diff options
authorAlon Zakai <alonzakai@gmail.com>2012-10-27 19:41:38 -0700
committerAlon Zakai <alonzakai@gmail.com>2012-10-27 19:41:38 -0700
commitb1989519a9e66a8c2f5b2174a2eadb53bb8f9f56 (patch)
parent9d245102247d798ffef7e003ae4c76c62a875902 (diff)
add memory-growth safe eliminator mode
4 files changed, 201 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/tests/runner.py b/tests/runner.py
index ce848b08..1f60e7fb 100755
--- a/tests/runner.py
+++ b/tests/runner.py
@@ -7892,6 +7892,8 @@ f.close()
(path_from_root('tools', 'eliminator', 'eliminator-test.js'), open(path_from_root('tools', 'eliminator', 'eliminator-test-output.js')).read(),
+ (path_from_root('tools', 'eliminator', 'safe-eliminator-test.js'), open(path_from_root('tools', 'eliminator', 'safe-eliminator-test-output.js')).read(),
+ ['eliminateMemSafe']),
output = Popen([NODE_JS, JS_OPTIMIZER, input] + passes, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0]
self.assertIdentical(expected, output.replace('\n\n', '\n'))
diff --git a/tools/eliminator/safe-eliminator-test-output.js b/tools/eliminator/safe-eliminator-test-output.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb3f17e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/eliminator/safe-eliminator-test-output.js
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+function a($directory) {
+ chak($directory + _strlen($directory) | 0);
+ var $210 = HEAP32[100];
+ HEAP32[1e3] = HEAP32[5];
+ HEAP32[90] = $210;
+ chak();
+ var $210a = HEAP32[100];
+ something();
+ HEAP32[90] = $210a;
+ chak();
+ HEAP32[1e3] = HEAP32[5];
+ HEAP32[90] = $hack;
+ chak();
+ var $b = HEAP32[11] + 7 | 0;
+ HEAP32[1e3] = HEAP32[5];
+ HEAP32[90] = $b;
+ chak();
+ var $bb2 = HEAP32[11];
+ HEAP32[111] = 321;
+ HEAP32[1e3] = HEAP32[5];
+ HEAP32[90] = $bb2 + 7 | 0;
+ chak();
+ HEAP32[1e3] = HEAP32[100];
+ chak();
+ var $e = func();
+ HEAP32[1e3] = $e;
+ chak();
+ tor(func());
+ chak();
+ tor(HEAP[9]);
+ barrier();
+ var $$210, $$210a, $$b, $$bb2, $$e;
+ $$210 = HEAP32[100];
+ HEAP32[1e3] = HEAP32[5];
+ HEAP32[90] = $$210;
+ chak();
+ $$210a = HEAP32[100];
+ something();
+ HEAP32[90] = $$210a;
+ chak();
+ HEAP32[1e3] = HEAP32[5];
+ HEAP32[90] = $$hack;
+ chak();
+ $$b = HEAP32[11] + 7 | 0;
+ HEAP32[1e3] = HEAP32[5];
+ HEAP32[90] = $$b;
+ chak();
+ $$bb2 = HEAP32[11];
+ HEAP32[111] = 321;
+ HEAP32[1e3] = HEAP32[5];
+ HEAP32[90] = $$bb2 + 7 | 0;
+ chak();
+ HEAP32[1e3] = HEAP32[100];
+ chak();
+ $$e = func();
+ HEAP32[1e3] = $$e;
+ chak();
+ tor(func());
+ chak();
+ tor(HEAP[9]);
+ barrier();
+ var $65, $image, $51$s2, $71;
+ var $71 = HEAP32[$65 >> 2] - _int_ceildiv(HEAP32[$image >> 2], HEAP32[$51$s2]) | 0;
+ HEAP32[$65 >> 2] = _int_ceildivpow2($71, HEAP32[$51$s2 + 10]);
+ barr();
+ var ONCE = sheep();
+ while (ONCE) {
+ work();
+ }
+ var ONCEb = 75;
+ while (ONCEb) {
+ work();
+ }
+ var $26 = __ZL3minIiET_S0_S0_12(4096, 4096 - $16 | 0);
+ print(FUNCTION_TABLE[$22]($18, $16 + ($this + 27) | 0, $26));
+ chak();
+ do {
+ print(10);
+ } while (0);
+ var zzz1 = 10;
+ do {
+ print(zzz1);
+ } while (1);
diff --git a/tools/eliminator/safe-eliminator-test.js b/tools/eliminator/safe-eliminator-test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a181fb8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/eliminator/safe-eliminator-test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+function a($directory) {
+ var $1 = _strlen($directory);
+ var $p_0 = $directory + $1 | 0;
+ chak($p_0);
+ var $210 = HEAP32[100]; // heaps alias each other! so this cannot be eliminated
+ HEAP32[1e3] = HEAP32[5];
+ HEAP32[90] = $210;
+ chak();
+ var $210a = HEAP32[100]; // function calls can also modify memory
+ something();
+ HEAP32[90] = $210a;
+ chak();
+ var $a = $hack; // no mem use (just a global), so ok to eliminate
+ HEAP32[1e3] = HEAP32[5];
+ HEAP32[90] = $a;
+ chak();
+ var $bb = HEAP32[11]; // ok to eliminate
+ var $b = ($bb+7)|0; // ok to eliminate by itself, but not with inlined $bb which is mem-using!
+ HEAP32[1e3] = HEAP32[5];
+ HEAP32[90] = $b;
+ chak();
+ var $bb2 = HEAP32[11];
+ HEAP32[111] = 321;
+ var $b2 = ($bb2+7)|0;
+ HEAP32[1e3] = HEAP32[5];
+ HEAP32[90] = $b2;
+ chak();
+ var $d = HEAP32[100]; // alias on next line, but that is where we are consumed - so ok.
+ HEAP32[1e3] = $d;
+ chak();
+ var $e = func();
+ HEAP32[1e3] = $e;
+ chak();
+ var $e2 = func();
+ tor($e2);
+ chak();
+ var $e3 = HEAP[9];
+ tor($e3);
+ barrier(); // same stuff, but with a var on top and assigns as the first and only def
+ var $$210, $$210a, $$a, $$bb, $$b, $$bb2, $$b2, $$d, $$e, $$e2, $$e3;
+ $$210 = HEAP32[100]; // heaps alias each other! so this cannot be eliminated
+ HEAP32[1e3] = HEAP32[5];
+ HEAP32[90] = $$210;
+ chak();
+ $$210a = HEAP32[100]; // function calls can also modify memory
+ something();
+ HEAP32[90] = $$210a;
+ chak();
+ $$a = $$hack; // no mem use, so ok to eliminate
+ HEAP32[1e3] = HEAP32[5];
+ HEAP32[90] = $$a;
+ chak();
+ $$bb = HEAP32[11]; // ok to eliminate
+ $$b = ($$bb+7)|0; // ok to eliminate by itself, but not with inlined $$bb which is mem-using!
+ HEAP32[1e3] = HEAP32[5];
+ HEAP32[90] = $$b;
+ chak();
+ $$bb2 = HEAP32[11];
+ HEAP32[111] = 321;
+ $$b2 = ($$bb2+7)|0;
+ HEAP32[1e3] = HEAP32[5];
+ HEAP32[90] = $$b2;
+ chak();
+ $$d = HEAP32[100]; // alias on next line, but that is where we are consumed - so ok.
+ HEAP32[1e3] = $$d;
+ chak();
+ $$e = func();
+ HEAP32[1e3] = $$e;
+ chak();
+ $$e2 = func();
+ tor($$e2);
+ chak();
+ $$e3 = HEAP[9];
+ tor($$e3);
+ barrier();
+ var $65, $image, $51$s2, $71;
+ var $66 = HEAP32[$65 >> 2];
+ var $71 = $66 - _int_ceildiv(HEAP32[$image >> 2], HEAP32[$51$s2]) | 0;
+ HEAP32[$65 >> 2] = _int_ceildivpow2($71, HEAP32[$51$s2 + 10]);
+ barr();
+ var ONCE = sheep();
+ while (ONCE) {
+ work();
+ }
+ var ONCEb = 75;
+ while (ONCEb) {
+ work();
+ }
+ var $26 = __ZL3minIiET_S0_S0_12(4096, 4096 - $16 | 0); // cannot eliminate this because the call might modify FUNCTION_TABLE
+ var $27 = FUNCTION_TABLE[$22]($18, $this + ($16 + 27) | 0, $26);
+ print($27);
+ chak();
+ var zzz = 10;
+ do {
+ print(zzz);
+ } while (0);
+ var zzz1 = 10;
+ do {
+ print(zzz1);
+ } while (1); // cannot eliminate a do-while that is not one-time
diff --git a/tools/js-optimizer.js b/tools/js-optimizer.js
index 222bd0f4..e62402a9 100644
--- a/tools/js-optimizer.js
+++ b/tools/js-optimizer.js
@@ -1396,13 +1396,16 @@ function registerize(ast) {
// to be optimized (f could replace FUNCTION_TABLE, so in general JS eliminating x is not valid).
+// In memSafe mode, we are more careful and assume functions can replace HEAP and FUNCTION_TABLE, which
+// can happen in ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH mode
var ELIMINATION_SAFE_NODES = set('var', 'assign', 'call', 'if', 'toplevel', 'do', 'return'); // do is checked carefully, however
var NODES_WITHOUT_ELIMINATION_SIDE_EFFECTS = set('name', 'num', 'string', 'binary', 'sub', 'unary-prefix');
var IGNORABLE_ELIMINATOR_SCAN_NODES = set('num', 'toplevel', 'string', 'break', 'continue', 'dot'); // dot can only be STRING_TABLE.*
var ABORTING_ELIMINATOR_SCAN_NODES = set('new', 'object', 'function', 'defun', 'switch', 'for', 'while', 'array', 'throw'); // we could handle some of these, TODO, but nontrivial (e.g. for while, the condition is hit multiple times after the body)
-function eliminate(ast) {
+function eliminate(ast, memSafe) {
// Find variables that have a single use, and if they can be eliminated, do so
traverseGeneratedFunctions(ast, function(func, type) {
//printErr('eliminate in ' + func[1]);
@@ -1613,7 +1616,7 @@ function eliminate(ast) {
} else if (type == 'sub') {
- traverseInOrder(node[1], false, true); // evaluate inner
+ traverseInOrder(node[1], false, !memSafe); // evaluate inner
traverseInOrder(node[2]); // evaluate outer
if (!ignoreSub) { // ignoreSub means we are a write (happening later), not a read
// do the memory access
@@ -1834,6 +1837,10 @@ function eliminate(ast) {
new ExpressionOptimizer(ast).run();
+function eliminateMemSafe(ast) {
+ eliminate(ast, true);
// Passes table
var compress = false, printMetadata = true;
@@ -1852,6 +1859,7 @@ var passes = {
loopOptimizer: loopOptimizer,
registerize: registerize,
eliminate: eliminate,
+ eliminateMemSafe: eliminateMemSafe,
compress: function() { compress = true; },
noPrintMetadata: function() { printMetadata = false; }