path: root/test/Sema/block-storageclass.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-10-19Prior to adding the new "expected-no-diagnostics" directive to VerifyDiagnost...Andy Gibbs
2009-12-15Update tests to use %clang_cc1 instead of 'clang-cc' or 'clang -cc1'.Daniel Dunbar
2009-11-17Don't #include <stdio.h> when tests don't need it, or use clang instead of cl...Daniel Dunbar
2009-03-24Rename clang to clang-cc.Daniel Dunbar
2008-12-04instead of forcing blocks on by default, make them default to off, but letChris Lattner
2008-09-18Finish pushing blocks attribute through the clang attribute machinery.Steve Naroff