diff options
authorAlon Zakai <alonzakai@gmail.com>2013-05-25 15:35:55 -0700
committerAlon Zakai <alonzakai@gmail.com>2013-05-25 15:35:55 -0700
commit65e6caac45a3507664180ad7d1ed81f4f212cb77 (patch)
parent2275f51a55a91b4a989a7f044f70144dbee8bab6 (diff)
use smaller special label for longjmp
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/src/jsifier.js b/src/jsifier.js
index 17e8111b..bcc179d7 100644
--- a/src/jsifier.js
+++ b/src/jsifier.js
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ var RELOOP_IGNORED_LASTS = set('return', 'unreachable', 'resume');
var addedLibraryItems = {};
var asmLibraryFunctions = [];
+var SETJMP_LABEL = -1;
// JSifier
function JSify(data, functionsOnly, givenFunctions) {
var mainPass = !functionsOnly;
@@ -730,7 +732,7 @@ function JSify(data, functionsOnly, givenFunctions) {
}).join('\n') + '\n';
if (func.setjmpTable && ASM_JS) {
// emit a label in which we write to the proper local variable, before jumping to the actual label
- ret += ' case -1111: ';
+ ret += ' case ' + SETJMP_LABEL + ': ';
ret += func.setjmpTable.map(function(triple) { // original label, label we created for right after the setjmp, variable setjmp result goes into
return 'if ((setjmpLabel|0) == ' + getLabelId(triple.oldLabel) + ') { ' + triple.assignTo + ' = threwValue; label = ' + triple.newLabel + ' }\n';
}).join(' else ');
@@ -1489,9 +1491,9 @@ function JSify(data, functionsOnly, givenFunctions) {
if (ASM_JS && funcData.setjmpTable) {
- // check if a longjmp was done. If a setjmp happened, check if ours. If ours, go to -111 to handle it.
+ // check if a longjmp was done. If a setjmp happened, check if ours. If ours, go to a special label to handle it.
// otherwise, just return - the call to us must also have been an invoke, so the setjmp propagates that way
- ret += '; if (((__THREW__|0) != 0) & ((threwValue|0) != 0)) { setjmpLabel = ' + asmCoercion('_testSetjmp(' + makeGetValue('__THREW__', 0, 'i32') + ', setjmpTable)', 'i32') + '; if ((setjmpLabel|0) > 0) { label = -1111; break } else return ' + (funcData.returnType != 'void' ? asmCoercion('0', funcData.returnType) : '') + ' } __THREW__ = threwValue = 0;\n';
+ ret += '; if (((__THREW__|0) != 0) & ((threwValue|0) != 0)) { setjmpLabel = ' + asmCoercion('_testSetjmp(' + makeGetValue('__THREW__', 0, 'i32') + ', setjmpTable)', 'i32') + '; if ((setjmpLabel|0) > 0) { label = ' + SETJMP_LABEL + '; break } else return ' + (funcData.returnType != 'void' ? asmCoercion('0', funcData.returnType) : '') + ' } __THREW__ = threwValue = 0;\n';
return ret;