the original data. We will now prove that the algorithm must
+in fact complete successfully.
+First, note that if we
+successfully create a block, then we simplify the remaining
+problem, where the `complexity' of the problem for our purposes
+now is the sum of labels plus the some of branching operations:
+\item This is trivial for Simple blocks (since we now have a Next block
+which is strictly smaller).
+\item It is true for loop blocks simply by removing branching
+operations (there must be a branching back to an entry, which
+becomes a \emph{continue}).
+\item For multiple blocks, if the Next block is non-empty then we have split into strictly
+smaller blocks (in number of labels) than before. If the next block
+is empty, then since we built the Multiple block from a set of labels
+with more than one entry, then the Handled blocks are strictly smaller
+than the current one. The remaining case is when we have a single entry.
+The remaining issue is whether we can reach a situation where we
+fail to create a block due to an error, that is, that the claim in the last
+part does not hold. For that to occur, we must not be able
+to return to any of the entries (or else we would create a Loop
+block). But since that is so, we can, at minimum, create a Multiple
+block with entries for all the current entries, since the entry
+labels themselves cannot be reached, contradicting the assumption
+that we cannot create a block, and concluding the proof.
+We have not, of course, proven that the shape of the blocks is optimal
+in any sense. However, even if it is possible to optimize them, the Relooper
+already gives a very substantial speedup due to the move from the switch-in-a-loop
+construction to more natural JavaScript code flow structures. TODO: A little data here.
+\section{Example Uses}
+Emscripten has been run successfully on several real-world codebases, including
+the following:
+TODO: Performance data
+Other ways to run Python on web: pyjamas/pyjs, old pypy-js backend, ?? also
+IronPython on Silverlight and Jython in Java. Limitations etc.
+CPython is the standard implementation of the Python programming language written
+in C. Compiling it in Emscripten is straightforward, except for needing to
+change some \textbf{\#defines}, without which CPython creates platform-specific assembly code.
+Compilation using llvm-gcc generates approximately 27.9MB of LLVM assembly. After
+running Emscripten and the Closure Compiler, the generated JavaScript code is
+approximately 2.76MB in size. For comparison, a native binary version of
+CPython is approxiately 2.28MB in size, so the two differ by only 21\%.
+The \textbf{CORRECT\_OVERFLOWS} option in Emscripten is necessary for proper
+operation of the generated code, as Python hash code relies on integer overflows
+to work normally.
+The demo can be seen live at \url{http://www.syntensity.com/static/python.html}.
+Potential uses include ... etc.
+\subsection{Bullet Physics Engine}
+Mention other bullet->js manual port, via Java