diff options
authorAlon Zakai <alonzakai@gmail.com>2014-04-23 17:52:20 -0700
committerAlon Zakai <alonzakai@gmail.com>2014-04-23 17:52:20 -0700
commit28ed391308c78e8cda92bfbe22da88ce9767cd25 (patch)
parent55c1dfd2c1548ebfd023e4f7d1c2416a11a534f8 (diff)
webidl binder
10 files changed, 5792 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/settings.js b/src/settings.js
index bf16290b..a9a72425 100644
--- a/src/settings.js
+++ b/src/settings.js
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ var EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS = ['_main', '_malloc'];
var EXPORT_ALL = 0; // If true, we export all the symbols. Note that this does *not* affect LLVM, so it can
// still eliminate functions as dead. This just exports them on the Module object.
var EXPORT_BINDINGS = 0; // Export all bindings generator functions (prefixed with emscripten_bind_). This
- // is necessary to use the bindings generator with asm.js
+ // is necessary to use the WebIDL binder or bindings generator with asm.js
var RETAIN_COMPILER_SETTINGS = 0; // Remembers the values of these settings, and makes them accessible
// through Runtime.getCompilerSetting and emscripten_get_compiler_setting.
// To see what is retained, look for compilerSettings in the generated code.
diff --git a/tests/test_core.py b/tests/test_core.py
index 1b116c4a..b5024309 100644
--- a/tests/test_core.py
+++ b/tests/test_core.py
@@ -5971,6 +5971,22 @@ def process(filename):
self.do_run(src, '|hello|43|world|41|', post_build=post)
+ def test_webidl(self):
+ if self.emcc_args is None: return self.skip('requires emcc')
+ output = Popen([PYTHON, path_from_root('tools', 'webidl_binder.py'),
+ path_from_root('tests', 'webidl', 'test.idl'),
+ 'glue']).communicate()[0]
+ assert os.path.exists('glue.cpp')
+ assert os.path.exists('glue.js')
+ self.emcc_args += ['--post-js', 'glue.js',
+ '--post-js', path_from_root('tests', 'webidl', 'post.js')]
+ shutil.copyfile(path_from_root('tests', 'webidl', 'test.h'), self.in_dir('test.h'))
+ shutil.copyfile(path_from_root('tests', 'webidl', 'test.cpp'), self.in_dir('test.cpp'))
+ src = open('test.cpp').read()
+ self.do_run(src, open(path_from_root('tests', 'webidl', 'output.txt')).read())
def test_typeinfo(self):
if os.environ.get('EMCC_FAST_COMPILER') != '0': return self.skip('fastcomp does not support RUNTIME_TYPE_INFO')
diff --git a/tests/webidl/output.txt b/tests/webidl/output.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b874d928
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/webidl/output.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+c1 v2
+*js virtualf replacement*
+*js virtualf replacement*
+*js virtualf2 replacement*
+*js virtualf3 replacement 123*
+caught: a JSImplementation must implement all functions, you forgot Child2JS::virtualFunc4.
diff --git a/tests/webidl/post.js b/tests/webidl/post.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..444efcd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/webidl/post.js
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+// Part 1
+var sme = new Module.Parent(42);
+var c1 = new Module.Child1();
+Module.print(c1.getValTimes()); // default argument should be 1
+Module.print('c1 v2');
+c1 = new Module.Child1(8); // now with a parameter, we should handle the overloading automatically and properly and use constructor #2
+var c2 = new Module.Child2();
+var succeeded;
+try {
+ succeeded = 0;
+ Module.print(c2.doSomethingSecret()); // should fail since private
+ succeeded = 1;
+} catch(e) {}
+try {
+ succeeded = 0;
+ Module.print(c2.getValSqr()); // function from the other class
+ succeeded = 1;
+} catch(e) {}
+try {
+ succeeded = 0;
+ c2.getValCube(); // sanity
+ succeeded = 1;
+} catch(e) {}
+Module.Child2.prototype.printStatic(); // static calls go through the prototype
+// virtual function
+// extend a class from JS
+var c3 = new Module.Child2JS;
+c3.virtualFunc = function() {
+ Module.print('*js virtualf replacement*');
+c3.virtualFunc2 = function() {
+ Module.print('*js virtualf2 replacement*');
+c3.virtualFunc3 = function(x) {
+ Module.print('*js virtualf3 replacement ' + x + '*');
+c3.virtualFunc3(123); // this one is not replaced!
+try {
+ c3.virtualFunc4(123);
+} catch(e) {
+ Module.print('caught: ' + e);
+c2.virtualFunc(); // original should remain the same
+// Part 2
+var suser = new Module.StringUser("hello", 43);
+suser.Print(41, "world");
+var bv = new Module.RefUser(10);
+var bv2 = new Module.RefUser(11);
+Module.print(typeof bv2.getMe());
+Module.print(typeof bv2.getCopy());
+Module.print(new Module.Inner().get());
+new Module.Inner().mul(2);
diff --git a/tests/webidl/test.cpp b/tests/webidl/test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a2b5c72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/webidl/test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#include "test.h"
+Parent::Parent(int val) : value(val) { printf("Parent:%d\n", val); }
+Parent::Parent(Parent *p, Parent *q) : value(p->value + q->value) { printf("Parent:%d\n", value); }
+void Parent::mulVal(int mul) { value *= mul; }
+#include "glue.cpp"
diff --git a/tests/webidl/test.h b/tests/webidl/test.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..903f8f78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/webidl/test.h
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+// Part 1
+class Parent {
+ int value;
+ Parent(int val);
+ Parent(Parent *p, Parent *q); // overload constructor
+ int getVal() { return value; }; // inline should work just fine here, unlike Way 1 before
+ void mulVal(int mul);
+class Child1 : public Parent {
+ Child1() : Parent(7) { printf("Child1:%d\n", value); };
+ Child1(int val) : Parent(val*2) { value -= 1; printf("Child1:%d\n", value); };
+ int getValSqr() { return value*value; }
+ int getValSqr(int more) { return value*value*more; }
+ int getValTimes(int times=1) { return value*times; }
+// Child2 has vtable, parent does not. Checks we cast child->parent properly - (Parent*)child is not a no-op, must offset
+class Child2 : public Parent {
+ Child2() : Parent(9) { printf("Child2:%d\n", value); };
+ int getValCube() { return value*value*value; }
+ static void printStatic() { printf("*static*\n"); }
+ virtual void virtualFunc() { printf("*virtualf*\n"); }
+ virtual void virtualFunc2() { printf("*virtualf2*\n"); }
+ static void runVirtualFunc(Child2 *self) { self->virtualFunc(); };
+ virtual void virtualFunc3(int x) { printf("*virtualf3: %d*\n", x); }
+ virtual void virtualFunc4(int x) { printf("*virtualf4: %d*\n", x); }
+ void doSomethingSecret() { printf("security breached!\n"); }; // we should not be able to do this
+// Part 2
+#include <string.h>
+class StringUser {
+ char *s;
+ int i;
+ StringUser(char *string="NO", int integer=99) : s(strdup(string)), i(integer) {}
+ void Print(int anotherInteger, char *anotherString) {
+ printf("|%s|%d|%s|%d|\n", s, i, anotherString, anotherInteger);
+ }
+ void PrintFloat(float f) { printf("%.2f\n", f); }
+struct RefUser {
+ int value;
+ RefUser(int x = 77) : value(x) {}
+ int getValue(RefUser b) { return b.value; }
+ RefUser &getMe() { return *this; }
+ RefUser getCopy() { return RefUser(value*2); }
+ StringUser getAnother() { return StringUser("another", 5); }
+namespace Space {
+ struct Inner {
+ Inner() {}
+ int get() { return 198; }
+ Inner& operator*=(float x) { return *this; }
+ };
diff --git a/tests/webidl/test.idl b/tests/webidl/test.idl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98ab5070
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/webidl/test.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+// Part 1
+interface Parent {
+ void Parent(long val);
+ long getVal();
+ void mulVal(long mul);
+interface Child1 {
+ void Child1(optional long val);
+ long getValSqr(optional long more);
+ long getValTimes(optional long times=1);
+Child1 implements Parent;
+interface Child2 {
+ void Child2();
+ long getValCube();
+ static void printStatic();
+ void virtualFunc();
+ void virtualFunc2();
+ void virtualFunc3(long x);
+ void virtualFunc4(long x);
+ static void runVirtualFunc(Child2 self);
+Child2 implements Parent;
+interface Child2JS {
+ void Child2JS();
+ void virtualFunc();
+ void virtualFunc2();
+ void virtualFunc3(long x);
+ void virtualFunc4(long x);
+// Part 2
+interface StringUser {
+ void StringUser();
+ void StringUser(DOMString str, long i);
+ void Print(long anotherInteger, DOMString anotherString);
+ void PrintFloat(float f);
+interface RefUser {
+ void RefUser();
+ void RefUser(long value);
+ long getValue([Ref] RefUser b);
+ [Ref] RefUser getMe();
+ [Value] RefUser getCopy(); // must have zero-arg constructor
+ [Value] StringUser getAnother();
+interface Inner {
+ void Inner();
+ long get();
+ [Operator="*=", Ref] Inner mul(float x);
diff --git a/third_party/WebIDL.py b/third_party/WebIDL.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..867a7cbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/WebIDL.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5030 @@
+# from http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/dom/bindings/parser/WebIDL.py
+# rev 501baeb3a034
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+""" A WebIDL parser. """
+from ply import lex, yacc
+import re
+import os
+import traceback
+import math
+# Machinery
+def parseInt(literal):
+ string = literal
+ sign = 0
+ base = 0
+ if string[0] == '-':
+ sign = -1
+ string = string[1:]
+ else:
+ sign = 1
+ if string[0] == '0' and len(string) > 1:
+ if string[1] == 'x' or string[1] == 'X':
+ base = 16
+ string = string[2:]
+ else:
+ base = 8
+ string = string[1:]
+ else:
+ base = 10
+ value = int(string, base)
+ return value * sign
+# Magic for creating enums
+def M_add_class_attribs(attribs, start):
+ def foo(name, bases, dict_):
+ for v, k in enumerate(attribs):
+ dict_[k] = start + v
+ assert 'length' not in dict_
+ dict_['length'] = start + len(attribs)
+ return type(name, bases, dict_)
+ return foo
+def enum(*names, **kw):
+ if len(kw) == 1:
+ base = kw['base'].__class__
+ start = base.length
+ else:
+ assert len(kw) == 0
+ base = object
+ start = 0
+ class Foo(base):
+ __metaclass__ = M_add_class_attribs(names, start)
+ def __setattr__(self, name, value): # this makes it read-only
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ return Foo()
+class WebIDLError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, message, locations, warning=False):
+ self.message = message
+ self.locations = [str(loc) for loc in locations]
+ self.warning = warning
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "%s: %s%s%s" % (self.warning and 'warning' or 'error',
+ self.message,
+ ", " if len(self.locations) != 0 else "",
+ "\n".join(self.locations))
+class Location(object):
+ def __init__(self, lexer, lineno, lexpos, filename):
+ self._line = None
+ self._lineno = lineno
+ self._lexpos = lexpos
+ self._lexdata = lexer.lexdata
+ self._file = filename if filename else "<unknown>"
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return self._lexpos == other._lexpos and \
+ self._file == other._file
+ def filename(self):
+ return self._file
+ def resolve(self):
+ if self._line:
+ return
+ startofline = self._lexdata.rfind('\n', 0, self._lexpos) + 1
+ endofline = self._lexdata.find('\n', self._lexpos, self._lexpos + 80)
+ if endofline != -1:
+ self._line = self._lexdata[startofline:endofline]
+ else:
+ self._line = self._lexdata[startofline:]
+ self._colno = self._lexpos - startofline
+ # Our line number seems to point to the start of self._lexdata
+ self._lineno += self._lexdata.count('\n', 0, startofline)
+ def get(self):
+ self.resolve()
+ return "%s line %s:%s" % (self._file, self._lineno, self._colno)
+ def _pointerline(self):
+ return " " * self._colno + "^"
+ def __str__(self):
+ self.resolve()
+ return "%s line %s:%s\n%s\n%s" % (self._file, self._lineno, self._colno,
+ self._line, self._pointerline())
+class BuiltinLocation(object):
+ def __init__(self, text):
+ self.msg = text + "\n"
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return isinstance(other, BuiltinLocation) and \
+ self.msg == other.msg
+ def filename(self):
+ return '<builtin>'
+ def resolve(self):
+ pass
+ def get(self):
+ return self.msg
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.get()
+# Data Model
+class IDLObject(object):
+ def __init__(self, location):
+ self.location = location
+ self.userData = dict()
+ def filename(self):
+ return self.location.filename()
+ def isInterface(self):
+ return False
+ def isEnum(self):
+ return False
+ def isCallback(self):
+ return False
+ def isType(self):
+ return False
+ def isDictionary(self):
+ return False;
+ def isUnion(self):
+ return False
+ def getUserData(self, key, default):
+ return self.userData.get(key, default)
+ def setUserData(self, key, value):
+ self.userData[key] = value
+ def addExtendedAttributes(self, attrs):
+ assert False # Override me!
+ def handleExtendedAttribute(self, attr):
+ assert False # Override me!
+ def _getDependentObjects(self):
+ assert False # Override me!
+ def getDeps(self, visited=None):
+ """ Return a set of files that this object depends on. If any of
+ these files are changed the parser needs to be rerun to regenerate
+ a new IDLObject.
+ The visited argument is a set of all the objects already visited.
+ We must test to see if we are in it, and if so, do nothing. This
+ prevents infinite recursion."""
+ # NB: We can't use visited=set() above because the default value is
+ # evaluated when the def statement is evaluated, not when the function
+ # is executed, so there would be one set for all invocations.
+ if visited == None:
+ visited = set()
+ if self in visited:
+ return set()
+ visited.add(self)
+ deps = set()
+ if self.filename() != "<builtin>":
+ deps.add(self.filename())
+ for d in self._getDependentObjects():
+ deps = deps.union(d.getDeps(visited))
+ return deps
+class IDLScope(IDLObject):
+ def __init__(self, location, parentScope, identifier):
+ IDLObject.__init__(self, location)
+ self.parentScope = parentScope
+ if identifier:
+ assert isinstance(identifier, IDLIdentifier)
+ self._name = identifier
+ else:
+ self._name = None
+ self._dict = {}
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.QName()
+ def QName(self):
+ if self._name:
+ return self._name.QName() + "::"
+ return "::"
+ def ensureUnique(self, identifier, object):
+ """
+ Ensure that there is at most one 'identifier' in scope ('self').
+ Note that object can be None. This occurs if we end up here for an
+ interface type we haven't seen yet.
+ """
+ assert isinstance(identifier, IDLUnresolvedIdentifier)
+ assert not object or isinstance(object, IDLObjectWithIdentifier)
+ assert not object or object.identifier == identifier
+ if identifier.name in self._dict:
+ if not object:
+ return
+ # ensureUnique twice with the same object is not allowed
+ assert id(object) != id(self._dict[identifier.name])
+ replacement = self.resolveIdentifierConflict(self, identifier,
+ self._dict[identifier.name],
+ object)
+ self._dict[identifier.name] = replacement
+ return
+ assert object
+ self._dict[identifier.name] = object
+ def resolveIdentifierConflict(self, scope, identifier, originalObject, newObject):
+ if isinstance(originalObject, IDLExternalInterface) and \
+ isinstance(newObject, IDLExternalInterface) and \
+ originalObject.identifier.name == newObject.identifier.name:
+ return originalObject
+ if (isinstance(originalObject, IDLExternalInterface) or
+ isinstance(newObject, IDLExternalInterface)):
+ raise WebIDLError(
+ "Name collision between "
+ "interface declarations for identifier '%s' at '%s' and '%s'"
+ % (identifier.name,
+ originalObject.location, newObject.location), [])
+ # We do the merging of overloads here as opposed to in IDLInterface
+ # because we need to merge overloads of NamedConstructors and we need to
+ # detect conflicts in those across interfaces. See also the comment in
+ # IDLInterface.addExtendedAttributes for "NamedConstructor".
+ if originalObject.tag == IDLInterfaceMember.Tags.Method and \
+ newObject.tag == IDLInterfaceMember.Tags.Method:
+ return originalObject.addOverload(newObject)
+ # Default to throwing, derived classes can override.
+ conflictdesc = "\n\t%s at %s\n\t%s at %s" % \
+ (originalObject, originalObject.location, newObject, newObject.location)
+ raise WebIDLError(
+ "Multiple unresolvable definitions of identifier '%s' in scope '%s%s"
+ % (identifier.name, str(self), conflictdesc), [])
+ def _lookupIdentifier(self, identifier):
+ return self._dict[identifier.name]
+ def lookupIdentifier(self, identifier):
+ assert isinstance(identifier, IDLIdentifier)
+ assert identifier.scope == self
+ return self._lookupIdentifier(identifier)
+class IDLIdentifier(IDLObject):
+ def __init__(self, location, scope, name):
+ IDLObject.__init__(self, location)
+ self.name = name
+ assert isinstance(scope, IDLScope)
+ self.scope = scope
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.QName()
+ def QName(self):
+ return self.scope.QName() + self.name
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return self.QName().__hash__()
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return self.QName() == other.QName()
+ def object(self):
+ return self.scope.lookupIdentifier(self)
+class IDLUnresolvedIdentifier(IDLObject):
+ def __init__(self, location, name, allowDoubleUnderscore = False,
+ allowForbidden = False):
+ IDLObject.__init__(self, location)
+ assert len(name) > 0
+ if name[:2] == "__" and name != "__content" and name != "___noSuchMethod__" and not allowDoubleUnderscore:
+ raise WebIDLError("Identifiers beginning with __ are reserved",
+ [location])
+ if name[0] == '_' and not allowDoubleUnderscore:
+ name = name[1:]
+ # TODO: Bug 872377, Restore "toJSON" to below list.
+ # We sometimes need custom serialization, so allow toJSON for now.
+ if (name in ["constructor", "toString"] and
+ not allowForbidden):
+ raise WebIDLError("Cannot use reserved identifier '%s'" % (name),
+ [location])
+ self.name = name
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.QName()
+ def QName(self):
+ return "<unresolved scope>::" + self.name
+ def resolve(self, scope, object):
+ assert isinstance(scope, IDLScope)
+ assert not object or isinstance(object, IDLObjectWithIdentifier)
+ assert not object or object.identifier == self
+ scope.ensureUnique(self, object)
+ identifier = IDLIdentifier(self.location, scope, self.name)
+ if object:
+ object.identifier = identifier
+ return identifier
+ def finish(self):
+ assert False # Should replace with a resolved identifier first.
+class IDLObjectWithIdentifier(IDLObject):
+ def __init__(self, location, parentScope, identifier):
+ IDLObject.__init__(self, location)
+ assert isinstance(identifier, IDLUnresolvedIdentifier)
+ self.identifier = identifier
+ if parentScope:
+ self.resolve(parentScope)
+ self.treatNullAs = "Default"
+ def resolve(self, parentScope):
+ assert isinstance(parentScope, IDLScope)
+ assert isinstance(self.identifier, IDLUnresolvedIdentifier)
+ self.identifier.resolve(parentScope, self)
+ def checkForStringHandlingExtendedAttributes(self, attrs,
+ isDictionaryMember=False,
+ isOptional=False):
+ """
+ A helper function to deal with TreatNullAs. Returns the list
+ of attrs it didn't handle itself.
+ """
+ assert isinstance(self, IDLArgument) or isinstance(self, IDLAttribute)
+ unhandledAttrs = list()
+ for attr in attrs:
+ if not attr.hasValue():
+ unhandledAttrs.append(attr)
+ continue
+ identifier = attr.identifier()
+ value = attr.value()
+ if identifier == "TreatNullAs":
+ if not self.type.isDOMString() or self.type.nullable():
+ raise WebIDLError("[TreatNullAs] is only allowed on "
+ "arguments or attributes whose type is "
+ "DOMString",
+ [self.location])
+ if isDictionaryMember:
+ raise WebIDLError("[TreatNullAs] is not allowed for "
+ "dictionary members", [self.location])
+ if value != 'EmptyString':
+ raise WebIDLError("[TreatNullAs] must take the identifier "
+ "'EmptyString', not '%s'" % value,
+ [self.location])
+ self.treatNullAs = value
+ else:
+ unhandledAttrs.append(attr)
+ return unhandledAttrs
+class IDLObjectWithScope(IDLObjectWithIdentifier, IDLScope):
+ def __init__(self, location, parentScope, identifier):
+ assert isinstance(identifier, IDLUnresolvedIdentifier)
+ IDLObjectWithIdentifier.__init__(self, location, parentScope, identifier)
+ IDLScope.__init__(self, location, parentScope, self.identifier)
+class IDLIdentifierPlaceholder(IDLObjectWithIdentifier):
+ def __init__(self, location, identifier):
+ assert isinstance(identifier, IDLUnresolvedIdentifier)
+ IDLObjectWithIdentifier.__init__(self, location, None, identifier)
+ def finish(self, scope):
+ try:
+ scope._lookupIdentifier(self.identifier)
+ except:
+ raise WebIDLError("Unresolved type '%s'." % self.identifier,
+ [self.location])
+ obj = self.identifier.resolve(scope, None)
+ return scope.lookupIdentifier(obj)
+class IDLExternalInterface(IDLObjectWithIdentifier):
+ def __init__(self, location, parentScope, identifier):
+ assert isinstance(identifier, IDLUnresolvedIdentifier)
+ assert isinstance(parentScope, IDLScope)
+ self.parent = None
+ IDLObjectWithIdentifier.__init__(self, location, parentScope, identifier)
+ IDLObjectWithIdentifier.resolve(self, parentScope)
+ def finish(self, scope):
+ pass
+ def validate(self):
+ pass
+ def isExternal(self):
+ return True
+ def isInterface(self):
+ return True
+ def isConsequential(self):
+ return False
+ def addExtendedAttributes(self, attrs):
+ assert len(attrs) == 0
+ def resolve(self, parentScope):
+ pass
+ def getJSImplementation(self):
+ return None
+ def isJSImplemented(self):
+ return False
+ def getNavigatorProperty(self):
+ return None
+ def _getDependentObjects(self):
+ return set()
+class IDLInterface(IDLObjectWithScope):
+ def __init__(self, location, parentScope, name, parent, members,
+ isPartial):
+ assert isinstance(parentScope, IDLScope)
+ assert isinstance(name, IDLUnresolvedIdentifier)
+ assert not isPartial or not parent
+ self.parent = None
+ self._callback = False
+ self._finished = False
+ self.members = []
+ # namedConstructors needs deterministic ordering because bindings code
+ # outputs the constructs in the order that namedConstructors enumerates
+ # them.
+ self.namedConstructors = list()
+ self.implementedInterfaces = set()
+ self._consequential = False
+ self._isPartial = True
+ # self.interfacesBasedOnSelf is the set of interfaces that inherit from
+ # self or have self as a consequential interface, including self itself.
+ # Used for distinguishability checking.
+ self.interfacesBasedOnSelf = set([self])
+ # self.interfacesImplementingSelf is the set of interfaces that directly
+ # have self as a consequential interface
+ self.interfacesImplementingSelf = set()
+ self._hasChildInterfaces = False
+ self._isOnGlobalProtoChain = False
+ # Tracking of the number of reserved slots we need for our
+ # members and those of ancestor interfaces.
+ self.totalMembersInSlots = 0
+ # Tracking of the number of own own members we have in slots
+ self._ownMembersInSlots = 0
+ IDLObjectWithScope.__init__(self, location, parentScope, name)
+ if not isPartial:
+ self.setNonPartial(location, parent, members)
+ else:
+ # Just remember our members for now
+ self.members = members
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "Interface '%s'" % self.identifier.name
+ def ctor(self):
+ identifier = IDLUnresolvedIdentifier(self.location, "constructor",
+ allowForbidden=True)
+ try:
+ return self._lookupIdentifier(identifier)
+ except:
+ return None
+ def resolveIdentifierConflict(self, scope, identifier, originalObject, newObject):
+ assert isinstance(scope, IDLScope)
+ assert isinstance(originalObject, IDLInterfaceMember)
+ assert isinstance(newObject, IDLInterfaceMember)
+ retval = IDLScope.resolveIdentifierConflict(self, scope, identifier,
+ originalObject, newObject)
+ # Might be a ctor, which isn't in self.members
+ if newObject in self.members:
+ self.members.remove(newObject)
+ return retval
+ def finish(self, scope):
+ if self._finished:
+ return
+ self._finished = True
+ if self._isPartial:
+ raise WebIDLError("Interface %s does not have a non-partial "
+ "declaration" % self.identifier.name,
+ [self.location])
+ assert not self.parent or isinstance(self.parent, IDLIdentifierPlaceholder)
+ parent = self.parent.finish(scope) if self.parent else None
+ if parent and isinstance(parent, IDLExternalInterface):
+ raise WebIDLError("%s inherits from %s which does not have "
+ "a definition" %
+ (self.identifier.name,
+ self.parent.identifier.name),
+ [self.location])
+ assert not parent or isinstance(parent, IDLInterface)
+ self.parent = parent
+ assert iter(self.members)
+ if self.parent:
+ self.parent.finish(scope)
+ self.parent._hasChildInterfaces = True
+ self.totalMembersInSlots = self.parent.totalMembersInSlots
+ # Interfaces with [Global] must not have anything inherit from them
+ if self.parent.getExtendedAttribute("Global"):
+ # Note: This is not a self.parent.isOnGlobalProtoChain() check
+ # because ancestors of a [Global] interface can have other
+ # descendants.
+ raise WebIDLError("[Global] interface has another interface "
+ "inheriting from it",
+ [self.location, self.parent.location])
+ # Callbacks must not inherit from non-callbacks or inherit from
+ # anything that has consequential interfaces.
+ # XXXbz Can non-callbacks inherit from callbacks? Spec issue pending.
+ # XXXbz Can callbacks have consequential interfaces? Spec issue pending
+ if self.isCallback():
+ if not self.parent.isCallback():
+ raise WebIDLError("Callback interface %s inheriting from "
+ "non-callback interface %s" %
+ (self.identifier.name,
+ self.parent.identifier.name),
+ [self.location, self.parent.location])
+ elif self.parent.isCallback():
+ raise WebIDLError("Non-callback interface %s inheriting from "
+ "callback interface %s" %
+ (self.identifier.name,
+ self.parent.identifier.name),
+ [self.location, self.parent.location])
+ for iface in self.implementedInterfaces:
+ iface.finish(scope)
+ cycleInGraph = self.findInterfaceLoopPoint(self)
+ if cycleInGraph:
+ raise WebIDLError("Interface %s has itself as ancestor or "
+ "implemented interface" % self.identifier.name,
+ [self.location, cycleInGraph.location])
+ if self.isCallback():
+ # "implements" should have made sure we have no
+ # consequential interfaces.
+ assert len(self.getConsequentialInterfaces()) == 0
+ # And that we're not consequential.
+ assert not self.isConsequential()
+ # Now resolve() and finish() our members before importing the
+ # ones from our implemented interfaces.
+ # resolve() will modify self.members, so we need to iterate
+ # over a copy of the member list here.
+ for member in list(self.members):
+ member.resolve(self)
+ for member in self.members:
+ member.finish(scope)
+ ctor = self.ctor()
+ if ctor is not None:
+ ctor.finish(scope)
+ for ctor in self.namedConstructors:
+ ctor.finish(scope)
+ # Make a copy of our member list, so things that implement us
+ # can get those without all the stuff we implement ourselves
+ # admixed.
+ self.originalMembers = list(self.members)
+ # Import everything from our consequential interfaces into
+ # self.members. Sort our consequential interfaces by name
+ # just so we have a consistent order.
+ for iface in sorted(self.getConsequentialInterfaces(),
+ cmp=cmp,
+ key=lambda x: x.identifier.name):
+ # Flag the interface as being someone's consequential interface
+ iface.setIsConsequentialInterfaceOf(self)
+ additionalMembers = iface.originalMembers;
+ for additionalMember in additionalMembers:
+ for member in self.members:
+ if additionalMember.identifier.name == member.identifier.name:
+ raise WebIDLError(
+ "Multiple definitions of %s on %s coming from 'implements' statements" %
+ (member.identifier.name, self),
+ [additionalMember.location, member.location])
+ self.members.extend(additionalMembers)
+ iface.interfacesImplementingSelf.add(self)
+ for ancestor in self.getInheritedInterfaces():
+ ancestor.interfacesBasedOnSelf.add(self)
+ for ancestorConsequential in ancestor.getConsequentialInterfaces():
+ ancestorConsequential.interfacesBasedOnSelf.add(self)
+ for member in self.members:
+ if (member.isAttr() and member.isUnforgeable() and
+ not hasattr(member, "originatingInterface")):
+ member.originatingInterface = self
+ # Compute slot indices for our members before we pull in
+ # unforgeable members from our parent.
+ for member in self.members:
+ if (member.isAttr() and
+ (member.getExtendedAttribute("StoreInSlot") or
+ member.getExtendedAttribute("Cached"))):
+ member.slotIndex = self.totalMembersInSlots
+ self.totalMembersInSlots += 1
+ if member.getExtendedAttribute("StoreInSlot"):
+ self._ownMembersInSlots += 1
+ if self.parent:
+ # Make sure we don't shadow any of the [Unforgeable] attributes on
+ # our ancestor interfaces. We don't have to worry about
+ # consequential interfaces here, because those have already been
+ # imported into the relevant .members lists. And we don't have to
+ # worry about anything other than our parent, because it has already
+ # imported its ancestors unforgeable attributes into its member
+ # list.
+ for unforgeableAttr in (attr for attr in self.parent.members if
+ attr.isAttr() and not attr.isStatic() and
+ attr.isUnforgeable()):
+ shadows = [ m for m in self.members if
+ (m.isAttr() or m.isMethod()) and
+ not m.isStatic() and
+ m.identifier.name == unforgeableAttr.identifier.name ]
+ if len(shadows) != 0:
+ locs = [unforgeableAttr.location] + [ s.location for s
+ in shadows ]
+ raise WebIDLError("Interface %s shadows [Unforgeable] "
+ "members of %s" %
+ (self.identifier.name,
+ ancestor.identifier.name),
+ locs)
+ # And now just stick it in our members, since we won't be
+ # inheriting this down the proto chain. If we really cared we
+ # could try to do something where we set up the unforgeable
+ # attributes of ancestor interfaces, with their corresponding
+ # getters, on our interface, but that gets pretty complicated
+ # and seems unnecessary.
+ self.members.append(unforgeableAttr)
+ # Ensure that there's at most one of each {named,indexed}
+ # {getter,setter,creator,deleter}, at most one stringifier,
+ # and at most one legacycaller. Note that this last is not
+ # quite per spec, but in practice no one overloads
+ # legacycallers.
+ specialMembersSeen = {}
+ for member in self.members:
+ if not member.isMethod():
+ continue
+ if member.isGetter():
+ memberType = "getters"
+ elif member.isSetter():
+ memberType = "setters"
+ elif member.isCreator():
+ memberType = "creators"
+ elif member.isDeleter():
+ memberType = "deleters"
+ elif member.isStringifier():
+ memberType = "stringifiers"
+ elif member.isJsonifier():
+ memberType = "jsonifiers"
+ elif member.isLegacycaller():
+ memberType = "legacycallers"
+ else:
+ continue
+ if (memberType != "stringifiers" and memberType != "legacycallers" and
+ memberType != "jsonifiers"):
+ if member.isNamed():
+ memberType = "named " + memberType
+ else:
+ assert member.isIndexed()
+ memberType = "indexed " + memberType
+ if memberType in specialMembersSeen:
+ raise WebIDLError("Multiple " + memberType + " on %s" % (self),
+ [self.location,
+ specialMembersSeen[memberType].location,
+ member.location])
+ specialMembersSeen[memberType] = member
+ if self._isOnGlobalProtoChain:
+ # Make sure we have no named setters, creators, or deleters
+ for memberType in ["setter", "creator", "deleter"]:
+ memberId = "named " + memberType + "s"
+ if memberId in specialMembersSeen:
+ raise WebIDLError("Interface with [Global] has a named %s" %
+ memberType,
+ [self.location,
+ specialMembersSeen[memberId].location])
+ # Make sure we're not [OverrideBuiltins]
+ if self.getExtendedAttribute("OverrideBuiltins"):
+ raise WebIDLError("Interface with [Global] also has "
+ "[OverrideBuiltins]",
+ [self.location])
+ # Mark all of our ancestors as being on the global's proto chain too
+ parent = self.parent
+ while parent:
+ # Must not inherit from an interface with [OverrideBuiltins]
+ if parent.getExtendedAttribute("OverrideBuiltins"):
+ raise WebIDLError("Interface with [Global] inherits from "
+ "interface with [OverrideBuiltins]",
+ [self.location, parent.location])
+ parent._isOnGlobalProtoChain = True
+ parent = parent.parent
+ def validate(self):
+ for member in self.members:
+ member.validate()
+ # Check that PutForwards refers to another attribute and that no
+ # cycles exist in forwarded assignments.
+ if member.isAttr():
+ iface = self
+ attr = member
+ putForwards = attr.getExtendedAttribute("PutForwards")
+ if putForwards and self.isCallback():
+ raise WebIDLError("[PutForwards] used on an attribute "
+ "on interface %s which is a callback "
+ "interface" % self.identifier.name,
+ [self.location, member.location])
+ while putForwards is not None:
+ forwardIface = attr.type.unroll().inner
+ fowardAttr = None
+ for forwardedMember in forwardIface.members:
+ if (not forwardedMember.isAttr() or
+ forwardedMember.identifier.name != putForwards[0]):
+ continue
+ if forwardedMember == member:
+ raise WebIDLError("Cycle detected in forwarded "
+ "assignments for attribute %s on "
+ "%s" %
+ (member.identifier.name, self),
+ [member.location])
+ fowardAttr = forwardedMember
+ break
+ if fowardAttr is None:
+ raise WebIDLError("Attribute %s on %s forwards to "
+ "missing attribute %s" %
+ (attr.identifier.name, iface, putForwards),
+ [attr.location])
+ iface = forwardIface
+ attr = fowardAttr
+ putForwards = attr.getExtendedAttribute("PutForwards")
+ def isInterface(self):
+ return True
+ def isExternal(self):
+ return False
+ def setIsConsequentialInterfaceOf(self, other):
+ self._consequential = True
+ self.interfacesBasedOnSelf.add(other)
+ def isConsequential(self):
+ return self._consequential
+ def setCallback(self, value):
+ self._callback = value
+ def isCallback(self):
+ return self._callback
+ def isSingleOperationInterface(self):
+ assert self.isCallback() or self.isJSImplemented()
+ return (
+ # JS-implemented things should never need the
+ # this-handling weirdness of single-operation interfaces.
+ not self.isJSImplemented() and
+ # Not inheriting from another interface
+ not self.parent and
+ # No consequential interfaces
+ len(self.getConsequentialInterfaces()) == 0 and
+ # No attributes of any kinds
+ not any(m.isAttr() for m in self.members) and
+ # There is at least one regular operation, and all regular
+ # operations have the same identifier
+ len(set(m.identifier.name for m in self.members if
+ m.isMethod() and not m.isStatic())) == 1)
+ def inheritanceDepth(self):
+ depth = 0
+ parent = self.parent
+ while parent:
+ depth = depth + 1
+ parent = parent.parent
+ return depth
+ def hasConstants(self):
+ return any(m.isConst() for m in self.members)
+ def hasInterfaceObject(self):
+ if self.isCallback():
+ return self.hasConstants()
+ return not hasattr(self, "_noInterfaceObject")
+ def hasInterfacePrototypeObject(self):
+ return not self.isCallback() and self.getUserData('hasConcreteDescendant', False)
+ def addExtendedAttributes(self, attrs):
+ self._extendedAttrDict = {}
+ for attr in attrs:
+ identifier = attr.identifier()
+ # Special cased attrs
+ if identifier == "TreatNonCallableAsNull":
+ raise WebIDLError("TreatNonCallableAsNull cannot be specified on interfaces",
+ [attr.location, self.location])
+ if identifier == "TreatNonObjectAsNull":
+ raise WebIDLError("TreatNonObjectAsNull cannot be specified on interfaces",
+ [attr.location, self.location])
+ elif identifier == "NoInterfaceObject":
+ if not attr.noArguments():
+ raise WebIDLError("[NoInterfaceObject] must take no arguments",
+ [attr.location])
+ if self.ctor():
+ raise WebIDLError("Constructor and NoInterfaceObject are incompatible",
+ [self.location])
+ self._noInterfaceObject = True
+ elif identifier == "Constructor" or identifier == "NamedConstructor" or identifier == "ChromeConstructor":
+ if identifier == "Constructor" and not self.hasInterfaceObject():
+ raise WebIDLError(str(identifier) + " and NoInterfaceObject are incompatible",
+ [self.location])
+ if identifier == "NamedConstructor" and not attr.hasValue():
+ raise WebIDLError("NamedConstructor must either take an identifier or take a named argument list",
+ [attr.location])
+ if identifier == "ChromeConstructor" and not self.hasInterfaceObject():
+ raise WebIDLError(str(identifier) + " and NoInterfaceObject are incompatible",
+ [self.location])
+ args = attr.args() if attr.hasArgs() else []
+ retType = IDLWrapperType(self.location, self)
+ if identifier == "Constructor" or identifier == "ChromeConstructor":
+ name = "constructor"
+ allowForbidden = True
+ else:
+ name = attr.value()
+ allowForbidden = False
+ methodIdentifier = IDLUnresolvedIdentifier(self.location, name,
+ allowForbidden=allowForbidden)
+ method = IDLMethod(self.location, methodIdentifier, retType,
+ args, static=True)
+ # Constructors are always NewObject and are always
+ # assumed to be able to throw (since there's no way to
+ # indicate otherwise) and never have any other
+ # extended attributes.
+ method.addExtendedAttributes(
+ [IDLExtendedAttribute(self.location, ("NewObject",)),
+ IDLExtendedAttribute(self.location, ("Throws",))])
+ if identifier == "ChromeConstructor":
+ method.addExtendedAttributes(
+ [IDLExtendedAttribute(self.location, ("ChromeOnly",))])
+ if identifier == "Constructor" or identifier == "ChromeConstructor":
+ method.resolve(self)
+ else:
+ # We need to detect conflicts for NamedConstructors across
+ # interfaces. We first call resolve on the parentScope,
+ # which will merge all NamedConstructors with the same
+ # identifier accross interfaces as overloads.
+ method.resolve(self.parentScope)
+ # Then we look up the identifier on the parentScope. If the
+ # result is the same as the method we're adding then it
+ # hasn't been added as an overload and it's the first time
+ # we've encountered a NamedConstructor with that identifier.
+ # If the result is not the same as the method we're adding
+ # then it has been added as an overload and we need to check
+ # whether the result is actually one of our existing
+ # NamedConstructors.
+ newMethod = self.parentScope.lookupIdentifier(method.identifier)
+ if newMethod == method:
+ self.namedConstructors.append(method)
+ elif not newMethod in self.namedConstructors:
+ raise WebIDLError("NamedConstructor conflicts with a NamedConstructor of a different interface",
+ [method.location, newMethod.location])
+ elif (identifier == "ArrayClass"):
+ if not attr.noArguments():
+ raise WebIDLError("[ArrayClass] must take no arguments",
+ [attr.location])
+ if self.parent:
+ raise WebIDLError("[ArrayClass] must not be specified on "
+ "an interface with inherited interfaces",
+ [attr.location, self.location])
+ elif identifier == "Global":
+ if not attr.noArguments():
+ raise WebIDLError("[Global] must take no arguments",
+ [attr.location])
+ self._isOnGlobalProtoChain = True
+ elif (identifier == "NeedNewResolve" or
+ identifier == "OverrideBuiltins" or
+ identifier == "NoDelete" or
+ identifier == "ChromeOnly"):
+ # Known extended attributes that do not take values
+ if not attr.noArguments():
+ raise WebIDLError("[%s] must take no arguments" % identifier,
+ [attr.location])
+ elif (identifier == "Pref" or
+ identifier == "JSImplementation" or
+ identifier == "HeaderFile" or
+ identifier == "NavigatorProperty" or
+ identifier == "AvailableIn" or
+ identifier == "Prefix" or
+ identifier == "Func"):
+ # Known extended attributes that take a string value
+ if not attr.hasValue():
+ raise WebIDLError("[%s] must have a value" % identifier,
+ [attr.location])
+ else:
+ raise WebIDLError("Unknown extended attribute %s on interface" % identifier,
+ [attr.location])
+ attrlist = attr.listValue()
+ self._extendedAttrDict[identifier] = attrlist if len(attrlist) else True
+ def addImplementedInterface(self, implementedInterface):
+ assert(isinstance(implementedInterface, IDLInterface))
+ self.implementedInterfaces.add(implementedInterface)
+ def getInheritedInterfaces(self):
+ """
+ Returns a list of the interfaces this interface inherits from
+ (not including this interface itself). The list is in order
+ from most derived to least derived.
+ """
+ assert(self._finished)
+ if not self.parent:
+ return []
+ parentInterfaces = self.parent.getInheritedInterfaces()
+ parentInterfaces.insert(0, self.parent)
+ return parentInterfaces
+ def getConsequentialInterfaces(self):
+ assert(self._finished)
+ # The interfaces we implement directly
+ consequentialInterfaces = set(self.implementedInterfaces)
+ # And their inherited interfaces
+ for iface in self.implementedInterfaces:
+ consequentialInterfaces |= set(iface.getInheritedInterfaces())
+ # And now collect up the consequential interfaces of all of those
+ temp = set()
+ for iface in consequentialInterfaces:
+ temp |= iface.getConsequentialInterfaces()
+ return consequentialInterfaces | temp
+ def findInterfaceLoopPoint(self, otherInterface):
+ """
+ Finds an interface, amongst our ancestors and consequential interfaces,
+ that inherits from otherInterface or implements otherInterface
+ directly. If there is no such interface, returns None.
+ """
+ if self.parent:
+ if self.parent == otherInterface:
+ return self
+ loopPoint = self.parent.findInterfaceLoopPoint(otherInterface)
+ if loopPoint:
+ return loopPoint
+ if otherInterface in self.implementedInterfaces:
+ return self
+ for iface in self.implementedInterfaces:
+ loopPoint = iface.findInterfaceLoopPoint(otherInterface)
+ if loopPoint:
+ return loopPoint
+ return None
+ def getExtendedAttribute(self, name):
+ return self._extendedAttrDict.get(name, None)
+ def setNonPartial(self, location, parent, members):
+ assert not parent or isinstance(parent, IDLIdentifierPlaceholder)
+ if not self._isPartial:
+ raise WebIDLError("Two non-partial definitions for the "
+ "same interface",
+ [location, self.location])
+ self._isPartial = False
+ # Now make it look like we were parsed at this new location, since
+ # that's the place where the interface is "really" defined
+ self.location = location
+ assert not self.parent
+ self.parent = parent
+ # Put the new members at the beginning
+ self.members = members + self.members
+ def getJSImplementation(self):
+ classId = self.getExtendedAttribute("JSImplementation")
+ if not classId:
+ return classId
+ assert isinstance(classId, list)
+ assert len(classId) == 1
+ return classId[0]
+ def isJSImplemented(self):
+ return bool(self.getJSImplementation())
+ def getNavigatorProperty(self):
+ naviProp = self.getExtendedAttribute("NavigatorProperty")
+ if not naviProp:
+ return None
+ assert len(naviProp) == 1
+ assert isinstance(naviProp, list)
+ assert len(naviProp[0]) != 0
+ return naviProp[0]
+ def hasChildInterfaces(self):
+ return self._hasChildInterfaces
+ def isOnGlobalProtoChain(self):
+ return self._isOnGlobalProtoChain
+ def _getDependentObjects(self):
+ deps = set(self.members)
+ deps.union(self.implementedInterfaces)
+ if self.parent:
+ deps.add(self.parent)
+ return deps
+ def hasMembersInSlots(self):
+ return self._ownMembersInSlots != 0
+class IDLDictionary(IDLObjectWithScope):
+ def __init__(self, location, parentScope, name, parent, members):
+ assert isinstance(parentScope, IDLScope)
+ assert isinstance(name, IDLUnresolvedIdentifier)
+ assert not parent or isinstance(parent, IDLIdentifierPlaceholder)
+ self.parent = parent
+ self._finished = False
+ self.members = list(members)
+ IDLObjectWithScope.__init__(self, location, parentScope, name)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "Dictionary '%s'" % self.identifier.name
+ def isDictionary(self):
+ return True;
+ def finish(self, scope):
+ if self._finished:
+ return
+ self._finished = True
+ if self.parent:
+ assert isinstance(self.parent, IDLIdentifierPlaceholder)
+ oldParent = self.parent
+ self.parent = self.parent.finish(scope)
+ if not isinstance(self.parent, IDLDictionary):
+ raise WebIDLError("Dictionary %s has parent that is not a dictionary" %
+ self.identifier.name,
+ [oldParent.location, self.parent.location])
+ # Make sure the parent resolves all its members before we start
+ # looking at them.
+ self.parent.finish(scope)
+ for member in self.members:
+ member.resolve(self)
+ if not member.isComplete():
+ member.complete(scope)
+ assert member.type.isComplete()
+ # Members of a dictionary are sorted in lexicographic order
+ self.members.sort(cmp=cmp, key=lambda x: x.identifier.name)
+ inheritedMembers = []
+ ancestor = self.parent
+ while ancestor:
+ if ancestor == self:
+ raise WebIDLError("Dictionary %s has itself as an ancestor" %
+ self.identifier.name,
+ [self.identifier.location])
+ inheritedMembers.extend(ancestor.members)
+ ancestor = ancestor.parent
+ # Catch name duplication
+ for inheritedMember in inheritedMembers:
+ for member in self.members:
+ if member.identifier.name == inheritedMember.identifier.name:
+ raise WebIDLError("Dictionary %s has two members with name %s" %
+ (self.identifier.name, member.identifier.name),
+ [member.location, inheritedMember.location])
+ def validate(self):
+ def typeContainsDictionary(memberType, dictionary):
+ """
+ Returns a tuple whose:
+ - First element is a Boolean value indicating whether
+ memberType contains dictionary.
+ - Second element is:
+ A list of locations that leads from the type that was passed in
+ the memberType argument, to the dictionary being validated,
+ if the boolean value in the first element is True.
+ None, if the boolean value in the first element is False.
+ """
+ if memberType.nullable() or \
+ memberType.isArray() or \
+ memberType.isSequence():
+ return typeContainsDictionary(memberType.inner, dictionary)
+ if memberType.isDictionary():
+ if memberType.inner == dictionary:
+ return (True, [memberType.location])
+ (contains, locations) = dictionaryContainsDictionary(memberType.inner, \
+ dictionary)
+ if contains:
+ return (True, [memberType.location] + locations)
+ if memberType.isUnion():
+ for member in memberType.flatMemberTypes:
+ (contains, locations) = typeContainsDictionary(member, dictionary)
+ if contains:
+ return (True, locations)
+ return (False, None)
+ def dictionaryContainsDictionary(dictMember, dictionary):
+ for member in dictMember.members:
+ (contains, locations) = typeContainsDictionary(member.type, dictionary)
+ if contains:
+ return (True, [member.location] + locations)
+ if dictMember.parent:
+ if dictMember.parent == dictionary:
+ return (True, [dictMember.location])
+ else:
+ (contains, locations) = dictionaryContainsDictionary(dictMember.parent, dictionary)
+ if contains:
+ return (True, [dictMember.location] + locations)
+ return (False, None)
+ for member in self.members:
+ if member.type.isDictionary() and member.type.nullable():
+ raise WebIDLError("Dictionary %s has member with nullable "
+ "dictionary type" % self.identifier.name,
+ [member.location])
+ (contains, locations) = typeContainsDictionary(member.type, self)
+ if contains:
+ raise WebIDLError("Dictionary %s has member with itself as type." %
+ self.identifier.name,
+ [member.location] + locations)
+ def addExtendedAttributes(self, attrs):
+ assert len(attrs) == 0
+ def _getDependentObjects(self):
+ deps = set(self.members)
+ if (self.parent):
+ deps.add(self.parent)
+ return deps
+class IDLEnum(IDLObjectWithIdentifier):
+ def __init__(self, location, parentScope, name, values):
+ assert isinstance(parentScope, IDLScope)
+ assert isinstance(name, IDLUnresolvedIdentifier)
+ if len(values) != len(set(values)):
+ raise WebIDLError("Enum %s has multiple identical strings" % name.name,
+ [location])
+ IDLObjectWithIdentifier.__init__(self, location, parentScope, name)
+ self._values = values
+ def values(self):
+ return self._values
+ def finish(self, scope):
+ pass
+ def validate(self):
+ pass
+ def isEnum(self):
+ return True
+ def addExtendedAttributes(self, attrs):
+ assert len(attrs) == 0
+ def _getDependentObjects(self):
+ return set()
+class IDLType(IDLObject):
+ Tags = enum(
+ # The integer types
+ 'int8',
+ 'uint8',
+ 'int16',
+ 'uint16',
+ 'int32',
+ 'uint32',
+ 'int64',
+ 'uint64',
+ # Additional primitive types
+ 'bool',
+ 'unrestricted_float',
+ 'float',
+ 'unrestricted_double',
+ # "double" last primitive type to match IDLBuiltinType
+ 'double',
+ # Other types
+ 'any',
+ 'domstring',
+ 'bytestring',
+ 'object',
+ 'date',
+ 'void',
+ # Funny stuff
+ 'interface',
+ 'dictionary',
+ 'enum',
+ 'callback',
+ 'union',
+ 'sequence',
+ 'array'
+ )
+ def __init__(self, location, name):
+ IDLObject.__init__(self, location)
+ self.name = name
+ self.builtin = False
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return other and self.builtin == other.builtin and self.name == other.name
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return not self == other
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(self.name)
+ def isType(self):
+ return True
+ def nullable(self):
+ return False
+ def isPrimitive(self):
+ return False
+ def isBoolean(self):
+ return False
+ def isNumeric(self):
+ return False
+ def isString(self):
+ return False
+ def isByteString(self):
+ return False
+ def isDOMString(self):
+ return False
+ def isVoid(self):
+ return self.name == "Void"
+ def isSequence(self):
+ return False
+ def isArray(self):
+ return False
+ def isArrayBuffer(self):
+ return False
+ def isArrayBufferView(self):
+ return False
+ def isTypedArray(self):
+ return False
+ def isCallbackInterface(self):
+ return False
+ def isNonCallbackInterface(self):
+ return False
+ def isGeckoInterface(self):
+ """ Returns a boolean indicating whether this type is an 'interface'
+ type that is implemented in Gecko. At the moment, this returns
+ true for all interface types that are not types from the TypedArray
+ spec."""
+ return self.isInterface() and not self.isSpiderMonkeyInterface()
+ def isSpiderMonkeyInterface(self):
+ """ Returns a boolean indicating whether this type is an 'interface'
+ type that is implemented in Spidermonkey. At the moment, this
+ only returns true for the types from the TypedArray spec. """
+ return self.isInterface() and (self.isArrayBuffer() or \
+ self.isArrayBufferView() or \
+ self.isTypedArray())
+ def isDictionary(self):
+ return False
+ def isInterface(self):
+ return False
+ def isAny(self):
+ return self.tag() == IDLType.Tags.any
+ def isDate(self):
+ return self.tag() == IDLType.Tags.date
+ def isObject(self):
+ return self.tag() == IDLType.Tags.object
+ def isPromise(self):
+ return False
+ def isComplete(self):
+ return True
+ def includesRestrictedFloat(self):
+ return False
+ def isFloat(self):
+ return False
+ def isUnrestricted(self):
+ # Should only call this on float types
+ assert self.isFloat()
+ def isSerializable(self):
+ return False
+ def tag(self):
+ assert False # Override me!
+ def treatNonCallableAsNull(self):
+ assert self.tag() == IDLType.Tags.callback
+ return self.nullable() and self.inner._treatNonCallableAsNull
+ def treatNonObjectAsNull(self):
+ assert self.tag() == IDLType.Tags.callback
+ return self.nullable() and self.inner._treatNonObjectAsNull
+ def addExtendedAttributes(self, attrs):
+ assert len(attrs) == 0
+ def resolveType(self, parentScope):
+ pass
+ def unroll(self):
+ return self
+ def isDistinguishableFrom(self, other):
+ raise TypeError("Can't tell whether a generic type is or is not "
+ "distinguishable from other things")
+class IDLUnresolvedType(IDLType):
+ """
+ Unresolved types are interface types
+ """
+ def __init__(self, location, name):
+ IDLType.__init__(self, location, name)
+ def isComplete(self):
+ return False
+ def complete(self, scope):
+ obj = None
+ try:
+ obj = scope._lookupIdentifier(self.name)
+ except:
+ raise WebIDLError("Unresolved type '%s'." % self.name,
+ [self.location])
+ assert obj
+ if obj.isType():
+ # obj itself might not be complete; deal with that.
+ assert obj != self
+ if not obj.isComplete():
+ obj = obj.complete(scope)
+ return obj
+ name = self.name.resolve(scope, None)
+ return IDLWrapperType(self.location, obj)
+ def isDistinguishableFrom(self, other):
+ raise TypeError("Can't tell whether an unresolved type is or is not "
+ "distinguishable from other things")
+class IDLNullableType(IDLType):
+ def __init__(self, location, innerType):
+ assert not innerType.isVoid()
+ assert not innerType == BuiltinTypes[IDLBuiltinType.Types.any]
+ IDLType.__init__(self, location, innerType.name)
+ self.inner = innerType
+ self.builtin = False
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return isinstance(other, IDLNullableType) and self.inner == other.inner
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.inner.__str__() + "OrNull"
+ def nullable(self):
+ return True
+ def isCallback(self):
+ return self.inner.isCallback()
+ def isPrimitive(self):
+ return self.inner.isPrimitive()
+ def isBoolean(self):
+ return self.inner.isBoolean()
+ def isNumeric(self):
+ return self.inner.isNumeric()
+ def isString(self):
+ return self.inner.isString()
+ def isByteString(self):
+ return self.inner.isByteString()
+ def isDOMString(self):
+ return self.inner.isDOMString()
+ def isFloat(self):
+ return self.inner.isFloat()
+ def isUnrestricted(self):
+ return self.inner.isUnrestricted()
+ def includesRestrictedFloat(self):
+ return self.inner.includesRestrictedFloat()
+ def isInteger(self):
+ return self.inner.isInteger()
+ def isVoid(self):
+ return False
+ def isSequence(self):
+ return self.inner.isSequence()
+ def isArray(self):
+ return self.inner.isArray()
+ def isArrayBuffer(self):
+ return self.inner.isArrayBuffer()
+ def isArrayBufferView(self):
+ return self.inner.isArrayBufferView()
+ def isTypedArray(self):
+ return self.inner.isTypedArray()
+ def isDictionary(self):
+ return self.inner.isDictionary()
+ def isInterface(self):
+ return self.inner.isInterface()
+ def isCallbackInterface(self):
+ return self.inner.isCallbackInterface()
+ def isNonCallbackInterface(self):
+ return self.inner.isNonCallbackInterface()
+ def isEnum(self):
+ return self.inner.isEnum()
+ def isUnion(self):
+ return self.inner.isUnion()
+ def isSerializable(self):
+ return self.inner.isSerializable()
+ def tag(self):
+ return self.inner.tag()
+ def resolveType(self, parentScope):
+ assert isinstance(parentScope, IDLScope)
+ self.inner.resolveType(parentScope)
+ def isComplete(self):
+ return self.inner.isComplete()
+ def complete(self, scope):
+ self.inner = self.inner.complete(scope)
+ if self.inner.nullable():
+ raise WebIDLError("The inner type of a nullable type must not be "
+ "a nullable type",
+ [self.location, self.inner.location])
+ if self.inner.isUnion():
+ if self.inner.hasNullableType:
+ raise WebIDLError("The inner type of a nullable type must not "
+ "be a union type that itself has a nullable "
+ "type as a member type", [self.location])
+ self.name = self.inner.name
+ return self
+ def unroll(self):
+ return self.inner.unroll()
+ def isDistinguishableFrom(self, other):
+ if (other.nullable() or (other.isUnion() and other.hasNullableType) or
+ other.isDictionary()):
+ # Can't tell which type null should become
+ return False
+ return self.inner.isDistinguishableFrom(other)
+ def _getDependentObjects(self):
+ return self.inner._getDependentObjects()
+class IDLSequenceType(IDLType):
+ def __init__(self, location, parameterType):
+ assert not parameterType.isVoid()
+ IDLType.__init__(self, location, parameterType.name)
+ self.inner = parameterType
+ self.builtin = False
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return isinstance(other, IDLSequenceType) and self.inner == other.inner
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.inner.__str__() + "Sequence"
+ def nullable(self):
+ return False
+ def isPrimitive(self):
+ return False;
+ def isString(self):
+ return False;
+ def isByteString(self):
+ return False
+ def isDOMString(self):
+ return False
+ def isVoid(self):
+ return False
+ def isSequence(self):
+ return True
+ def isArray(self):
+ return False
+ def isDictionary(self):
+ return False
+ def isInterface(self):
+ return False
+ def isEnum(self):
+ return False
+ def isSerializable(self):
+ return self.inner.isSerializable()
+ def includesRestrictedFloat(self):
+ return self.inner.includesRestrictedFloat()
+ def tag(self):
+ return IDLType.Tags.sequence
+ def resolveType(self, parentScope):
+ assert isinstance(parentScope, IDLScope)
+ self.inner.resolveType(parentScope)
+ def isComplete(self):
+ return self.inner.isComplete()
+ def complete(self, scope):
+ self.inner = self.inner.complete(scope)
+ self.name = self.inner.name
+ return self
+ def unroll(self):
+ return self.inner.unroll()
+ def isDistinguishableFrom(self, other):
+ if other.isUnion():
+ # Just forward to the union; it'll deal
+ return other.isDistinguishableFrom(self)
+ return (other.isPrimitive() or other.isString() or other.isEnum() or
+ other.isDate() or other.isNonCallbackInterface())
+ def _getDependentObjects(self):
+ return self.inner._getDependentObjects()
+class IDLUnionType(IDLType):
+ def __init__(self, location, memberTypes):
+ IDLType.__init__(self, location, "")
+ self.memberTypes = memberTypes
+ self.hasNullableType = False
+ self.hasDictionaryType = False
+ self.flatMemberTypes = None
+ self.builtin = False
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return isinstance(other, IDLUnionType) and self.memberTypes == other.memberTypes
+ def isVoid(self):
+ return False
+ def isUnion(self):
+ return True
+ def isSerializable(self):
+ return all(m.isSerializable() for m in self.memberTypes)
+ def includesRestrictedFloat(self):
+ return any(t.includesRestrictedFloat() for t in self.memberTypes)
+ def tag(self):
+ return IDLType.Tags.union
+ def resolveType(self, parentScope):
+ assert isinstance(parentScope, IDLScope)
+ for t in self.memberTypes:
+ t.resolveType(parentScope)
+ def isComplete(self):
+ return self.flatMemberTypes is not None
+ def complete(self, scope):
+ def typeName(type):
+ if isinstance(type, IDLNullableType):
+ return typeName(type.inner) + "OrNull"
+ if isinstance(type, IDLWrapperType):
+ return typeName(type._identifier.object())
+ if isinstance(type, IDLObjectWithIdentifier):
+ return typeName(type.identifier)
+ if isinstance(type, IDLType) and (type.isArray() or type.isSequence()):
+ return str(type)
+ return type.name
+ for (i, type) in enumerate(self.memberTypes):
+ if not type.isComplete():
+ self.memberTypes[i] = type.complete(scope)
+ self.name = "Or".join(typeName(type) for type in self.memberTypes)
+ self.flatMemberTypes = list(self.memberTypes)
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(self.flatMemberTypes):
+ if self.flatMemberTypes[i].nullable():
+ if self.hasNullableType:
+ raise WebIDLError("Can't have more than one nullable types in a union",
+ [nullableType.location, self.flatMemberTypes[i].location])
+ if self.hasDictionaryType:
+ raise WebIDLError("Can't have a nullable type and a "
+ "dictionary type in a union",
+ [dictionaryType.location,
+ self.flatMemberTypes[i].location])
+ self.hasNullableType = True
+ nullableType = self.flatMemberTypes[i]
+ self.flatMemberTypes[i] = self.flatMemberTypes[i].inner
+ continue
+ if self.flatMemberTypes[i].isDictionary():
+ if self.hasNullableType:
+ raise WebIDLError("Can't have a nullable type and a "
+ "dictionary type in a union",
+ [nullableType.location,
+ self.flatMemberTypes[i].location])
+ self.hasDictionaryType = True
+ dictionaryType = self.flatMemberTypes[i]
+ elif self.flatMemberTypes[i].isUnion():
+ self.flatMemberTypes[i:i + 1] = self.flatMemberTypes[i].memberTypes
+ continue
+ i += 1
+ for (i, t) in enumerate(self.flatMemberTypes[:-1]):
+ for u in self.flatMemberTypes[i + 1:]:
+ if not t.isDistinguishableFrom(u):
+ raise WebIDLError("Flat member types of a union should be "
+ "distinguishable, " + str(t) + " is not "
+ "distinguishable from " + str(u),
+ [self.location, t.location, u.location])
+ return self
+ def isDistinguishableFrom(self, other):
+ if self.hasNullableType and other.nullable():
+ # Can't tell which type null should become
+ return False
+ if other.isUnion():
+ otherTypes = other.unroll().memberTypes
+ else:
+ otherTypes = [other]
+ # For every type in otherTypes, check that it's distinguishable from
+ # every type in our types
+ for u in otherTypes:
+ if any(not t.isDistinguishableFrom(u) for t in self.memberTypes):
+ return False
+ return True
+ def _getDependentObjects(self):
+ return set(self.memberTypes)
+class IDLArrayType(IDLType):
+ def __init__(self, location, parameterType):
+ assert not parameterType.isVoid()
+ if parameterType.isSequence():
+ raise WebIDLError("Array type cannot parameterize over a sequence type",
+ [location])
+ if parameterType.isDictionary():
+ raise WebIDLError("Array type cannot parameterize over a dictionary type",
+ [location])
+ IDLType.__init__(self, location, parameterType.name)
+ self.inner = parameterType
+ self.builtin = False
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return isinstance(other, IDLArrayType) and self.inner == other.inner
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.inner.__str__() + "Array"
+ def nullable(self):
+ return False
+ def isPrimitive(self):
+ return False
+ def isString(self):
+ return False
+ def isByteString(self):
+ return False
+ def isDOMString(self):
+ return False
+ def isVoid(self):
+ return False
+ def isSequence(self):
+ assert not self.inner.isSequence()
+ return False
+ def isArray(self):
+ return True
+ def isDictionary(self):
+ assert not self.inner.isDictionary()
+ return False
+ def isInterface(self):
+ return False
+ def isEnum(self):
+ return False
+ def tag(self):
+ return IDLType.Tags.array
+ def resolveType(self, parentScope):
+ assert isinstance(parentScope, IDLScope)
+ self.inner.resolveType(parentScope)
+ def isComplete(self):
+ return self.inner.isComplete()
+ def complete(self, scope):
+ self.inner = self.inner.complete(scope)
+ self.name = self.inner.name
+ if self.inner.isDictionary():
+ raise WebIDLError("Array type must not contain "
+ "dictionary as element type.",
+ [self.inner.location])
+ assert not self.inner.isSequence()
+ return self
+ def unroll(self):
+ return self.inner.unroll()
+ def isDistinguishableFrom(self, other):
+ if other.isUnion():
+ # Just forward to the union; it'll deal
+ return other.isDistinguishableFrom(self)
+ return (other.isPrimitive() or other.isString() or other.isEnum() or
+ other.isDate() or other.isNonCallbackInterface())
+ def _getDependentObjects(self):
+ return self.inner._getDependentObjects()
+class IDLTypedefType(IDLType, IDLObjectWithIdentifier):
+ def __init__(self, location, innerType, name):
+ IDLType.__init__(self, location, innerType.name)
+ identifier = IDLUnresolvedIdentifier(location, name)
+ IDLObjectWithIdentifier.__init__(self, location, None, identifier)
+ self.inner = innerType
+ self.name = name
+ self.builtin = False
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return isinstance(other, IDLTypedefType) and self.inner == other.inner
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.identifier.name
+ def nullable(self):
+ return self.inner.nullable()
+ def isPrimitive(self):
+ return self.inner.isPrimitive()
+ def isBoolean(self):
+ return self.inner.isBoolean()
+ def isNumeric(self):
+ return self.inner.isNumeric()
+ def isString(self):
+ return self.inner.isString()
+ def isByteString(self):
+ return self.inner.isByteString()
+ def isDOMString(self):
+ return self.inner.isDOMString()
+ def isVoid(self):
+ return self.inner.isVoid()
+ def isSequence(self):
+ return self.inner.isSequence()
+ def isArray(self):
+ return self.inner.isArray()
+ def isDictionary(self):
+ return self.inner.isDictionary()
+ def isArrayBuffer(self):
+ return self.inner.isArrayBuffer()
+ def isArrayBufferView(self):
+ return self.inner.isArrayBufferView()
+ def isTypedArray(self):
+ return self.inner.isTypedArray()
+ def isInterface(self):
+ return self.inner.isInterface()
+ def isCallbackInterface(self):
+ return self.inner.isCallbackInterface()
+ def isNonCallbackInterface(self):
+ return self.inner.isNonCallbackInterface()
+ def isComplete(self):
+ return False
+ def complete(self, parentScope):
+ if not self.inner.isComplete():
+ self.inner = self.inner.complete(parentScope)
+ assert self.inner.isComplete()
+ return self.inner
+ def finish(self, parentScope):
+ # Maybe the IDLObjectWithIdentifier for the typedef should be
+ # a separate thing from the type? If that happens, we can
+ # remove some hackery around avoiding isInterface() in
+ # Configuration.py.
+ self.complete(parentScope)
+ def validate(self):
+ pass
+ # Do we need a resolveType impl? I don't think it's particularly useful....
+ def tag(self):
+ return self.inner.tag()
+ def unroll(self):
+ return self.inner.unroll()
+ def isDistinguishableFrom(self, other):
+ return self.inner.isDistinguishableFrom(other)
+ def _getDependentObjects(self):
+ return self.inner._getDependentObjects()
+class IDLWrapperType(IDLType):
+ def __init__(self, location, inner):
+ IDLType.__init__(self, location, inner.identifier.name)
+ self.inner = inner
+ self._identifier = inner.identifier
+ self.builtin = False
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return isinstance(other, IDLWrapperType) and \
+ self._identifier == other._identifier and \
+ self.builtin == other.builtin
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(self.name) + " (Wrapper)"
+ def nullable(self):
+ return False
+ def isPrimitive(self):
+ return False
+ def isString(self):
+ return False
+ def isByteString(self):
+ return False
+ def isDOMString(self):
+ return False
+ def isVoid(self):
+ return False
+ def isSequence(self):
+ return False
+ def isArray(self):
+ return False
+ def isDictionary(self):
+ return isinstance(self.inner, IDLDictionary)
+ def isInterface(self):
+ return isinstance(self.inner, IDLInterface) or \
+ isinstance(self.inner, IDLExternalInterface)
+ def isCallbackInterface(self):
+ return self.isInterface() and self.inner.isCallback()
+ def isNonCallbackInterface(self):
+ return self.isInterface() and not self.inner.isCallback()
+ def isEnum(self):
+ return isinstance(self.inner, IDLEnum)
+ def isPromise(self):
+ return isinstance(self.inner, IDLInterface) and \
+ self.inner.identifier.name == "Promise"
+ def isSerializable(self):
+ if self.isInterface():
+ if self.inner.isExternal():
+ return False
+ return any(m.isMethod() and m.isJsonifier() for m in self.inner.members)
+ elif self.isEnum():
+ return True
+ elif self.isDictionary():
+ return all(m.type.isSerializable() for m in self.inner.members)
+ else:
+ raise WebIDLError("IDLWrapperType wraps type %s that we don't know if "
+ "is serializable" % type(self.inner), [self.location])
+ def resolveType(self, parentScope):
+ assert isinstance(parentScope, IDLScope)
+ self.inner.resolve(parentScope)
+ def isComplete(self):
+ return True
+ def tag(self):
+ if self.isInterface():
+ return IDLType.Tags.interface
+ elif self.isEnum():
+ return IDLType.Tags.enum
+ elif self.isDictionary():
+ return IDLType.Tags.dictionary
+ else:
+ assert False
+ def isDistinguishableFrom(self, other):
+ if other.isUnion():
+ # Just forward to the union; it'll deal
+ return other.isDistinguishableFrom(self)
+ assert self.isInterface() or self.isEnum() or self.isDictionary()
+ if self.isEnum():
+ return (other.isPrimitive() or other.isInterface() or other.isObject() or
+ other.isCallback() or other.isDictionary() or
+ other.isSequence() or other.isArray() or
+ other.isDate())
+ if self.isDictionary() and other.nullable():
+ return False
+ if other.isPrimitive() or other.isString() or other.isEnum() or other.isDate():
+ return True
+ if self.isDictionary():
+ return other.isNonCallbackInterface()
+ assert self.isInterface()
+ if other.isInterface():
+ if other.isSpiderMonkeyInterface():
+ # Just let |other| handle things
+ return other.isDistinguishableFrom(self)
+ assert self.isGeckoInterface() and other.isGeckoInterface()
+ if self.inner.isExternal() or other.unroll().inner.isExternal():
+ return self != other
+ return (len(self.inner.interfacesBasedOnSelf &
+ other.unroll().inner.interfacesBasedOnSelf) == 0 and
+ (self.isNonCallbackInterface() or
+ other.isNonCallbackInterface()))
+ if (other.isDictionary() or other.isCallback() or
+ other.isSequence() or other.isArray()):
+ return self.isNonCallbackInterface()
+ # Not much else |other| can be
+ assert other.isObject()
+ return False
+ def _getDependentObjects(self):
+ # NB: The codegen for an interface type depends on
+ # a) That the identifier is in fact an interface (as opposed to
+ # a dictionary or something else).
+ # b) The native type of the interface.
+ # If we depend on the interface object we will also depend on
+ # anything the interface depends on which is undesirable. We
+ # considered implementing a dependency just on the interface type
+ # file, but then every modification to an interface would cause this
+ # to be regenerated which is still undesirable. We decided not to
+ # depend on anything, reasoning that:
+ # 1) Changing the concrete type of the interface requires modifying
+ # Bindings.conf, which is still a global dependency.
+ # 2) Changing an interface to a dictionary (or vice versa) with the
+ # same identifier should be incredibly rare.
+ return set()
+class IDLBuiltinType(IDLType):
+ Types = enum(
+ # The integer types
+ 'byte',
+ 'octet',
+ 'short',
+ 'unsigned_short',
+ 'long',
+ 'unsigned_long',
+ 'long_long',
+ 'unsigned_long_long',
+ # Additional primitive types
+ 'boolean',
+ 'unrestricted_float',
+ 'float',
+ 'unrestricted_double',
+ # IMPORTANT: "double" must be the last primitive type listed
+ 'double',
+ # Other types
+ 'any',
+ 'domstring',
+ 'bytestring',
+ 'object',
+ 'date',
+ 'void',
+ # Funny stuff
+ 'ArrayBuffer',
+ 'ArrayBufferView',
+ 'Int8Array',
+ 'Uint8Array',
+ 'Uint8ClampedArray',
+ 'Int16Array',
+ 'Uint16Array',
+ 'Int32Array',
+ 'Uint32Array',
+ 'Float32Array',
+ 'Float64Array'
+ )
+ TagLookup = {
+ Types.byte: IDLType.Tags.int8,
+ Types.octet: IDLType.Tags.uint8,
+ Types.short: IDLType.Tags.int16,
+ Types.unsigned_short: IDLType.Tags.uint16,
+ Types.long: IDLType.Tags.int32,
+ Types.unsigned_long: IDLType.Tags.uint32,
+ Types.long_long: IDLType.Tags.int64,
+ Types.unsigned_long_long: IDLType.Tags.uint64,
+ Types.boolean: IDLType.Tags.bool,
+ Types.unrestricted_float: IDLType.Tags.unrestricted_float,
+ Types.float: IDLType.Tags.float,
+ Types.unrestricted_double: IDLType.Tags.unrestricted_double,
+ Types.double: IDLType.Tags.double,
+ Types.any: IDLType.Tags.any,
+ Types.domstring: IDLType.Tags.domstring,
+ Types.bytestring: IDLType.Tags.bytestring,
+ Types.object: IDLType.Tags.object,
+ Types.date: IDLType.Tags.date,
+ Types.void: IDLType.Tags.void,
+ Types.ArrayBuffer: IDLType.Tags.interface,
+ Types.ArrayBufferView: IDLType.Tags.interface,
+ Types.Int8Array: IDLType.Tags.interface,
+ Types.Uint8Array: IDLType.Tags.interface,
+ Types.Uint8ClampedArray: IDLType.Tags.interface,
+ Types.Int16Array: IDLType.Tags.interface,
+ Types.Uint16Array: IDLType.Tags.interface,
+ Types.Int32Array: IDLType.Tags.interface,
+ Types.Uint32Array: IDLType.Tags.interface,
+ Types.Float32Array: IDLType.Tags.interface,
+ Types.Float64Array: IDLType.Tags.interface
+ }
+ def __init__(self, location, name, type):
+ IDLType.__init__(self, location, name)
+ self.builtin = True
+ self._typeTag = type
+ def isPrimitive(self):
+ return self._typeTag <= IDLBuiltinType.Types.double
+ def isBoolean(self):
+ return self._typeTag == IDLBuiltinType.Types.boolean
+ def isNumeric(self):
+ return self.isPrimitive() and not self.isBoolean()
+ def isString(self):
+ return self._typeTag == IDLBuiltinType.Types.domstring or \
+ self._typeTag == IDLBuiltinType.Types.bytestring
+ def isByteString(self):
+ return self._typeTag == IDLBuiltinType.Types.bytestring
+ def isDOMString(self):
+ return self._typeTag == IDLBuiltinType.Types.domstring
+ def isInteger(self):
+ return self._typeTag <= IDLBuiltinType.Types.unsigned_long_long
+ def isArrayBuffer(self):
+ return self._typeTag == IDLBuiltinType.Types.ArrayBuffer
+ def isArrayBufferView(self):
+ return self._typeTag == IDLBuiltinType.Types.ArrayBufferView
+ def isTypedArray(self):
+ return self._typeTag >= IDLBuiltinType.Types.Int8Array and \
+ self._typeTag <= IDLBuiltinType.Types.Float64Array
+ def isInterface(self):
+ # TypedArray things are interface types per the TypedArray spec,
+ # but we handle them as builtins because SpiderMonkey implements
+ # all of it internally.
+ return self.isArrayBuffer() or \
+ self.isArrayBufferView() or \
+ self.isTypedArray()
+ def isNonCallbackInterface(self):
+ # All the interfaces we can be are non-callback
+ return self.isInterface()
+ def isFloat(self):
+ return self._typeTag == IDLBuiltinType.Types.float or \
+ self._typeTag == IDLBuiltinType.Types.double or \
+ self._typeTag == IDLBuiltinType.Types.unrestricted_float or \
+ self._typeTag == IDLBuiltinType.Types.unrestricted_double
+ def isUnrestricted(self):
+ assert self.isFloat()
+ return self._typeTag == IDLBuiltinType.Types.unrestricted_float or \
+ self._typeTag == IDLBuiltinType.Types.unrestricted_double
+ def isSerializable(self):
+ return self.isPrimitive() or self.isDOMString() or self.isDate()
+ def includesRestrictedFloat(self):
+ return self.isFloat() and not self.isUnrestricted()
+ def tag(self):
+ return IDLBuiltinType.TagLookup[self._typeTag]
+ def isDistinguishableFrom(self, other):
+ if other.isUnion():
+ # Just forward to the union; it'll deal
+ return other.isDistinguishableFrom(self)
+ if self.isBoolean():
+ return (other.isNumeric() or other.isString() or other.isEnum() or
+ other.isInterface() or other.isObject() or
+ other.isCallback() or other.isDictionary() or
+ other.isSequence() or other.isArray() or
+ other.isDate())
+ if self.isNumeric():
+ return (other.isBoolean() or other.isString() or other.isEnum() or
+ other.isInterface() or other.isObject() or
+ other.isCallback() or other.isDictionary() or
+ other.isSequence() or other.isArray() or
+ other.isDate())
+ if self.isString():
+ return (other.isPrimitive() or other.isInterface() or
+ other.isObject() or
+ other.isCallback() or other.isDictionary() or
+ other.isSequence() or other.isArray() or
+ other.isDate())
+ if self.isAny():
+ # Can't tell "any" apart from anything
+ return False
+ if self.isObject():
+ return other.isPrimitive() or other.isString() or other.isEnum()
+ if self.isDate():
+ return (other.isPrimitive() or other.isString() or other.isEnum() or
+ other.isInterface() or other.isCallback() or
+ other.isDictionary() or other.isSequence() or
+ other.isArray())
+ if self.isVoid():
+ return not other.isVoid()
+ # Not much else we could be!
+ assert self.isSpiderMonkeyInterface()
+ # Like interfaces, but we know we're not a callback
+ return (other.isPrimitive() or other.isString() or other.isEnum() or
+ other.isCallback() or other.isDictionary() or
+ other.isSequence() or other.isArray() or other.isDate() or
+ (other.isInterface() and (
+ # ArrayBuffer is distinguishable from everything
+ # that's not an ArrayBuffer or a callback interface
+ (self.isArrayBuffer() and not other.isArrayBuffer()) or
+ # ArrayBufferView is distinguishable from everything
+ # that's not an ArrayBufferView or typed array.
+ (self.isArrayBufferView() and not other.isArrayBufferView() and
+ not other.isTypedArray()) or
+ # Typed arrays are distinguishable from everything
+ # except ArrayBufferView and the same type of typed
+ # array
+ (self.isTypedArray() and not other.isArrayBufferView() and not
+ (other.isTypedArray() and other.name == self.name)))))
+ def _getDependentObjects(self):
+ return set()
+BuiltinTypes = {
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.byte:
+ IDLBuiltinType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), "Byte",
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.byte),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.octet:
+ IDLBuiltinType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), "Octet",
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.octet),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.short:
+ IDLBuiltinType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), "Short",
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.short),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.unsigned_short:
+ IDLBuiltinType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), "UnsignedShort",
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.unsigned_short),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.long:
+ IDLBuiltinType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), "Long",
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.long),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.unsigned_long:
+ IDLBuiltinType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), "UnsignedLong",
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.unsigned_long),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.long_long:
+ IDLBuiltinType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), "LongLong",
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.long_long),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.unsigned_long_long:
+ IDLBuiltinType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), "UnsignedLongLong",
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.unsigned_long_long),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.boolean:
+ IDLBuiltinType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), "Boolean",
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.boolean),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.float:
+ IDLBuiltinType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), "Float",
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.float),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.unrestricted_float:
+ IDLBuiltinType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), "UnrestrictedFloat",
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.unrestricted_float),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.double:
+ IDLBuiltinType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), "Double",
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.double),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.unrestricted_double:
+ IDLBuiltinType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), "UnrestrictedDouble",
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.unrestricted_double),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.any:
+ IDLBuiltinType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), "Any",
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.any),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.domstring:
+ IDLBuiltinType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), "String",
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.domstring),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.bytestring:
+ IDLBuiltinType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), "ByteString",
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.bytestring),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.object:
+ IDLBuiltinType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), "Object",
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.object),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.date:
+ IDLBuiltinType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), "Date",
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.date),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.void:
+ IDLBuiltinType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), "Void",
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.void),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.ArrayBuffer:
+ IDLBuiltinType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), "ArrayBuffer",
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.ArrayBuffer),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.ArrayBufferView:
+ IDLBuiltinType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), "ArrayBufferView",
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.ArrayBufferView),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.Int8Array:
+ IDLBuiltinType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), "Int8Array",
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.Int8Array),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.Uint8Array:
+ IDLBuiltinType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), "Uint8Array",
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.Uint8Array),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.Uint8ClampedArray:
+ IDLBuiltinType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), "Uint8ClampedArray",
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.Uint8ClampedArray),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.Int16Array:
+ IDLBuiltinType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), "Int16Array",
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.Int16Array),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.Uint16Array:
+ IDLBuiltinType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), "Uint16Array",
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.Uint16Array),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.Int32Array:
+ IDLBuiltinType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), "Int32Array",
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.Int32Array),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.Uint32Array:
+ IDLBuiltinType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), "Uint32Array",
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.Uint32Array),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.Float32Array:
+ IDLBuiltinType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), "Float32Array",
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.Float32Array),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.Float64Array:
+ IDLBuiltinType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), "Float64Array",
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.Float64Array)
+ }
+integerTypeSizes = {
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.byte: (-128, 127),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.octet: (0, 255),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.short: (-32768, 32767),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.unsigned_short: (0, 65535),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.long: (-2147483648, 2147483647),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.unsigned_long: (0, 4294967295),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.long_long: (-9223372036854775808,
+ 9223372036854775807),
+ IDLBuiltinType.Types.unsigned_long_long: (0, 18446744073709551615)
+ }
+def matchIntegerValueToType(value):
+ for type, extremes in integerTypeSizes.items():
+ (min, max) = extremes
+ if value <= max and value >= min:
+ return BuiltinTypes[type]
+ return None
+class IDLValue(IDLObject):
+ def __init__(self, location, type, value):
+ IDLObject.__init__(self, location)
+ self.type = type
+ assert isinstance(type, IDLType)
+ self.value = value
+ def coerceToType(self, type, location):
+ if type == self.type:
+ return self # Nothing to do
+ # We first check for unions to ensure that even if the union is nullable
+ # we end up with the right flat member type, not the union's type.
+ if type.isUnion():
+ # We use the flat member types here, because if we have a nullable
+ # member type, or a nested union, we want the type the value
+ # actually coerces to, not the nullable or nested union type.
+ for subtype in type.unroll().flatMemberTypes:
+ try:
+ coercedValue = self.coerceToType(subtype, location)
+ # Create a new IDLValue to make sure that we have the
+ # correct float/double type. This is necessary because we
+ # use the value's type when it is a default value of a
+ # union, and the union cares about the exact float type.
+ return IDLValue(self.location, subtype, coercedValue.value)
+ except:
+ pass
+ # If the type allows null, rerun this matching on the inner type, except
+ # nullable enums. We handle those specially, because we want our
+ # default string values to stay strings even when assigned to a nullable
+ # enum.
+ elif type.nullable() and not type.isEnum():
+ innerValue = self.coerceToType(type.inner, location)
+ return IDLValue(self.location, type, innerValue.value)
+ elif self.type.isInteger() and type.isInteger():
+ # We're both integer types. See if we fit.
+ (min, max) = integerTypeSizes[type._typeTag]
+ if self.value <= max and self.value >= min:
+ # Promote
+ return IDLValue(self.location, type, self.value)
+ else:
+ raise WebIDLError("Value %s is out of range for type %s." %
+ (self.value, type), [location])
+ elif self.type.isInteger() and type.isFloat():
+ # Convert an integer literal into float
+ if -2**24 <= self.value <= 2**24:
+ floatType = BuiltinTypes[IDLBuiltinType.Types.float]
+ return IDLValue(self.location, floatType, float(self.value))
+ else:
+ raise WebIDLError("Converting value %s to %s will lose precision." %
+ (self.value, type), [location])
+ elif self.type.isString() and type.isEnum():
+ # Just keep our string, but make sure it's a valid value for this enum
+ enum = type.unroll().inner
+ if self.value not in enum.values():
+ raise WebIDLError("'%s' is not a valid default value for enum %s"
+ % (self.value, enum.identifier.name),
+ [location, enum.location])
+ return self
+ elif self.type.isFloat() and type.isFloat():
+ if (not type.isUnrestricted() and
+ (self.value == float("inf") or self.value == float("-inf") or
+ math.isnan(self.value))):
+ raise WebIDLError("Trying to convert unrestricted value %s to non-unrestricted"
+ % self.value, [location]);
+ return self
+ raise WebIDLError("Cannot coerce type %s to type %s." %
+ (self.type, type), [location])
+ def _getDependentObjects(self):
+ return set()
+class IDLNullValue(IDLObject):
+ def __init__(self, location):
+ IDLObject.__init__(self, location)
+ self.type = None
+ self.value = None
+ def coerceToType(self, type, location):
+ if (not isinstance(type, IDLNullableType) and
+ not (type.isUnion() and type.hasNullableType) and
+ not (type.isUnion() and type.hasDictionaryType) and
+ not type.isDictionary() and
+ not type.isAny()):
+ raise WebIDLError("Cannot coerce null value to type %s." % type,
+ [location])
+ nullValue = IDLNullValue(self.location)
+ if type.isUnion() and not type.nullable() and type.hasDictionaryType:
+ # We're actually a default value for the union's dictionary member.
+ # Use its type.
+ for t in type.flatMemberTypes:
+ if t.isDictionary():
+ nullValue.type = t
+ return nullValue
+ nullValue.type = type
+ return nullValue
+ def _getDependentObjects(self):
+ return set()
+class IDLUndefinedValue(IDLObject):
+ def __init__(self, location):
+ IDLObject.__init__(self, location)
+ self.type = None
+ self.value = None
+ def coerceToType(self, type, location):
+ if not type.isAny():
+ raise WebIDLError("Cannot coerce undefined value to type %s." % type,
+ [location])
+ undefinedValue = IDLUndefinedValue(self.location)
+ undefinedValue.type = type
+ return undefinedValue
+ def _getDependentObjects(self):
+ return set()
+class IDLInterfaceMember(IDLObjectWithIdentifier):
+ Tags = enum(
+ 'Const',
+ 'Attr',
+ 'Method'
+ )
+ Special = enum(
+ 'Static',
+ 'Stringifier'
+ )
+ def __init__(self, location, identifier, tag):
+ IDLObjectWithIdentifier.__init__(self, location, None, identifier)
+ self.tag = tag
+ self._extendedAttrDict = {}
+ def isMethod(self):
+ return self.tag == IDLInterfaceMember.Tags.Method
+ def isAttr(self):
+ return self.tag == IDLInterfaceMember.Tags.Attr
+ def isConst(self):
+ return self.tag == IDLInterfaceMember.Tags.Const
+ def addExtendedAttributes(self, attrs):
+ for attr in attrs:
+ self.handleExtendedAttribute(attr)
+ attrlist = attr.listValue()
+ self._extendedAttrDict[attr.identifier()] = attrlist if len(attrlist) else True
+ def handleExtendedAttribute(self, attr):
+ pass
+ def getExtendedAttribute(self, name):
+ return self._extendedAttrDict.get(name, None)
+class IDLConst(IDLInterfaceMember):
+ def __init__(self, location, identifier, type, value):
+ IDLInterfaceMember.__init__(self, location, identifier,
+ IDLInterfaceMember.Tags.Const)
+ assert isinstance(type, IDLType)
+ if type.isDictionary():
+ raise WebIDLError("A constant cannot be of a dictionary type",
+ [self.location])
+ self.type = type
+ self.value = value
+ if identifier.name == "prototype":
+ raise WebIDLError("The identifier of a constant must not be 'prototype'",
+ [location])
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "'%s' const '%s'" % (self.type, self.identifier)
+ def finish(self, scope):
+ if not self.type.isComplete():
+ type = self.type.complete(scope)
+ if not type.isPrimitive() and not type.isString():
+ locations = [self.type.location, type.location]
+ try:
+ locations.append(type.inner.location)
+ except:
+ pass
+ raise WebIDLError("Incorrect type for constant", locations)
+ self.type = type
+ # The value might not match the type
+ coercedValue = self.value.coerceToType(self.type, self.location)
+ assert coercedValue
+ self.value = coercedValue
+ def validate(self):
+ pass
+ def _getDependentObjects(self):
+ return set([self.type, self.value])
+class IDLAttribute(IDLInterfaceMember):
+ def __init__(self, location, identifier, type, readonly, inherit=False,
+ static=False, stringifier=False):
+ IDLInterfaceMember.__init__(self, location, identifier,
+ IDLInterfaceMember.Tags.Attr)
+ assert isinstance(type, IDLType)
+ self.type = type
+ self.readonly = readonly
+ self.inherit = inherit
+ self.static = static
+ self.lenientThis = False
+ self._unforgeable = False
+ self.stringifier = stringifier
+ self.enforceRange = False
+ self.clamp = False
+ self.slotIndex = None
+ if static and identifier.name == "prototype":
+ raise WebIDLError("The identifier of a static attribute must not be 'prototype'",
+ [location])
+ if readonly and inherit:
+ raise WebIDLError("An attribute cannot be both 'readonly' and 'inherit'",
+ [self.location])
+ def isStatic(self):
+ return self.static
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "'%s' attribute '%s'" % (self.type, self.identifier)
+ def finish(self, scope):
+ if not self.type.isComplete():
+ t = self.type.complete(scope)
+ assert not isinstance(t, IDLUnresolvedType)
+ assert not isinstance(t, IDLTypedefType)
+ assert not isinstance(t.name, IDLUnresolvedIdentifier)
+ self.type = t
+ if self.type.isDictionary() and not self.getExtendedAttribute("Cached"):
+ raise WebIDLError("An attribute cannot be of a dictionary type",
+ [self.location])
+ if self.type.isSequence() and not self.getExtendedAttribute("Cached"):
+ raise WebIDLError("A non-cached attribute cannot be of a sequence "
+ "type", [self.location])
+ if self.type.isUnion():
+ for f in self.type.unroll().flatMemberTypes:
+ if f.isDictionary():
+ raise WebIDLError("An attribute cannot be of a union "
+ "type if one of its member types (or "
+ "one of its member types's member "
+ "types, and so on) is a dictionary "
+ "type", [self.location, f.location])
+ if f.isSequence():
+ raise WebIDLError("An attribute cannot be of a union "
+ "type if one of its member types (or "
+ "one of its member types's member "
+ "types, and so on) is a sequence "
+ "type", [self.location, f.location])
+ if not self.type.isInterface() and self.getExtendedAttribute("PutForwards"):
+ raise WebIDLError("An attribute with [PutForwards] must have an "
+ "interface type as its type", [self.location])
+ if not self.type.isInterface() and self.getExtendedAttribute("SameObject"):
+ raise WebIDLError("An attribute with [SameObject] must have an "
+ "interface type as its type", [self.location])
+ def validate(self):
+ if ((self.getExtendedAttribute("Cached") or
+ self.getExtendedAttribute("StoreInSlot")) and
+ not self.getExtendedAttribute("Constant") and
+ not self.getExtendedAttribute("Pure")):
+ raise WebIDLError("Cached attributes and attributes stored in "
+ "slots must be constant or pure, since the "
+ "getter won't always be called.",
+ [self.location])
+ if self.getExtendedAttribute("Frozen"):
+ if not self.type.isSequence() and not self.type.isDictionary():
+ raise WebIDLError("[Frozen] is only allowed on sequence-valued "
+ "and dictionary-valued attributes",
+ [self.location])
+ def handleExtendedAttribute(self, attr):
+ identifier = attr.identifier()
+ if identifier == "SetterThrows" and self.readonly:
+ raise WebIDLError("Readonly attributes must not be flagged as "
+ "[SetterThrows]",
+ [self.location])
+ elif (((identifier == "Throws" or identifier == "GetterThrows") and
+ self.getExtendedAttribute("StoreInSlot")) or
+ (identifier == "StoreInSlot" and
+ (self.getExtendedAttribute("Throws") or
+ self.getExtendedAttribute("GetterThrows")))):
+ raise WebIDLError("Throwing things can't be [Pure] or [Constant] "
+ "or [SameObject] or [StoreInSlot]",
+ [attr.location])
+ elif identifier == "LenientThis":
+ if not attr.noArguments():
+ raise WebIDLError("[LenientThis] must take no arguments",
+ [attr.location])
+ if self.isStatic():
+ raise WebIDLError("[LenientThis] is only allowed on non-static "
+ "attributes", [attr.location, self.location])
+ if self.getExtendedAttribute("CrossOriginReadable"):
+ raise WebIDLError("[LenientThis] is not allowed in combination "
+ "with [CrossOriginReadable]",
+ [attr.location, self.location])
+ if self.getExtendedAttribute("CrossOriginWritable"):
+ raise WebIDLError("[LenientThis] is not allowed in combination "
+ "with [CrossOriginWritable]",
+ [attr.location, self.location])
+ self.lenientThis = True
+ elif identifier == "Unforgeable":
+ if not self.readonly:
+ raise WebIDLError("[Unforgeable] is only allowed on readonly "
+ "attributes", [attr.location, self.location])
+ if self.isStatic():
+ raise WebIDLError("[Unforgeable] is only allowed on non-static "
+ "attributes", [attr.location, self.location])
+ self._unforgeable = True
+ elif identifier == "SameObject" and not self.readonly:
+ raise WebIDLError("[SameObject] only allowed on readonly attributes",
+ [attr.location, self.location])
+ elif identifier == "Constant" and not self.readonly:
+ raise WebIDLError("[Constant] only allowed on readonly attributes",
+ [attr.location, self.location])
+ elif identifier == "PutForwards":
+ if not self.readonly:
+ raise WebIDLError("[PutForwards] is only allowed on readonly "
+ "attributes", [attr.location, self.location])
+ if self.isStatic():
+ raise WebIDLError("[PutForwards] is only allowed on non-static "
+ "attributes", [attr.location, self.location])
+ if self.getExtendedAttribute("Replaceable") is not None:
+ raise WebIDLError("[PutForwards] and [Replaceable] can't both "
+ "appear on the same attribute",
+ [attr.location, self.location])
+ if not attr.hasValue():
+ raise WebIDLError("[PutForwards] takes an identifier",
+ [attr.location, self.location])
+ elif identifier == "Replaceable":
+ if self.getExtendedAttribute("PutForwards") is not None:
+ raise WebIDLError("[PutForwards] and [Replaceable] can't both "
+ "appear on the same attribute",
+ [attr.location, self.location])
+ elif identifier == "LenientFloat":
+ if self.readonly:
+ raise WebIDLError("[LenientFloat] used on a readonly attribute",
+ [attr.location, self.location])
+ if not self.type.includesRestrictedFloat():
+ raise WebIDLError("[LenientFloat] used on an attribute with a "
+ "non-restricted-float type",
+ [attr.location, self.location])
+ elif identifier == "EnforceRange":
+ if self.readonly:
+ raise WebIDLError("[EnforceRange] used on a readonly attribute",
+ [attr.location, self.location])
+ self.enforceRange = True
+ elif identifier == "Clamp":
+ if self.readonly:
+ raise WebIDLError("[Clamp] used on a readonly attribute",
+ [attr.location, self.location])
+ self.clamp = True
+ elif identifier == "StoreInSlot":
+ if self.getExtendedAttribute("Cached"):
+ raise WebIDLError("[StoreInSlot] and [Cached] must not be "
+ "specified on the same attribute",
+ [attr.location, self.location])
+ elif identifier == "Cached":
+ if self.getExtendedAttribute("StoreInSlot"):
+ raise WebIDLError("[Cached] and [StoreInSlot] must not be "
+ "specified on the same attribute",
+ [attr.location, self.location])
+ elif (identifier == "CrossOriginReadable" or
+ identifier == "CrossOriginWritable"):
+ if not attr.noArguments():
+ raise WebIDLError("[%s] must take no arguments" % identifier,
+ [attr.location])
+ if self.isStatic():
+ raise WebIDLError("[%s] is only allowed on non-static "
+ "attributes" % identifier,
+ [attr.location, self.location])
+ if self.getExtendedAttribute("LenientThis"):
+ raise WebIDLError("[LenientThis] is not allowed in combination "
+ "with [%s]" % identifier,
+ [attr.location, self.location])
+ elif (identifier == "Pref" or
+ identifier == "SetterThrows" or
+ identifier == "Pure" or
+ identifier == "Throws" or
+ identifier == "GetterThrows" or
+ identifier == "ChromeOnly" or
+ identifier == "SameObject" or
+ identifier == "Constant" or
+ identifier == "Func" or
+ identifier == "Frozen" or
+ identifier == "AvailableIn" or
+ identifier == "Const" or
+ identifier == "Value" or
+ identifier == "NewObject"):
+ # Known attributes that we don't need to do anything with here
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise WebIDLError("Unknown extended attribute %s on attribute" % identifier,
+ [attr.location])
+ IDLInterfaceMember.handleExtendedAttribute(self, attr)
+ def resolve(self, parentScope):
+ assert isinstance(parentScope, IDLScope)
+ self.type.resolveType(parentScope)
+ IDLObjectWithIdentifier.resolve(self, parentScope)
+ def addExtendedAttributes(self, attrs):
+ attrs = self.checkForStringHandlingExtendedAttributes(attrs)
+ IDLInterfaceMember.addExtendedAttributes(self, attrs)
+ def hasLenientThis(self):
+ return self.lenientThis
+ def isUnforgeable(self):
+ return self._unforgeable
+ def _getDependentObjects(self):
+ return set([self.type])
+class IDLArgument(IDLObjectWithIdentifier):
+ def __init__(self, location, identifier, type, optional=False, defaultValue=None, variadic=False, dictionaryMember=False):
+ IDLObjectWithIdentifier.__init__(self, location, None, identifier)
+ assert isinstance(type, IDLType)
+ self.type = type
+ self.optional = optional
+ self.defaultValue = defaultValue
+ self.variadic = variadic
+ self.dictionaryMember = dictionaryMember
+ self._isComplete = False
+ self.enforceRange = False
+ self.clamp = False
+ self._allowTreatNonCallableAsNull = False
+ self._extraAttributes = {}
+ assert not variadic or optional
+ def getExtendedAttribute(self, name):
+ return self._extraAttributes.get(name)
+ def addExtendedAttributes(self, attrs):
+ attrs = self.checkForStringHandlingExtendedAttributes(
+ attrs,
+ isDictionaryMember=self.dictionaryMember,
+ isOptional=self.optional)
+ for attribute in attrs:
+ identifier = attribute.identifier()
+ if identifier == "Clamp":
+ if not attribute.noArguments():
+ raise WebIDLError("[Clamp] must take no arguments",
+ [attribute.location])
+ if self.enforceRange:
+ raise WebIDLError("[EnforceRange] and [Clamp] are mutually exclusive",
+ [self.location]);
+ self.clamp = True
+ elif identifier == "EnforceRange":
+ if not attribute.noArguments():
+ raise WebIDLError("[EnforceRange] must take no arguments",
+ [attribute.location])
+ if self.clamp:
+ raise WebIDLError("[EnforceRange] and [Clamp] are mutually exclusive",
+ [self.location]);
+ self.enforceRange = True
+ elif identifier == "TreatNonCallableAsNull":
+ self._allowTreatNonCallableAsNull = True
+ elif identifier in ['Ref', 'Const']:
+ # ok in emscripten
+ self._extraAttributes[identifier] = True
+ else:
+ raise WebIDLError("Unhandled extended attribute on an argument",
+ [attribute.location])
+ def isComplete(self):
+ return self._isComplete
+ def complete(self, scope):
+ if self._isComplete:
+ return
+ self._isComplete = True
+ if not self.type.isComplete():
+ type = self.type.complete(scope)
+ assert not isinstance(type, IDLUnresolvedType)
+ assert not isinstance(type, IDLTypedefType)
+ assert not isinstance(type.name, IDLUnresolvedIdentifier)
+ self.type = type
+ if ((self.type.isDictionary() or
+ self.type.isUnion() and self.type.unroll().hasDictionaryType) and
+ self.optional and not self.defaultValue):
+ # Default optional dictionaries to null, for simplicity,
+ # so the codegen doesn't have to special-case this.
+ self.defaultValue = IDLNullValue(self.location)
+ elif self.type.isAny():
+ assert (self.defaultValue is None or
+ isinstance(self.defaultValue, IDLNullValue))
+ # optional 'any' values always have a default value
+ if self.optional and not self.defaultValue and not self.variadic:
+ # Set the default value to undefined, for simplicity, so the
+ # codegen doesn't have to special-case this.
+ self.defaultValue = IDLUndefinedValue(self.location)
+ # Now do the coercing thing; this needs to happen after the
+ # above creation of a default value.
+ if self.defaultValue:
+ self.defaultValue = self.defaultValue.coerceToType(self.type,
+ self.location)
+ assert self.defaultValue
+ def allowTreatNonCallableAsNull(self):
+ return self._allowTreatNonCallableAsNull
+ def _getDependentObjects(self):
+ deps = set([self.type])
+ if self.defaultValue:
+ deps.add(self.defaultValue)
+ return deps
+class IDLCallbackType(IDLType, IDLObjectWithScope):
+ def __init__(self, location, parentScope, identifier, returnType, arguments):
+ assert isinstance(returnType, IDLType)
+ IDLType.__init__(self, location, identifier.name)
+ self._returnType = returnType
+ # Clone the list
+ self._arguments = list(arguments)
+ IDLObjectWithScope.__init__(self, location, parentScope, identifier)
+ for (returnType, arguments) in self.signatures():
+ for argument in arguments:
+ argument.resolve(self)
+ self._treatNonCallableAsNull = False
+ self._treatNonObjectAsNull = False
+ def isCallback(self):
+ return True
+ def signatures(self):
+ return [(self._returnType, self._arguments)]
+ def tag(self):
+ return IDLType.Tags.callback
+ def finish(self, scope):
+ if not self._returnType.isComplete():
+ type = self._returnType.complete(scope)
+ assert not isinstance(type, IDLUnresolvedType)
+ assert not isinstance(type, IDLTypedefType)
+ assert not isinstance(type.name, IDLUnresolvedIdentifier)
+ self._returnType = type
+ for argument in self._arguments:
+ if argument.type.isComplete():
+ continue
+ type = argument.type.complete(scope)
+ assert not isinstance(type, IDLUnresolvedType)
+ assert not isinstance(type, IDLTypedefType)
+ assert not isinstance(type.name, IDLUnresolvedIdentifier)
+ argument.type = type
+ def validate(self):
+ pass
+ def isDistinguishableFrom(self, other):
+ if other.isUnion():
+ # Just forward to the union; it'll deal
+ return other.isDistinguishableFrom(self)
+ return (other.isPrimitive() or other.isString() or other.isEnum() or
+ other.isNonCallbackInterface() or other.isDate())
+ def addExtendedAttributes(self, attrs):
+ unhandledAttrs = []
+ for attr in attrs:
+ if attr.identifier() == "TreatNonCallableAsNull":
+ self._treatNonCallableAsNull = True
+ elif attr.identifier() == "TreatNonObjectAsNull":
+ self._treatNonObjectAsNull = True
+ else:
+ unhandledAttrs.append(attr)
+ if self._treatNonCallableAsNull and self._treatNonObjectAsNull:
+ raise WebIDLError("Cannot specify both [TreatNonCallableAsNull] "
+ "and [TreatNonObjectAsNull]", [self.location])
+ if len(unhandledAttrs) != 0:
+ IDLType.addExtendedAttributes(self, unhandledAttrs)
+ def _getDependentObjects(self):
+ return set([self._returnType] + self._arguments)
+class IDLMethodOverload:
+ """
+ A class that represents a single overload of a WebIDL method. This is not
+ quite the same as an element of the "effective overload set" in the spec,
+ because separate IDLMethodOverloads are not created based on arguments being
+ optional. Rather, when multiple methods have the same name, there is an
+ IDLMethodOverload for each one, all hanging off an IDLMethod representing
+ the full set of overloads.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, returnType, arguments, location):
+ self.returnType = returnType
+ # Clone the list of arguments, just in case
+ self.arguments = list(arguments)
+ self.location = location
+ def _getDependentObjects(self):
+ deps = set(self.arguments)
+ deps.add(self.returnType)
+ return deps
+class IDLMethod(IDLInterfaceMember, IDLScope):
+ Special = enum(
+ 'Getter',
+ 'Setter',
+ 'Creator',
+ 'Deleter',
+ 'LegacyCaller',
+ base=IDLInterfaceMember.Special
+ )
+ TypeSuffixModifier = enum(
+ 'None',
+ 'QMark',
+ 'Brackets'
+ )
+ NamedOrIndexed = enum(
+ 'Neither',
+ 'Named',
+ 'Indexed'
+ )
+ def __init__(self, location, identifier, returnType, arguments,
+ static=False, getter=False, setter=False, creator=False,
+ deleter=False, specialType=NamedOrIndexed.Neither,
+ legacycaller=False, stringifier=False, jsonifier=False):
+ # REVIEW: specialType is NamedOrIndexed -- wow, this is messed up.
+ IDLInterfaceMember.__init__(self, location, identifier,
+ IDLInterfaceMember.Tags.Method)
+ self._hasOverloads = False
+ assert isinstance(returnType, IDLType)
+ # self._overloads is a list of IDLMethodOverloads
+ self._overloads = [IDLMethodOverload(returnType, arguments, location)]
+ assert isinstance(static, bool)
+ self._static = static
+ assert isinstance(getter, bool)
+ self._getter = getter
+ assert isinstance(setter, bool)
+ self._setter = setter
+ assert isinstance(creator, bool)
+ self._creator = creator
+ assert isinstance(deleter, bool)
+ self._deleter = deleter
+ assert isinstance(legacycaller, bool)
+ self._legacycaller = legacycaller
+ assert isinstance(stringifier, bool)
+ self._stringifier = stringifier
+ assert isinstance(jsonifier, bool)
+ self._jsonifier = jsonifier
+ self._specialType = specialType
+ if static and identifier.name == "prototype":
+ raise WebIDLError("The identifier of a static operation must not be 'prototype'",
+ [location])
+ self.assertSignatureConstraints()
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "Method '%s'" % self.identifier
+ def assertSignatureConstraints(self):
+ if self._getter or self._deleter:
+ assert len(self._overloads) == 1
+ overload = self._overloads[0]
+ arguments = overload.arguments
+ assert len(arguments) == 1
+ assert arguments[0].type == BuiltinTypes[IDLBuiltinType.Types.domstring] or \
+ arguments[0].type == BuiltinTypes[IDLBuiltinType.Types.unsigned_long]
+ assert not arguments[0].optional and not arguments[0].variadic
+ assert not self._getter or not overload.returnType.isVoid()
+ if self._setter or self._creator:
+ assert len(self._overloads) == 1
+ arguments = self._overloads[0].arguments
+ assert len(arguments) == 2
+ assert arguments[0].type == BuiltinTypes[IDLBuiltinType.Types.domstring] or \
+ arguments[0].type == BuiltinTypes[IDLBuiltinType.Types.unsigned_long]
+ assert not arguments[0].optional and not arguments[0].variadic
+ assert not arguments[1].optional and not arguments[1].variadic
+ if self._stringifier:
+ assert len(self._overloads) == 1
+ overload = self._overloads[0]
+ assert len(overload.arguments) == 0
+ assert overload.returnType == BuiltinTypes[IDLBuiltinType.Types.domstring]
+ if self._jsonifier:
+ assert len(self._overloads) == 1
+ overload = self._overloads[0]
+ assert len(overload.arguments) == 0
+ assert overload.returnType == BuiltinTypes[IDLBuiltinType.Types.object]
+ def isStatic(self):
+ return self._static
+ def isGetter(self):
+ return self._getter
+ def isSetter(self):
+ return self._setter
+ def isCreator(self):
+ return self._creator
+ def isDeleter(self):
+ return self._deleter
+ def isNamed(self):
+ assert self._specialType == IDLMethod.NamedOrIndexed.Named or \
+ self._specialType == IDLMethod.NamedOrIndexed.Indexed
+ return self._specialType == IDLMethod.NamedOrIndexed.Named
+ def isIndexed(self):
+ assert self._specialType == IDLMethod.NamedOrIndexed.Named or \
+ self._specialType == IDLMethod.NamedOrIndexed.Indexed
+ return self._specialType == IDLMethod.NamedOrIndexed.Indexed
+ def isLegacycaller(self):
+ return self._legacycaller
+ def isStringifier(self):
+ return self._stringifier
+ def isJsonifier(self):
+ return self._jsonifier
+ def hasOverloads(self):
+ return self._hasOverloads
+ def isIdentifierLess(self):
+ return self.identifier.name[:2] == "__" and self.identifier.name != "__noSuchMethod__"
+ def resolve(self, parentScope):
+ assert isinstance(parentScope, IDLScope)
+ IDLObjectWithIdentifier.resolve(self, parentScope)
+ IDLScope.__init__(self, self.location, parentScope, self.identifier)
+ for (returnType, arguments) in self.signatures():
+ for argument in arguments:
+ argument.resolve(self)
+ def addOverload(self, method):
+ assert len(method._overloads) == 1
+ if self._extendedAttrDict != method ._extendedAttrDict:
+ raise WebIDLError("Extended attributes differ on different "
+ "overloads of %s" % method.identifier,
+ [self.location, method.location])
+ self._overloads.extend(method._overloads)
+ self._hasOverloads = True
+ if self.isStatic() != method.isStatic():
+ raise WebIDLError("Overloaded identifier %s appears with different values of the 'static' attribute" % method.identifier,
+ [method.location])
+ if self.isLegacycaller() != method.isLegacycaller():
+ raise WebIDLError("Overloaded identifier %s appears with different values of the 'legacycaller' attribute" % method.identifier,
+ [method.location])
+ # Can't overload special things!
+ assert not self.isGetter()
+ assert not method.isGetter()
+ assert not self.isSetter()
+ assert not method.isSetter()
+ assert not self.isCreator()
+ assert not method.isCreator()
+ assert not self.isDeleter()
+ assert not method.isDeleter()
+ assert not self.isStringifier()
+ assert not method.isStringifier()
+ assert not self.isJsonifier()
+ assert not method.isJsonifier()
+ return self
+ def signatures(self):
+ return [(overload.returnType, overload.arguments) for overload in
+ self._overloads]
+ def finish(self, scope):
+ overloadWithPromiseReturnType = None
+ overloadWithoutPromiseReturnType = None
+ for overload in self._overloads:
+ variadicArgument = None
+ arguments = overload.arguments
+ for (idx, argument) in enumerate(arguments):
+ if not argument.isComplete():
+ argument.complete(scope)
+ assert argument.type.isComplete()
+ if (argument.type.isDictionary() or
+ (argument.type.isUnion() and
+ argument.type.unroll().hasDictionaryType)):
+ # Dictionaries and unions containing dictionaries at the
+ # end of the list or followed by optional arguments must be
+ # optional.
+ if (not argument.optional and
+ all(arg.optional for arg in arguments[idx+1:])):
+ raise WebIDLError("Dictionary argument or union "
+ "argument containing a dictionary "
+ "not followed by a required argument "
+ "must be optional",
+ [argument.location])
+ # An argument cannot be a Nullable Dictionary
+ if argument.type.nullable():
+ raise WebIDLError("An argument cannot be a nullable "
+ "dictionary or nullable union "
+ "containing a dictionary",
+ [argument.location])
+ # Only the last argument can be variadic
+ if variadicArgument:
+ raise WebIDLError("Variadic argument is not last argument",
+ [variadicArgument.location])
+ if argument.variadic:
+ variadicArgument = argument
+ returnType = overload.returnType
+ if not returnType.isComplete():
+ returnType = returnType.complete(scope)
+ assert not isinstance(returnType, IDLUnresolvedType)
+ assert not isinstance(returnType, IDLTypedefType)
+ assert not isinstance(returnType.name, IDLUnresolvedIdentifier)
+ overload.returnType = returnType
+ if returnType.isPromise():
+ overloadWithPromiseReturnType = overload
+ else:
+ overloadWithoutPromiseReturnType = overload
+ # Make sure either all our overloads return Promises or none do
+ if overloadWithPromiseReturnType and overloadWithoutPromiseReturnType:
+ raise WebIDLError("We have overloads with both Promise and "
+ "non-Promise return types",
+ [overloadWithPromiseReturnType.location,
+ overloadWithoutPromiseReturnType.location])
+ if overloadWithPromiseReturnType and self._legacycaller:
+ raise WebIDLError("May not have a Promise return type for a "
+ "legacycaller.",
+ [overloadWithPromiseReturnType.location])
+ # Now compute various information that will be used by the
+ # WebIDL overload resolution algorithm.
+ self.maxArgCount = max(len(s[1]) for s in self.signatures())
+ self.allowedArgCounts = [ i for i in range(self.maxArgCount+1)
+ if len(self.signaturesForArgCount(i)) != 0 ]
+ def validate(self):
+ # Make sure our overloads are properly distinguishable and don't have
+ # different argument types before the distinguishing args.
+ for argCount in self.allowedArgCounts:
+ possibleOverloads = self.overloadsForArgCount(argCount)
+ if len(possibleOverloads) == 1:
+ continue
+ distinguishingIndex = self.distinguishingIndexForArgCount(argCount)
+ for idx in range(distinguishingIndex):
+ firstSigType = possibleOverloads[0].arguments[idx].type
+ for overload in possibleOverloads[1:]:
+ if overload.arguments[idx].type != firstSigType:
+ raise WebIDLError(
+ "Signatures for method '%s' with %d arguments have "
+ "different types of arguments at index %d, which "
+ "is before distinguishing index %d" %
+ (self.identifier.name, argCount, idx,
+ distinguishingIndex),
+ [self.location, overload.location])
+ def overloadsForArgCount(self, argc):
+ return [overload for overload in self._overloads if
+ len(overload.arguments) == argc or
+ (len(overload.arguments) > argc and
+ all(arg.optional for arg in overload.arguments[argc:])) or
+ (len(overload.arguments) < argc and
+ len(overload.arguments) > 0 and
+ overload.arguments[-1].variadic)]
+ def signaturesForArgCount(self, argc):
+ return [(overload.returnType, overload.arguments) for overload
+ in self.overloadsForArgCount(argc)]
+ def locationsForArgCount(self, argc):
+ return [overload.location for overload in self.overloadsForArgCount(argc)]
+ def distinguishingIndexForArgCount(self, argc):
+ def isValidDistinguishingIndex(idx, signatures):
+ for (firstSigIndex, (firstRetval, firstArgs)) in enumerate(signatures[:-1]):
+ for (secondRetval, secondArgs) in signatures[firstSigIndex+1:]:
+ if idx < len(firstArgs):
+ firstType = firstArgs[idx].type
+ else:
+ assert(firstArgs[-1].variadic)
+ firstType = firstArgs[-1].type
+ if idx < len(secondArgs):
+ secondType = secondArgs[idx].type
+ else:
+ assert(secondArgs[-1].variadic)
+ secondType = secondArgs[-1].type
+ if not firstType.isDistinguishableFrom(secondType):
+ return False
+ return True
+ signatures = self.signaturesForArgCount(argc)
+ for idx in range(argc):
+ if isValidDistinguishingIndex(idx, signatures):
+ return idx
+ # No valid distinguishing index. Time to throw
+ locations = self.locationsForArgCount(argc)
+ raise WebIDLError("Signatures with %d arguments for method '%s' are not "
+ "distinguishable" % (argc, self.identifier.name),
+ locations)
+ def handleExtendedAttribute(self, attr):
+ identifier = attr.identifier()
+ if identifier == "GetterThrows":
+ raise WebIDLError("Methods must not be flagged as "
+ "[GetterThrows]",
+ [attr.location, self.location])
+ elif identifier == "SetterThrows":
+ raise WebIDLError("Methods must not be flagged as "
+ "[SetterThrows]",
+ [attr.location, self.location])
+ elif identifier == "Unforgeable":
+ raise WebIDLError("Methods must not be flagged as "
+ "[Unforgeable]",
+ [attr.location, self.location])
+ elif identifier == "SameObject":
+ raise WebIDLError("Methods must not be flagged as [SameObject]",
+ [attr.location, self.location]);
+ elif identifier == "Constant":
+ raise WebIDLError("Methods must not be flagged as [Constant]",
+ [attr.location, self.location]);
+ elif identifier == "PutForwards":
+ raise WebIDLError("Only attributes support [PutForwards]",
+ [attr.location, self.location])
+ elif identifier == "LenientFloat":
+ # This is called before we've done overload resolution
+ assert len(self.signatures()) == 1
+ sig = self.signatures()[0]
+ if not sig[0].isVoid():
+ raise WebIDLError("[LenientFloat] used on a non-void method",
+ [attr.location, self.location])
+ if not any(arg.type.includesRestrictedFloat() for arg in sig[1]):
+ raise WebIDLError("[LenientFloat] used on an operation with no "
+ "restricted float type arguments",
+ [attr.location, self.location])
+ elif (identifier == "Throws" or
+ identifier == "NewObject" or
+ identifier == "ChromeOnly" or
+ identifier == "Pref" or
+ identifier == "Func" or
+ identifier == "AvailableIn" or
+ identifier == "Pure" or
+ identifier == "CrossOriginCallable" or
+ identifier == "Ref" or
+ identifier == "Value" or
+ identifier == "Operator" or
+ identifier == "WebGLHandlesContextLoss"):
+ # Known attributes that we don't need to do anything with here
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise WebIDLError("Unknown extended attribute %s on method" % identifier,
+ [attr.location])
+ IDLInterfaceMember.handleExtendedAttribute(self, attr)
+ def returnsPromise(self):
+ return self._overloads[0].returnType.isPromise()
+ def _getDependentObjects(self):
+ deps = set()
+ for overload in self._overloads:
+ deps.union(overload._getDependentObjects())
+ return deps
+class IDLImplementsStatement(IDLObject):
+ def __init__(self, location, implementor, implementee):
+ IDLObject.__init__(self, location)
+ self.implementor = implementor;
+ self.implementee = implementee
+ def finish(self, scope):
+ assert(isinstance(self.implementor, IDLIdentifierPlaceholder))
+ assert(isinstance(self.implementee, IDLIdentifierPlaceholder))
+ implementor = self.implementor.finish(scope)
+ implementee = self.implementee.finish(scope)
+ # NOTE: we depend on not setting self.implementor and
+ # self.implementee here to keep track of the original
+ # locations.
+ if not isinstance(implementor, IDLInterface):
+ raise WebIDLError("Left-hand side of 'implements' is not an "
+ "interface",
+ [self.implementor.location])
+ if implementor.isCallback():
+ raise WebIDLError("Left-hand side of 'implements' is a callback "
+ "interface",
+ [self.implementor.location])
+ if not isinstance(implementee, IDLInterface):
+ raise WebIDLError("Right-hand side of 'implements' is not an "
+ "interface",
+ [self.implementee.location])
+ if implementee.isCallback():
+ raise WebIDLError("Right-hand side of 'implements' is a callback "
+ "interface",
+ [self.implementee.location])
+ implementor.addImplementedInterface(implementee)
+ def validate(self):
+ pass
+ def addExtendedAttributes(self, attrs):
+ assert len(attrs) == 0
+class IDLExtendedAttribute(IDLObject):
+ """
+ A class to represent IDL extended attributes so we can give them locations
+ """
+ def __init__(self, location, tuple):
+ IDLObject.__init__(self, location)
+ self._tuple = tuple
+ def identifier(self):
+ return self._tuple[0]
+ def noArguments(self):
+ return len(self._tuple) == 1
+ def hasValue(self):
+ return len(self._tuple) >= 2 and isinstance(self._tuple[1], str)
+ def value(self):
+ assert(self.hasValue())
+ return self._tuple[1]
+ def hasArgs(self):
+ return (len(self._tuple) == 2 and isinstance(self._tuple[1], list) or
+ len(self._tuple) == 3)
+ def args(self):
+ assert(self.hasArgs())
+ # Our args are our last element
+ return self._tuple[-1]
+ def listValue(self):
+ """
+ Backdoor for storing random data in _extendedAttrDict
+ """
+ return list(self._tuple)[1:]
+# Parser
+class Tokenizer(object):
+ tokens = [
+ ]
+ def t_FLOATLITERAL(self, t):
+ r'(-?(([0-9]+\.[0-9]*|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+)([Ee][+-]?[0-9]+)?|[0-9]+[Ee][+-]?[0-9]+|Infinity))|NaN'
+ t.value = float(t.value)
+ return t
+ def t_INTEGER(self, t):
+ r'-?(0([0-7]+|[Xx][0-9A-Fa-f]+)?|[1-9][0-9]*)'
+ try:
+ # Can't use int(), because that doesn't handle octal properly.
+ t.value = parseInt(t.value)
+ except:
+ raise WebIDLError("Invalid integer literal",
+ [Location(lexer=self.lexer,
+ lineno=self.lexer.lineno,
+ lexpos=self.lexer.lexpos,
+ filename=self._filename)])
+ return t
+ def t_IDENTIFIER(self, t):
+ r'[A-Z_a-z][0-9A-Z_a-z]*'
+ t.type = self.keywords.get(t.value, 'IDENTIFIER')
+ return t
+ def t_STRING(self, t):
+ r'"[^"]*"'
+ t.value = t.value[1:-1]
+ return t
+ def t_WHITESPACE(self, t):
+ r'[\t\n\r ]+|[\t\n\r ]*((//[^\n]*|/\*.*?\*/)[\t\n\r ]*)+'
+ pass
+ def t_ELLIPSIS(self, t):
+ r'\.\.\.'
+ t.type = self.keywords.get(t.value)
+ return t
+ def t_OTHER(self, t):
+ r'[^\t\n\r 0-9A-Z_a-z]'
+ t.type = self.keywords.get(t.value, 'OTHER')
+ return t
+ keywords = {
+ "module": "MODULE",
+ "interface": "INTERFACE",
+ "partial": "PARTIAL",
+ "dictionary": "DICTIONARY",
+ "exception": "EXCEPTION",
+ "enum": "ENUM",
+ "callback": "CALLBACK",
+ "typedef": "TYPEDEF",
+ "implements": "IMPLEMENTS",
+ "const": "CONST",
+ "null": "NULL",
+ "true": "TRUE",
+ "false": "FALSE",
+ "serializer": "SERIALIZER",
+ "stringifier": "STRINGIFIER",
+ "jsonifier": "JSONIFIER",
+ "unrestricted": "UNRESTRICTED",
+ "attribute": "ATTRIBUTE",
+ "readonly": "READONLY",
+ "inherit": "INHERIT",
+ "static": "STATIC",
+ "getter": "GETTER",
+ "setter": "SETTER",
+ "creator": "CREATOR",
+ "deleter": "DELETER",
+ "legacycaller": "LEGACYCALLER",
+ "optional": "OPTIONAL",
+ "...": "ELLIPSIS",
+ "::": "SCOPE",
+ "Date": "DATE",
+ "DOMString": "DOMSTRING",
+ "ByteString": "BYTESTRING",
+ "any": "ANY",
+ "boolean": "BOOLEAN",
+ "byte": "BYTE",
+ "double": "DOUBLE",
+ "float": "FLOAT",
+ "long": "LONG",
+ "object": "OBJECT",
+ "octet": "OCTET",
+ "optional": "OPTIONAL",
+ "sequence": "SEQUENCE",
+ "short": "SHORT",
+ "unsigned": "UNSIGNED",
+ "void": "VOID",
+ ":": "COLON",
+ ";": "SEMICOLON",
+ "{": "LBRACE",
+ "}": "RBRACE",
+ "(": "LPAREN",
+ ")": "RPAREN",
+ "[": "LBRACKET",
+ "]": "RBRACKET",
+ ",": "COMMA",
+ "=": "EQUALS",
+ "<": "LT",
+ ">": "GT",
+ "ArrayBuffer": "ARRAYBUFFER",
+ "or": "OR"
+ }
+ tokens.extend(keywords.values())
+ def t_error(self, t):
+ raise WebIDLError("Unrecognized Input",
+ [Location(lexer=self.lexer,
+ lineno=self.lexer.lineno,
+ lexpos=self.lexer.lexpos,
+ filename = self.filename)])
+ def __init__(self, outputdir, lexer=None):
+ if lexer:
+ self.lexer = lexer
+ else:
+ self.lexer = lex.lex(object=self,
+ outputdir=outputdir,
+ lextab='webidllex',
+ reflags=re.DOTALL)
+class Parser(Tokenizer):
+ def getLocation(self, p, i):
+ return Location(self.lexer, p.lineno(i), p.lexpos(i), self._filename)
+ def globalScope(self):
+ return self._globalScope
+ # The p_Foo functions here must match the WebIDL spec's grammar.
+ # It's acceptable to split things at '|' boundaries.
+ def p_Definitions(self, p):
+ """
+ Definitions : ExtendedAttributeList Definition Definitions
+ """
+ if p[2]:
+ p[0] = [p[2]]
+ p[2].addExtendedAttributes(p[1])
+ else:
+ assert not p[1]
+ p[0] = []
+ p[0].extend(p[3])
+ def p_DefinitionsEmpty(self, p):
+ """
+ Definitions :
+ """
+ p[0] = []
+ def p_Definition(self, p):
+ """
+ Definition : CallbackOrInterface
+ | PartialInterface
+ | Dictionary
+ | Exception
+ | Enum
+ | Typedef
+ | ImplementsStatement
+ """
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ assert p[1] # We might not have implemented something ...
+ def p_CallbackOrInterfaceCallback(self, p):
+ """
+ CallbackOrInterface : CALLBACK CallbackRestOrInterface
+ """
+ if p[2].isInterface():
+ assert isinstance(p[2], IDLInterface)
+ p[2].setCallback(True)
+ p[0] = p[2]
+ def p_CallbackOrInterfaceInterface(self, p):
+ """
+ CallbackOrInterface : Interface
+ """
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ def p_CallbackRestOrInterface(self, p):
+ """
+ CallbackRestOrInterface : CallbackRest
+ | Interface
+ """
+ assert p[1]
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ def p_Interface(self, p):
+ """
+ """
+ location = self.getLocation(p, 1)
+ identifier = IDLUnresolvedIdentifier(self.getLocation(p, 2), p[2])
+ members = p[5]
+ parent = p[3]
+ try:
+ if self.globalScope()._lookupIdentifier(identifier):
+ p[0] = self.globalScope()._lookupIdentifier(identifier)
+ if not isinstance(p[0], IDLInterface):
+ raise WebIDLError("Partial interface has the same name as "
+ "non-interface object",
+ [location, p[0].location])
+ p[0].setNonPartial(location, parent, members)
+ return
+ except Exception, ex:
+ if isinstance(ex, WebIDLError):
+ raise ex
+ pass
+ p[0] = IDLInterface(location, self.globalScope(), identifier, parent,
+ members, isPartial=False)
+ def p_InterfaceForwardDecl(self, p):
+ """
+ """
+ location = self.getLocation(p, 1)
+ identifier = IDLUnresolvedIdentifier(self.getLocation(p, 2), p[2])
+ try:
+ if self.globalScope()._lookupIdentifier(identifier):
+ p[0] = self.globalScope()._lookupIdentifier(identifier)
+ if not isinstance(p[0], IDLExternalInterface):
+ raise WebIDLError("Name collision between external "
+ "interface declaration for identifier "
+ "%s and %s" % (identifier.name, p[0]),
+ [location, p[0].location])
+ return
+ except Exception, ex:
+ if isinstance(ex, WebIDLError):
+ raise ex
+ pass
+ p[0] = IDLExternalInterface(location, self.globalScope(), identifier)
+ def p_PartialInterface(self, p):
+ """
+ """
+ location = self.getLocation(p, 2)
+ identifier = IDLUnresolvedIdentifier(self.getLocation(p, 3), p[3])
+ members = p[5]
+ try:
+ if self.globalScope()._lookupIdentifier(identifier):
+ p[0] = self.globalScope()._lookupIdentifier(identifier)
+ if not isinstance(p[0], IDLInterface):
+ raise WebIDLError("Partial interface has the same name as "
+ "non-interface object",
+ [location, p[0].location])
+ # Just throw our members into the existing IDLInterface. If we
+ # have extended attributes, those will get added to it
+ # automatically.
+ p[0].members.extend(members)
+ return
+ except Exception, ex:
+ if isinstance(ex, WebIDLError):
+ raise ex
+ pass
+ p[0] = IDLInterface(location, self.globalScope(), identifier, None,
+ members, isPartial=True)
+ pass
+ def p_Inheritance(self, p):
+ """
+ Inheritance : COLON ScopedName
+ """
+ p[0] = IDLIdentifierPlaceholder(self.getLocation(p, 2), p[2])
+ def p_InheritanceEmpty(self, p):
+ """
+ Inheritance :
+ """
+ pass
+ def p_InterfaceMembers(self, p):
+ """
+ InterfaceMembers : ExtendedAttributeList InterfaceMember InterfaceMembers
+ """
+ p[0] = [p[2]] if p[2] else []
+ assert not p[1] or p[2]
+ p[2].addExtendedAttributes(p[1])
+ p[0].extend(p[3])
+ def p_InterfaceMembersEmpty(self, p):
+ """
+ InterfaceMembers :
+ """
+ p[0] = []
+ def p_InterfaceMember(self, p):
+ """
+ InterfaceMember : Const
+ | AttributeOrOperation
+ """
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ def p_Dictionary(self, p):
+ """
+ Dictionary : DICTIONARY IDENTIFIER Inheritance LBRACE DictionaryMembers RBRACE SEMICOLON
+ """
+ location = self.getLocation(p, 1)
+ identifier = IDLUnresolvedIdentifier(self.getLocation(p, 2), p[2])
+ members = p[5]
+ p[0] = IDLDictionary(location, self.globalScope(), identifier, p[3], members)
+ def p_DictionaryMembers(self, p):
+ """
+ DictionaryMembers : ExtendedAttributeList DictionaryMember DictionaryMembers
+ |
+ """
+ if len(p) == 1:
+ # We're at the end of the list
+ p[0] = []
+ return
+ # Add our extended attributes
+ p[2].addExtendedAttributes(p[1])
+ p[0] = [p[2]]
+ p[0].extend(p[3])
+ def p_DictionaryMember(self, p):
+ """
+ DictionaryMember : Type IDENTIFIER DefaultValue SEMICOLON
+ """
+ # These quack a lot like optional arguments, so just treat them that way.
+ t = p[1]
+ assert isinstance(t, IDLType)
+ identifier = IDLUnresolvedIdentifier(self.getLocation(p, 2), p[2])
+ defaultValue = p[3]
+ p[0] = IDLArgument(self.getLocation(p, 2), identifier, t, optional=True,
+ defaultValue=defaultValue, variadic=False,
+ dictionaryMember=True)
+ def p_DefaultValue(self, p):
+ """
+ DefaultValue : EQUALS ConstValue
+ |
+ """
+ if len(p) > 1:
+ p[0] = p[2]
+ else:
+ p[0] = None
+ def p_Exception(self, p):
+ """
+ """
+ pass
+ def p_Enum(self, p):
+ """
+ """
+ location = self.getLocation(p, 1)
+ identifier = IDLUnresolvedIdentifier(self.getLocation(p, 2), p[2])
+ values = p[4]
+ assert values
+ p[0] = IDLEnum(location, self.globalScope(), identifier, values)
+ def p_EnumValueList(self, p):
+ """
+ EnumValueList : STRING EnumValueListComma
+ """
+ p[0] = [p[1]]
+ p[0].extend(p[2])
+ def p_EnumValueListComma(self, p):
+ """
+ EnumValueListComma : COMMA EnumValueListString
+ """
+ p[0] = p[2]
+ def p_EnumValueListCommaEmpty(self, p):
+ """
+ EnumValueListComma :
+ """
+ p[0] = []
+ def p_EnumValueListString(self, p):
+ """
+ EnumValueListString : STRING EnumValueListComma
+ """
+ p[0] = [p[1]]
+ p[0].extend(p[2])
+ def p_EnumValueListStringEmpty(self, p):
+ """
+ EnumValueListString :
+ """
+ p[0] = []
+ def p_CallbackRest(self, p):
+ """
+ """
+ identifier = IDLUnresolvedIdentifier(self.getLocation(p, 1), p[1])
+ p[0] = IDLCallbackType(self.getLocation(p, 1), self.globalScope(),
+ identifier, p[3], p[5])
+ def p_ExceptionMembers(self, p):
+ """
+ ExceptionMembers : ExtendedAttributeList ExceptionMember ExceptionMembers
+ |
+ """
+ pass
+ def p_Typedef(self, p):
+ """
+ """
+ typedef = IDLTypedefType(self.getLocation(p, 1), p[2], p[3])
+ typedef.resolve(self.globalScope())
+ p[0] = typedef
+ def p_ImplementsStatement(self, p):
+ """
+ ImplementsStatement : ScopedName IMPLEMENTS ScopedName SEMICOLON
+ """
+ assert(p[2] == "implements")
+ implementor = IDLIdentifierPlaceholder(self.getLocation(p, 1), p[1])
+ implementee = IDLIdentifierPlaceholder(self.getLocation(p, 3), p[3])
+ p[0] = IDLImplementsStatement(self.getLocation(p, 1), implementor,
+ implementee)
+ def p_Const(self, p):
+ """
+ """
+ location = self.getLocation(p, 1)
+ type = p[2]
+ identifier = IDLUnresolvedIdentifier(self.getLocation(p, 3), p[3])
+ value = p[5]
+ p[0] = IDLConst(location, identifier, type, value)
+ def p_ConstValueBoolean(self, p):
+ """
+ ConstValue : BooleanLiteral
+ """
+ location = self.getLocation(p, 1)
+ booleanType = BuiltinTypes[IDLBuiltinType.Types.boolean]
+ p[0] = IDLValue(location, booleanType, p[1])
+ def p_ConstValueInteger(self, p):
+ """
+ ConstValue : INTEGER
+ """
+ location = self.getLocation(p, 1)
+ # We don't know ahead of time what type the integer literal is.
+ # Determine the smallest type it could possibly fit in and use that.
+ integerType = matchIntegerValueToType(p[1])
+ if integerType == None:
+ raise WebIDLError("Integer literal out of range", [location])
+ p[0] = IDLValue(location, integerType, p[1])
+ def p_ConstValueFloat(self, p):
+ """
+ """
+ location = self.getLocation(p, 1)
+ p[0] = IDLValue(location, BuiltinTypes[IDLBuiltinType.Types.unrestricted_float], p[1])
+ def p_ConstValueString(self, p):
+ """
+ ConstValue : STRING
+ """
+ location = self.getLocation(p, 1)
+ stringType = BuiltinTypes[IDLBuiltinType.Types.domstring]
+ p[0] = IDLValue(location, stringType, p[1])
+ def p_ConstValueNull(self, p):
+ """
+ ConstValue : NULL
+ """
+ p[0] = IDLNullValue(self.getLocation(p, 1))
+ def p_BooleanLiteralTrue(self, p):
+ """
+ BooleanLiteral : TRUE
+ """
+ p[0] = True
+ def p_BooleanLiteralFalse(self, p):
+ """
+ BooleanLiteral : FALSE
+ """
+ p[0] = False
+ def p_AttributeOrOperation(self, p):
+ """
+ AttributeOrOperation : Attribute
+ | Operation
+ """
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ def p_AttributeWithQualifier(self, p):
+ """
+ Attribute : Qualifier AttributeRest
+ """
+ static = IDLInterfaceMember.Special.Static in p[1]
+ stringifier = IDLInterfaceMember.Special.Stringifier in p[1]
+ (location, identifier, type, readonly) = p[2]
+ p[0] = IDLAttribute(location, identifier, type, readonly, static=static,
+ stringifier=stringifier)
+ def p_Attribute(self, p):
+ """
+ Attribute : Inherit AttributeRest
+ """
+ (location, identifier, type, readonly) = p[2]
+ p[0] = IDLAttribute(location, identifier, type, readonly, inherit=p[1])
+ def p_AttributeRest(self, p):
+ """
+ """
+ location = self.getLocation(p, 2)
+ readonly = p[1]
+ t = p[3]
+ identifier = IDLUnresolvedIdentifier(self.getLocation(p, 4), p[4])
+ p[0] = (location, identifier, t, readonly)
+ def p_ReadOnly(self, p):
+ """
+ ReadOnly : READONLY
+ """
+ p[0] = True
+ def p_ReadOnlyEmpty(self, p):
+ """
+ ReadOnly :
+ """
+ p[0] = False
+ def p_Inherit(self, p):
+ """
+ Inherit : INHERIT
+ """
+ p[0] = True
+ def p_InheritEmpty(self, p):
+ """
+ Inherit :
+ """
+ p[0] = False
+ def p_Operation(self, p):
+ """
+ Operation : Qualifiers OperationRest
+ """
+ qualifiers = p[1]
+ # Disallow duplicates in the qualifier set
+ if not len(set(qualifiers)) == len(qualifiers):
+ raise WebIDLError("Duplicate qualifiers are not allowed",
+ [self.getLocation(p, 1)])
+ static = IDLInterfaceMember.Special.Static in p[1]
+ # If static is there that's all that's allowed. This is disallowed
+ # by the parser, so we can assert here.
+ assert not static or len(qualifiers) == 1
+ stringifier = IDLInterfaceMember.Special.Stringifier in p[1]
+ # If stringifier is there that's all that's allowed. This is disallowed
+ # by the parser, so we can assert here.
+ assert not stringifier or len(qualifiers) == 1
+ getter = True if IDLMethod.Special.Getter in p[1] else False
+ setter = True if IDLMethod.Special.Setter in p[1] else False
+ creator = True if IDLMethod.Special.Creator in p[1] else False
+ deleter = True if IDLMethod.Special.Deleter in p[1] else False
+ legacycaller = True if IDLMethod.Special.LegacyCaller in p[1] else False
+ if getter or deleter:
+ if setter or creator:
+ raise WebIDLError("getter and deleter are incompatible with setter and creator",
+ [self.getLocation(p, 1)])
+ (returnType, identifier, arguments) = p[2]
+ assert isinstance(returnType, IDLType)
+ specialType = IDLMethod.NamedOrIndexed.Neither
+ if getter or deleter:
+ if len(arguments) != 1:
+ raise WebIDLError("%s has wrong number of arguments" %
+ ("getter" if getter else "deleter"),
+ [self.getLocation(p, 2)])
+ argType = arguments[0].type
+ if argType == BuiltinTypes[IDLBuiltinType.Types.domstring]:
+ specialType = IDLMethod.NamedOrIndexed.Named
+ elif argType == BuiltinTypes[IDLBuiltinType.Types.unsigned_long]:
+ specialType = IDLMethod.NamedOrIndexed.Indexed
+ else:
+ raise WebIDLError("%s has wrong argument type (must be DOMString or UnsignedLong)" %
+ ("getter" if getter else "deleter"),
+ [arguments[0].location])
+ if arguments[0].optional or arguments[0].variadic:
+ raise WebIDLError("%s cannot have %s argument" %
+ ("getter" if getter else "deleter",
+ "optional" if arguments[0].optional else "variadic"),
+ [arguments[0].location])
+ if getter:
+ if returnType.isVoid():
+ raise WebIDLError("getter cannot have void return type",
+ [self.getLocation(p, 2)])
+ if setter or creator:
+ if len(arguments) != 2:
+ raise WebIDLError("%s has wrong number of arguments" %
+ ("setter" if setter else "creator"),
+ [self.getLocation(p, 2)])
+ argType = arguments[0].type
+ if argType == BuiltinTypes[IDLBuiltinType.Types.domstring]:
+ specialType = IDLMethod.NamedOrIndexed.Named
+ elif argType == BuiltinTypes[IDLBuiltinType.Types.unsigned_long]:
+ specialType = IDLMethod.NamedOrIndexed.Indexed
+ else:
+ raise WebIDLError("%s has wrong argument type (must be DOMString or UnsignedLong)" %
+ ("setter" if setter else "creator"),
+ [arguments[0].location])
+ if arguments[0].optional or arguments[0].variadic:
+ raise WebIDLError("%s cannot have %s argument" %
+ ("setter" if setter else "creator",
+ "optional" if arguments[0].optional else "variadic"),
+ [arguments[0].location])
+ if arguments[1].optional or arguments[1].variadic:
+ raise WebIDLError("%s cannot have %s argument" %
+ ("setter" if setter else "creator",
+ "optional" if arguments[1].optional else "variadic"),
+ [arguments[1].location])
+ if stringifier:
+ if len(arguments) != 0:
+ raise WebIDLError("stringifier has wrong number of arguments",
+ [self.getLocation(p, 2)])
+ if not returnType.isDOMString():
+ raise WebIDLError("stringifier must have DOMString return type",
+ [self.getLocation(p, 2)])
+ # identifier might be None. This is only permitted for special methods.
+ if not identifier:
+ if not getter and not setter and not creator and \
+ not deleter and not legacycaller and not stringifier:
+ raise WebIDLError("Identifier required for non-special methods",
+ [self.getLocation(p, 2)])
+ location = BuiltinLocation("<auto-generated-identifier>")
+ identifier = IDLUnresolvedIdentifier(location, "__%s%s%s%s%s%s%s" %
+ ("named" if specialType == IDLMethod.NamedOrIndexed.Named else \
+ "indexed" if specialType == IDLMethod.NamedOrIndexed.Indexed else "",
+ "getter" if getter else "",
+ "setter" if setter else "",
+ "deleter" if deleter else "",
+ "creator" if creator else "",
+ "legacycaller" if legacycaller else "",
+ "stringifier" if stringifier else ""), allowDoubleUnderscore=True)
+ method = IDLMethod(self.getLocation(p, 2), identifier, returnType, arguments,
+ static=static, getter=getter, setter=setter, creator=creator,
+ deleter=deleter, specialType=specialType,
+ legacycaller=legacycaller, stringifier=stringifier)
+ p[0] = method
+ def p_Stringifier(self, p):
+ """
+ """
+ identifier = IDLUnresolvedIdentifier(BuiltinLocation("<auto-generated-identifier>"),
+ "__stringifier",
+ allowDoubleUnderscore=True)
+ method = IDLMethod(self.getLocation(p, 1),
+ identifier,
+ returnType=BuiltinTypes[IDLBuiltinType.Types.domstring],
+ arguments=[],
+ stringifier=True)
+ p[0] = method
+ def p_Jsonifier(self, p):
+ """
+ """
+ identifier = IDLUnresolvedIdentifier(BuiltinLocation("<auto-generated-identifier>"),
+ "__jsonifier", allowDoubleUnderscore=True)
+ method = IDLMethod(self.getLocation(p, 1),
+ identifier,
+ returnType=BuiltinTypes[IDLBuiltinType.Types.object],
+ arguments=[],
+ jsonifier=True)
+ p[0] = method
+ def p_QualifierStatic(self, p):
+ """
+ Qualifier : STATIC
+ """
+ p[0] = [IDLInterfaceMember.Special.Static]
+ def p_QualifierStringifier(self, p):
+ """
+ Qualifier : STRINGIFIER
+ """
+ p[0] = [IDLInterfaceMember.Special.Stringifier]
+ def p_Qualifiers(self, p):
+ """
+ Qualifiers : Qualifier
+ | Specials
+ """
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ def p_Specials(self, p):
+ """
+ Specials : Special Specials
+ """
+ p[0] = [p[1]]
+ p[0].extend(p[2])
+ def p_SpecialsEmpty(self, p):
+ """
+ Specials :
+ """
+ p[0] = []
+ def p_SpecialGetter(self, p):
+ """
+ Special : GETTER
+ """
+ p[0] = IDLMethod.Special.Getter
+ def p_SpecialSetter(self, p):
+ """
+ Special : SETTER
+ """
+ p[0] = IDLMethod.Special.Setter
+ def p_SpecialCreator(self, p):
+ """
+ Special : CREATOR
+ """
+ p[0] = IDLMethod.Special.Creator
+ def p_SpecialDeleter(self, p):
+ """
+ Special : DELETER
+ """
+ p[0] = IDLMethod.Special.Deleter
+ def p_SpecialLegacyCaller(self, p):
+ """
+ """
+ p[0] = IDLMethod.Special.LegacyCaller
+ def p_OperationRest(self, p):
+ """
+ OperationRest : ReturnType OptionalIdentifier LPAREN ArgumentList RPAREN SEMICOLON
+ """
+ p[0] = (p[1], p[2], p[4])
+ def p_OptionalIdentifier(self, p):
+ """
+ OptionalIdentifier : IDENTIFIER
+ """
+ p[0] = IDLUnresolvedIdentifier(self.getLocation(p, 1), p[1])
+ def p_OptionalIdentifierEmpty(self, p):
+ """
+ OptionalIdentifier :
+ """
+ pass
+ def p_ArgumentList(self, p):
+ """
+ ArgumentList : Argument Arguments
+ """
+ p[0] = [p[1]] if p[1] else []
+ p[0].extend(p[2])
+ def p_ArgumentListEmpty(self, p):
+ """
+ ArgumentList :
+ """
+ p[0] = []
+ def p_Arguments(self, p):
+ """
+ Arguments : COMMA Argument Arguments
+ """
+ p[0] = [p[2]] if p[2] else []
+ p[0].extend(p[3])
+ def p_ArgumentsEmpty(self, p):
+ """
+ Arguments :
+ """
+ p[0] = []
+ def p_Argument(self, p):
+ """
+ Argument : ExtendedAttributeList Optional Type Ellipsis ArgumentName DefaultValue
+ """
+ t = p[3]
+ assert isinstance(t, IDLType)
+ identifier = IDLUnresolvedIdentifier(self.getLocation(p, 5), p[5])
+ optional = p[2]
+ variadic = p[4]
+ defaultValue = p[6]
+ if not optional and defaultValue:
+ raise WebIDLError("Mandatory arguments can't have a default value.",
+ [self.getLocation(p, 6)])
+ # We can't test t.isAny() here and give it a default value as needed,
+ # since at this point t is not a fully resolved type yet (e.g. it might
+ # be a typedef). We'll handle the 'any' case in IDLArgument.complete.
+ if variadic:
+ if optional:
+ raise WebIDLError("Variadic arguments should not be marked optional.",
+ [self.getLocation(p, 2)])
+ optional = variadic
+ p[0] = IDLArgument(self.getLocation(p, 5), identifier, t, optional, defaultValue, variadic)
+ p[0].addExtendedAttributes(p[1])
+ def p_ArgumentName(self, p):
+ """
+ ArgumentName : IDENTIFIER
+ | ENUM
+ """
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ def p_Optional(self, p):
+ """
+ Optional : OPTIONAL
+ """
+ p[0] = True
+ def p_OptionalEmpty(self, p):
+ """
+ Optional :
+ """
+ p[0] = False
+ def p_Ellipsis(self, p):
+ """
+ Ellipsis : ELLIPSIS
+ """
+ p[0] = True
+ def p_EllipsisEmpty(self, p):
+ """
+ Ellipsis :
+ """
+ p[0] = False
+ def p_ExceptionMember(self, p):
+ """
+ ExceptionMember : Const
+ | ExceptionField
+ """
+ pass
+ def p_ExceptionField(self, p):
+ """
+ ExceptionField : Type IDENTIFIER SEMICOLON
+ """
+ pass
+ def p_ExtendedAttributeList(self, p):
+ """
+ ExtendedAttributeList : LBRACKET ExtendedAttribute ExtendedAttributes RBRACKET
+ """
+ p[0] = [p[2]]
+ if p[3]:
+ p[0].extend(p[3])
+ def p_ExtendedAttributeListEmpty(self, p):
+ """
+ ExtendedAttributeList :
+ """
+ p[0] = []
+ def p_ExtendedAttribute(self, p):
+ """
+ ExtendedAttribute : ExtendedAttributeNoArgs
+ | ExtendedAttributeArgList
+ | ExtendedAttributeIdent
+ | ExtendedAttributeNamedArgList
+ """
+ p[0] = IDLExtendedAttribute(self.getLocation(p, 1), p[1])
+ def p_ExtendedAttributeEmpty(self, p):
+ """
+ ExtendedAttribute :
+ """
+ pass
+ def p_ExtendedAttributes(self, p):
+ """
+ ExtendedAttributes : COMMA ExtendedAttribute ExtendedAttributes
+ """
+ p[0] = [p[2]] if p[2] else []
+ p[0].extend(p[3])
+ def p_ExtendedAttributesEmpty(self, p):
+ """
+ ExtendedAttributes :
+ """
+ p[0] = []
+ def p_Other(self, p):
+ """
+ Other : INTEGER
+ | LT
+ | GT
+ | DATE
+ | ANY
+ | BYTE
+ | LONG
+ | NULL
+ | TRUE
+ | VOID
+ """
+ pass
+ def p_OtherOrComma(self, p):
+ """
+ OtherOrComma : Other
+ """
+ pass
+ def p_TypeSingleType(self, p):
+ """
+ Type : SingleType
+ """
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ def p_TypeUnionType(self, p):
+ """
+ Type : UnionType TypeSuffix
+ """
+ p[0] = self.handleModifiers(p[1], p[2])
+ def p_SingleTypeNonAnyType(self, p):
+ """
+ SingleType : NonAnyType
+ """
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ def p_SingleTypeAnyType(self, p):
+ """
+ SingleType : ANY TypeSuffixStartingWithArray
+ """
+ p[0] = self.handleModifiers(BuiltinTypes[IDLBuiltinType.Types.any], p[2])
+ def p_UnionType(self, p):
+ """
+ UnionType : LPAREN UnionMemberType OR UnionMemberType UnionMemberTypes RPAREN
+ """
+ types = [p[2], p[4]]
+ types.extend(p[5])
+ p[0] = IDLUnionType(self.getLocation(p, 1), types)
+ def p_UnionMemberTypeNonAnyType(self, p):
+ """
+ UnionMemberType : NonAnyType
+ """
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ def p_UnionMemberTypeArrayOfAny(self, p):
+ """
+ UnionMemberTypeArrayOfAny : ANY LBRACKET RBRACKET
+ """
+ p[0] = IDLArrayType(self.getLocation(p, 2),
+ BuiltinTypes[IDLBuiltinType.Types.any])
+ def p_UnionMemberType(self, p):
+ """
+ UnionMemberType : UnionType TypeSuffix
+ | UnionMemberTypeArrayOfAny TypeSuffix
+ """
+ p[0] = self.handleModifiers(p[1], p[2])
+ def p_UnionMemberTypes(self, p):
+ """
+ UnionMemberTypes : OR UnionMemberType UnionMemberTypes
+ """
+ p[0] = [p[2]]
+ p[0].extend(p[3])
+ def p_UnionMemberTypesEmpty(self, p):
+ """
+ UnionMemberTypes :
+ """
+ p[0] = []
+ def p_NonAnyType(self, p):
+ """
+ NonAnyType : PrimitiveOrStringType TypeSuffix
+ | ARRAYBUFFER TypeSuffix
+ | OBJECT TypeSuffix
+ """
+ if p[1] == "object":
+ type = BuiltinTypes[IDLBuiltinType.Types.object]
+ elif p[1] == "ArrayBuffer":
+ type = BuiltinTypes[IDLBuiltinType.Types.ArrayBuffer]
+ else:
+ type = BuiltinTypes[p[1]]
+ p[0] = self.handleModifiers(type, p[2])
+ def p_NonAnyTypeSequenceType(self, p):
+ """
+ NonAnyType : SEQUENCE LT Type GT Null
+ """
+ innerType = p[3]
+ type = IDLSequenceType(self.getLocation(p, 1), innerType)
+ if p[5]:
+ type = IDLNullableType(self.getLocation(p, 5), type)
+ p[0] = type
+ def p_NonAnyTypeScopedName(self, p):
+ """
+ NonAnyType : ScopedName TypeSuffix
+ """
+ assert isinstance(p[1], IDLUnresolvedIdentifier)
+ type = None
+ try:
+ if self.globalScope()._lookupIdentifier(p[1]):
+ obj = self.globalScope()._lookupIdentifier(p[1])
+ if obj.isType():
+ type = obj
+ else:
+ type = IDLWrapperType(self.getLocation(p, 1), p[1])
+ p[0] = self.handleModifiers(type, p[2])
+ return
+ except:
+ pass
+ type = IDLUnresolvedType(self.getLocation(p, 1), p[1])
+ p[0] = self.handleModifiers(type, p[2])
+ def p_NonAnyTypeDate(self, p):
+ """
+ NonAnyType : DATE TypeSuffix
+ """
+ p[0] = self.handleModifiers(BuiltinTypes[IDLBuiltinType.Types.date],
+ p[2])
+ def p_ConstType(self, p):
+ """
+ ConstType : PrimitiveOrStringType Null
+ """
+ type = BuiltinTypes[p[1]]
+ if p[2]:
+ type = IDLNullableType(self.getLocation(p, 1), type)
+ p[0] = type
+ def p_ConstTypeIdentifier(self, p):
+ """
+ ConstType : IDENTIFIER Null
+ """
+ identifier = IDLUnresolvedIdentifier(self.getLocation(p, 1), p[1])
+ type = IDLUnresolvedType(self.getLocation(p, 1), identifier)
+ if p[2]:
+ type = IDLNullableType(self.getLocation(p, 1), type)
+ p[0] = type
+ def p_PrimitiveOrStringTypeUint(self, p):
+ """
+ PrimitiveOrStringType : UnsignedIntegerType
+ """
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ def p_PrimitiveOrStringTypeBoolean(self, p):
+ """
+ PrimitiveOrStringType : BOOLEAN
+ """
+ p[0] = IDLBuiltinType.Types.boolean
+ def p_PrimitiveOrStringTypeByte(self, p):
+ """
+ PrimitiveOrStringType : BYTE
+ """
+ p[0] = IDLBuiltinType.Types.byte
+ def p_PrimitiveOrStringTypeOctet(self, p):
+ """
+ PrimitiveOrStringType : OCTET
+ """
+ p[0] = IDLBuiltinType.Types.octet
+ def p_PrimitiveOrStringTypeFloat(self, p):
+ """
+ PrimitiveOrStringType : FLOAT
+ """
+ p[0] = IDLBuiltinType.Types.float
+ def p_PrimitiveOrStringTypeUnrestictedFloat(self, p):
+ """
+ PrimitiveOrStringType : UNRESTRICTED FLOAT
+ """
+ p[0] = IDLBuiltinType.Types.unrestricted_float
+ def p_PrimitiveOrStringTypeDouble(self, p):
+ """
+ PrimitiveOrStringType : DOUBLE
+ """
+ p[0] = IDLBuiltinType.Types.double
+ def p_PrimitiveOrStringTypeUnrestictedDouble(self, p):
+ """
+ PrimitiveOrStringType : UNRESTRICTED DOUBLE
+ """
+ p[0] = IDLBuiltinType.Types.unrestricted_double
+ def p_PrimitiveOrStringTypeDOMString(self, p):
+ """
+ PrimitiveOrStringType : DOMSTRING
+ """
+ p[0] = IDLBuiltinType.Types.domstring
+ def p_PrimitiveOrStringTypeBytestring(self, p):
+ """
+ PrimitiveOrStringType : BYTESTRING
+ """
+ p[0] = IDLBuiltinType.Types.bytestring
+ def p_UnsignedIntegerTypeUnsigned(self, p):
+ """
+ UnsignedIntegerType : UNSIGNED IntegerType
+ """
+ p[0] = p[2] + 1 # Adding one to a given signed integer type
+ # gets you the unsigned type.
+ def p_UnsignedIntegerType(self, p):
+ """
+ UnsignedIntegerType : IntegerType
+ """
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ def p_IntegerTypeShort(self, p):
+ """
+ IntegerType : SHORT
+ """
+ p[0] = IDLBuiltinType.Types.short
+ def p_IntegerTypeLong(self, p):
+ """
+ IntegerType : LONG OptionalLong
+ """
+ if p[2]:
+ p[0] = IDLBuiltinType.Types.long_long
+ else:
+ p[0] = IDLBuiltinType.Types.long
+ def p_OptionalLong(self, p):
+ """
+ OptionalLong : LONG
+ """
+ p[0] = True
+ def p_OptionalLongEmpty(self, p):
+ """
+ OptionalLong :
+ """
+ p[0] = False
+ def p_TypeSuffixBrackets(self, p):
+ """
+ TypeSuffix : LBRACKET RBRACKET TypeSuffix
+ """
+ p[0] = [(IDLMethod.TypeSuffixModifier.Brackets, self.getLocation(p, 1))]
+ p[0].extend(p[3])
+ def p_TypeSuffixQMark(self, p):
+ """
+ TypeSuffix : QUESTIONMARK TypeSuffixStartingWithArray
+ """
+ p[0] = [(IDLMethod.TypeSuffixModifier.QMark, self.getLocation(p, 1))]
+ p[0].extend(p[2])
+ def p_TypeSuffixEmpty(self, p):
+ """
+ TypeSuffix :
+ """
+ p[0] = []
+ def p_TypeSuffixStartingWithArray(self, p):
+ """
+ TypeSuffixStartingWithArray : LBRACKET RBRACKET TypeSuffix
+ """
+ p[0] = [(IDLMethod.TypeSuffixModifier.Brackets, self.getLocation(p, 1))]
+ p[0].extend(p[3])
+ def p_TypeSuffixStartingWithArrayEmpty(self, p):
+ """
+ TypeSuffixStartingWithArray :
+ """
+ p[0] = []
+ def p_Null(self, p):
+ """
+ |
+ """
+ if len(p) > 1:
+ p[0] = True
+ else:
+ p[0] = False
+ def p_ReturnTypeType(self, p):
+ """
+ ReturnType : Type
+ """
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ def p_ReturnTypeVoid(self, p):
+ """
+ ReturnType : VOID
+ """
+ p[0] = BuiltinTypes[IDLBuiltinType.Types.void]
+ def p_ScopedName(self, p):
+ """
+ ScopedName : AbsoluteScopedName
+ | RelativeScopedName
+ """
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ def p_AbsoluteScopedName(self, p):
+ """
+ AbsoluteScopedName : SCOPE IDENTIFIER ScopedNameParts
+ """
+ assert False
+ pass
+ def p_RelativeScopedName(self, p):
+ """
+ RelativeScopedName : IDENTIFIER ScopedNameParts
+ """
+ assert not p[2] # Not implemented!
+ p[0] = IDLUnresolvedIdentifier(self.getLocation(p, 1), p[1])
+ def p_ScopedNameParts(self, p):
+ """
+ ScopedNameParts : SCOPE IDENTIFIER ScopedNameParts
+ """
+ assert False
+ pass
+ def p_ScopedNamePartsEmpty(self, p):
+ """
+ ScopedNameParts :
+ """
+ p[0] = None
+ def p_ExtendedAttributeNoArgs(self, p):
+ """
+ ExtendedAttributeNoArgs : IDENTIFIER
+ """
+ p[0] = (p[1],)
+ def p_ExtendedAttributeArgList(self, p):
+ """
+ ExtendedAttributeArgList : IDENTIFIER LPAREN ArgumentList RPAREN
+ """
+ p[0] = (p[1], p[3])
+ def p_ExtendedAttributeIdent(self, p):
+ """
+ ExtendedAttributeIdent : IDENTIFIER EQUALS STRING
+ """
+ p[0] = (p[1], p[3])
+ def p_ExtendedAttributeNamedArgList(self, p):
+ """
+ """
+ p[0] = (p[1], p[3], p[5])
+ def p_error(self, p):
+ if not p:
+ raise WebIDLError("Syntax Error at end of file. Possibly due to missing semicolon(;), braces(}) or both",
+ [self._filename])
+ else:
+ raise WebIDLError("invalid syntax", [Location(self.lexer, p.lineno, p.lexpos, self._filename)])
+ def __init__(self, outputdir='', lexer=None):
+ Tokenizer.__init__(self, outputdir, lexer)
+ self.parser = yacc.yacc(module=self,
+ outputdir=outputdir,
+ tabmodule='webidlyacc',
+ errorlog=yacc.NullLogger(),
+ picklefile='WebIDLGrammar.pkl')
+ self._globalScope = IDLScope(BuiltinLocation("<Global Scope>"), None, None)
+ self._installBuiltins(self._globalScope)
+ self._productions = []
+ self._filename = "<builtin>"
+ self.lexer.input(Parser._builtins)
+ self._filename = None
+ self.parser.parse(lexer=self.lexer,tracking=True)
+ def _installBuiltins(self, scope):
+ assert isinstance(scope, IDLScope)
+ # xrange omits the last value.
+ for x in xrange(IDLBuiltinType.Types.ArrayBuffer, IDLBuiltinType.Types.Float64Array + 1):
+ builtin = BuiltinTypes[x]
+ name = builtin.name
+ typedef = IDLTypedefType(BuiltinLocation("<builtin type>"), builtin, name)
+ typedef.resolve(scope)
+ @ staticmethod
+ def handleModifiers(type, modifiers):
+ for (modifier, modifierLocation) in modifiers:
+ assert modifier == IDLMethod.TypeSuffixModifier.QMark or \
+ modifier == IDLMethod.TypeSuffixModifier.Brackets
+ if modifier == IDLMethod.TypeSuffixModifier.QMark:
+ type = IDLNullableType(modifierLocation, type)
+ elif modifier == IDLMethod.TypeSuffixModifier.Brackets:
+ type = IDLArrayType(modifierLocation, type)
+ return type
+ def parse(self, t, filename=None):
+ self.lexer.input(t)
+ #for tok in iter(self.lexer.token, None):
+ # print tok
+ self._filename = filename
+ self._productions.extend(self.parser.parse(lexer=self.lexer,tracking=True))
+ self._filename = None
+ def finish(self):
+ # First, finish all the IDLImplementsStatements. In particular, we
+ # have to make sure we do those before we do the IDLInterfaces.
+ # XXX khuey hates this bit and wants to nuke it from orbit.
+ implementsStatements = [ p for p in self._productions if
+ isinstance(p, IDLImplementsStatement)]
+ otherStatements = [ p for p in self._productions if
+ not isinstance(p, IDLImplementsStatement)]
+ for production in implementsStatements:
+ production.finish(self.globalScope())
+ for production in otherStatements:
+ production.finish(self.globalScope())
+ # Do any post-finish validation we need to do
+ for production in self._productions:
+ production.validate()
+ # De-duplicate self._productions, without modifying its order.
+ seen = set()
+ result = []
+ for p in self._productions:
+ if p not in seen:
+ seen.add(p)
+ result.append(p)
+ return result
+ def reset(self):
+ return Parser(lexer=self.lexer)
+ # Builtin IDL defined by WebIDL
+ _builtins = """
+ typedef unsigned long long DOMTimeStamp;
+ """
+def main():
+ # Parse arguments.
+ from optparse import OptionParser
+ usageString = "usage: %prog [options] files"
+ o = OptionParser(usage=usageString)
+ o.add_option("--cachedir", dest='cachedir', default=None,
+ help="Directory in which to cache lex/parse tables.")
+ o.add_option("--verbose-errors", action='store_true', default=False,
+ help="When an error happens, display the Python traceback.")
+ (options, args) = o.parse_args()
+ if len(args) < 1:
+ o.error(usageString)
+ fileList = args
+ baseDir = os.getcwd()
+ # Parse the WebIDL.
+ parser = Parser(options.cachedir)
+ try:
+ for filename in fileList:
+ fullPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(baseDir, filename))
+ f = open(fullPath, 'rb')
+ lines = f.readlines()
+ f.close()
+ print fullPath
+ parser.parse(''.join(lines), fullPath)
+ parser.finish()
+ except WebIDLError, e:
+ if options.verbose_errors:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ else:
+ print e
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/third_party/__init__.py b/third_party/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8fa2136f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/tools/webidl_binder.py b/tools/webidl_binder.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1fecdf9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/webidl_binder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+import os, sys
+import shared
+sys.path.append(shared.path_from_root('third_party', 'ply'))
+import WebIDL
+class Dummy:
+ def __init__(self, init):
+ for k, v in init.iteritems():
+ self.__dict__[k] = v
+ def getExtendedAttribute(self, name):
+ return None
+input_file = sys.argv[1]
+output_base = sys.argv[2]
+shared.try_delete(output_base + '.cpp')
+shared.try_delete(output_base + '.js')
+p = WebIDL.Parser()
+data = p.finish()
+interfaces = {}
+implements = {}
+for thing in data:
+ if isinstance(thing, WebIDL.IDLInterface):
+ interfaces[thing.identifier.name] = thing
+ elif isinstance(thing, WebIDL.IDLImplementsStatement):
+ implements.setdefault(thing.implementor.identifier.name, []).append(thing.implementee.identifier.name)
+#print interfaces
+#print implements
+pre_c = []
+mid_c = []
+mid_js = []
+pre_c += [r'''
+#include <emscripten.h>
+mid_c += [r'''
+extern "C" {
+def emit_constructor(name):
+ global mid_js
+ mid_js += [r'''%s.prototype = %s;
+%s.prototype.constructor = %s;
+%s.prototype.__class__ = %s;
+%s.__cache__ = {};
+Module['%s'] = %s;
+''' % (name, 'Object.create(%s.prototype)' % (implements[name][0] if implements.get(name) else 'WrapperObject'), name, name, name, name, name, name, name)]
+mid_js += ['''
+// Bindings utilities
+function WrapperObject() {
+mid_js += ['''
+function getCache(__class__) {
+ return (__class__ || WrapperObject).__cache__;
+Module['getCache'] = getCache;
+function wrapPointer(ptr, __class__) {
+ var cache = getCache(__class__);
+ var ret = cache[ptr];
+ if (ret) return ret;
+ ret = Object.create((__class__ || WrapperObject).prototype);
+ ret.ptr = ptr;
+ return cache[ptr] = ret;
+Module['wrapPointer'] = wrapPointer;
+function castObject(obj, __class__) {
+ return wrapPointer(obj.ptr, __class__);
+Module['castObject'] = castObject;
+Module['NULL'] = wrapPointer(0);
+function destroy(obj) {
+ if (!obj['__destroy__']) throw 'Error: Cannot destroy object. (Did you create it yourself?)';
+ obj['__destroy__']();
+ // Remove from cache, so the object can be GC'd and refs added onto it released
+ delete getCache(obj.__class__)[obj.ptr];
+Module['destroy'] = destroy;
+function compare(obj1, obj2) {
+ return obj1.ptr === obj2.ptr;
+Module['compare'] = compare;
+function getPointer(obj) {
+ return obj.ptr;
+Module['getPointer'] = getPointer;
+function getClass(obj) {
+ return obj.__class__;
+Module['getClass'] = getClass;
+// Converts a value into a C-style string.
+function ensureString(value) {
+ if (typeof value == 'string') return allocate(intArrayFromString(value), 'i8', ALLOC_STACK);
+ return value;
+C_FLOATS = ['float', 'double']
+def type_to_c(t, non_pointing=False):
+ #print 'to c ', t
+ t = t.replace(' (Wrapper)', '')
+ if t == 'Long':
+ return 'int'
+ elif t == 'Short':
+ return 'short'
+ elif t == 'Void':
+ return 'void'
+ elif t == 'String':
+ return 'char*'
+ elif t == 'Float':
+ return 'float'
+ elif t == 'Double':
+ return 'double'
+ elif t == 'Boolean':
+ return 'bool'
+ elif t in interfaces:
+ return (interfaces[t].getExtendedAttribute('Prefix') or [''])[0] + t + ('' if non_pointing else '*')
+ else:
+ return t
+def take_addr_if_nonpointer(m):
+ if m.getExtendedAttribute('Ref') or m.getExtendedAttribute('Value'):
+ return '&'
+ return ''
+def deref_if_nonpointer(m):
+ if m.getExtendedAttribute('Ref') or m.getExtendedAttribute('Value'):
+ return '*'
+ return ''
+def type_to_cdec(raw):
+ name = ret = type_to_c(raw.type.name, non_pointing=True)
+ if raw.getExtendedAttribute('Const'): ret = 'const ' + ret
+ if name not in interfaces: return ret
+ if raw.getExtendedAttribute('Ref'):
+ return ret + '&'
+ if raw.getExtendedAttribute('Value'):
+ return ret
+ return ret + '*'
+def render_function(class_name, func_name, sigs, return_type, non_pointer, copy, operator, constructor, func_scope, call_content=None, const=False):
+ global mid_c, mid_js, js_impl_methods
+ #print 'renderfunc', class_name, func_name, sigs, return_type, constructor
+ bindings_name = class_name + '_' + func_name
+ min_args = min(sigs.keys())
+ max_args = max(sigs.keys())
+ c_names = {}
+ # JS
+ cache = ('getCache(%s)[this.ptr] = this;' % class_name) if constructor else ''
+ call_prefix = '' if not constructor else 'this.ptr = '
+ call_postfix = ''
+ if return_type != 'Void' and not constructor: call_prefix = 'return '
+ if not constructor:
+ if return_type in interfaces:
+ call_prefix += 'wrapPointer('
+ call_postfix += ', ' + return_type + ')'
+ args = ['arg%d' % i for i in range(max_args)]
+ if not constructor:
+ body = ' var self = this.ptr;\n'
+ pre_arg = ['self']
+ else:
+ body = ''
+ pre_arg = []
+ for i in range(max_args):
+ # note: null has typeof object, but is ok to leave as is, since we are calling into asm code where null|0 = 0
+ body += " if (arg%d && typeof arg%d === 'object') arg%d = arg%d.ptr;\n" % (i, i, i, i)
+ body += " else arg%d = ensureString(arg%d);\n" % (i, i)
+ for i in range(min_args, max_args):
+ c_names[i] = 'emscripten_bind_%s_%d' % (bindings_name, i)
+ body += ' if (arg%d === undefined) { %s%s(%s)%s%s }\n' % (i, call_prefix, '_' + c_names[i], ', '.join(pre_arg + args[:i]), call_postfix, '' if 'return ' in call_prefix else '; ' + (cache or ' ') + 'return')
+ c_names[max_args] = 'emscripten_bind_%s_%d' % (bindings_name, max_args)
+ body += ' %s%s(%s)%s;\n' % (call_prefix, '_' + c_names[max_args], ', '.join(pre_arg + args), call_postfix)
+ if cache:
+ body += ' ' + cache + '\n'
+ mid_js += [r'''function%s(%s) {
+}''' % ((' ' + func_name) if constructor else '', ', '.join(args), body[:-1])]
+ # C
+ for i in range(min_args, max_args+1):
+ raw = sigs.get(i)
+ if raw is None: continue
+ sig = [arg.type.name for arg in raw]
+ c_arg_types = map(type_to_c, sig)
+ normal_args = ', '.join(['%s arg%d' % (c_arg_types[j], j) for j in range(i)])
+ if constructor:
+ full_args = normal_args
+ else:
+ full_args = type_to_c(class_name, non_pointing=True) + '* self' + ('' if not normal_args else ', ' + normal_args)
+ call_args = ', '.join(['%sarg%d' % ('*' if raw[j].getExtendedAttribute('Ref') else '', j) for j in range(i)])
+ if constructor:
+ call = 'new ' + type_to_c(class_name, non_pointing=True)
+ call += '(' + call_args + ')'
+ elif call_content is not None:
+ call = call_content
+ else:
+ call = 'self->' + func_name
+ call += '(' + call_args + ')'
+ if operator:
+ assert '=' in operator, 'can only do += *= etc. for now, all with "="'
+ cast_self = 'self'
+ if class_name != func_scope:
+ # this function comes from an ancestor class; for operators, we must cast it
+ cast_self = 'dynamic_cast<' + type_to_c(func_scope) + '>(' + cast_self + ')'
+ call = '(*%s %s %sarg0)' % (cast_self, operator, '*' if sig[0] in interfaces else '')
+ pre = ''
+ basic_return = 'return ' if constructor or return_type is not 'Void' else ''
+ return_prefix = basic_return
+ return_postfix = ''
+ if non_pointer:
+ return_prefix += '&';
+ if copy:
+ pre += ' static %s temp;\n' % type_to_c(return_type, non_pointing=True)
+ return_prefix += '(temp = '
+ return_postfix += ', &temp)'
+ c_return_type = type_to_c(return_type)
+ mid_c += [r'''
+%s %s%s%s;
+''' % ('const ' if const else '', type_to_c(class_name) if constructor else c_return_type, c_names[i], full_args, pre, return_prefix, call, return_postfix)]
+ if not constructor:
+ if i == max_args:
+ dec_args = ', '.join(map(lambda j: type_to_cdec(raw[j]) + ' arg' + str(j), range(i)))
+ js_call_args = ', '.join(['%sarg%d' % (('(int)' if sig[j] in interfaces else '') + ('&' if raw[j].getExtendedAttribute('Ref') or raw[j].getExtendedAttribute('Value') else ''), j) for j in range(i)])
+ js_impl_methods += [r''' %s %s(%s) {
+ %sEM_ASM_%s({
+ var self = Module['getCache'](Module['%s'])[$0];
+ if (!self.hasOwnProperty('%s')) throw 'a JSImplementation must implement all functions, you forgot %s::%s.';
+ %sself.%s(%s)%s;
+ }, (int)this%s);
+ }''' % (c_return_type, func_name, dec_args,
+ basic_return, 'INT' if c_return_type not in C_FLOATS else 'DOUBLE',
+ class_name,
+ func_name, class_name, func_name,
+ return_prefix,
+ func_name,
+ ','.join(['$%d' % i for i in range(1, max_args)]),
+ return_postfix,
+ (', ' if js_call_args else '') + js_call_args)]
+for name, interface in interfaces.iteritems():
+ js_impl = interface.getExtendedAttribute('JSImplementation')
+ if not js_impl: continue
+ implements[name] = [js_impl[0]]
+names = interfaces.keys()
+names.sort(lambda x, y: 1 if implements.get(x) and implements[x][0] == y else (-1 if implements.get(y) and implements[y][0] == x else 0))
+for name in names:
+ interface = interfaces[name]
+ mid_js += ['\n// ' + name + '\n']
+ mid_c += ['\n// ' + name + '\n']
+ global js_impl_methods
+ js_impl_methods = []
+ cons = interface.getExtendedAttribute('Constructor')
+ if type(cons) == list: raise Exception('do not use "Constructor", instead create methods with the name of the interface')
+ js_impl = interface.getExtendedAttribute('JSImplementation')
+ if js_impl:
+ js_impl = js_impl[0]
+ # Methods
+ seen_constructor = False # ensure a constructor, even for abstract base classes
+ for m in interface.members:
+ if m.identifier.name == name:
+ seen_constructor = True
+ break
+ if not seen_constructor:
+ mid_js += ['function %s() { throw "cannot construct a %s, no constructor in IDL" }\n' % (name, name)]
+ emit_constructor(name)
+ for m in interface.members:
+ if not m.isMethod(): continue
+ constructor = m.identifier.name == name
+ if not constructor:
+ parent_constructor = False
+ temp = m.parentScope
+ while temp.parentScope:
+ if temp.identifier.name == m.identifier.name:
+ parent_constructor = True
+ temp = temp.parentScope
+ if parent_constructor:
+ continue
+ if not constructor:
+ mid_js += [r'''
+%s.prototype.%s = ''' % (name, m.identifier.name)]
+ sigs = {}
+ return_type = None
+ for ret, args in m.signatures():
+ if return_type is None:
+ return_type = ret.name
+ else:
+ assert return_type == ret.name, 'overloads must have the same return type'
+ for i in range(len(args)+1):
+ if i == len(args) or args[i].optional:
+ assert i not in sigs, 'overloading must differentiate by # of arguments (cannot have two signatures that differ by types but not by length)'
+ sigs[i] = args[:i]
+ render_function(name,
+ m.identifier.name, sigs, return_type,
+ m.getExtendedAttribute('Ref'),
+ m.getExtendedAttribute('Value'),
+ (m.getExtendedAttribute('Operator') or [None])[0],
+ constructor,
+ func_scope=m.parentScope.identifier.name)
+ mid_js += [';\n']
+ if constructor:
+ emit_constructor(name)
+ for m in interface.members:
+ if not m.isAttr(): continue
+ attr = m.identifier.name
+ get_name = 'get_' + attr
+ mid_js += [r'''
+ %s.prototype.%s= ''' % (name, get_name)]
+ render_function(name,
+ get_name, { 0: [] }, m.type.name,
+ None,
+ None,
+ None,
+ False,
+ func_scope=interface,
+ call_content=take_addr_if_nonpointer(m) + 'self->' + attr,
+ const=m.getExtendedAttribute('Const'))
+ set_name = 'set_' + attr
+ mid_js += [r'''
+ %s.prototype.%s= ''' % (name, set_name)]
+ render_function(name,
+ set_name, { 1: [Dummy({ 'type': m.type })] }, 'Void',
+ None,
+ None,
+ None,
+ False,
+ func_scope=interface,
+ call_content='self->' + attr + ' = ' + deref_if_nonpointer(m) + 'arg0',
+ const=m.getExtendedAttribute('Const'))
+ if not interface.getExtendedAttribute('NoDelete'):
+ mid_js += [r'''
+ %s.prototype.__destroy__ = ''' % name]
+ render_function(name,
+ '__destroy__', { 0: [] }, 'Void',
+ None,
+ None,
+ None,
+ False,
+ func_scope=interface,
+ call_content='delete self')
+ # Emit C++ class implementation that calls into JS implementation
+ if js_impl:
+ pre_c += [r'''
+class %s : public %s {
+''' % (name, type_to_c(js_impl, non_pointing=True), '\n'.join(js_impl_methods))]
+mid_c += ['\n}\n\n']
+mid_js += ['\n']
+# Write
+c = open(output_base + '.cpp', 'w')
+for x in pre_c: c.write(x)
+for x in mid_c: c.write(x)
+js = open(output_base + '.js', 'w')
+for x in mid_js: js.write(x)