API for core - clojure-contrib v1.3 (in development)

by Laurent Petit (and others)

(ns your-namespace
  (:require clojure.contrib.core))


Functions/macros variants of the ones that can be found in clojure.core 
(note to other contrib members: feel free to add to this lib)

Public Variables and Functions


Usage: (-?> x form)
       (-?> x form & forms)
Same as clojure.core/-> but returns nil as soon as the threaded value is nil itself (thus short-circuiting any pending computation).
Examples :
(-?> "foo" .toUpperCase (.substring 1)) returns "OO"
(-?> nil .toUpperCase (.substring 1)) returns nil


Usage: (-?>> x form)
       (-?>> x form & forms)
Same as clojure.core/->> but returns nil as soon as the threaded value is nil itself (thus short-circuiting any pending computation).
Examples :
(-?>> (range 5) (map inc)) returns (1 2 3 4 5)
(-?>> [] seq (map inc)) returns nil


Usage: (.?. x form)
       (.?. x form & forms)
Same as clojure.core/.. but returns nil as soon as the threaded value is nil itself (thus short-circuiting any pending computation).
Examples :
(.?. "foo" .toUpperCase (.substring 1)) returns "OO"
(.?. nil .toUpperCase (.substring 1)) returns nil


Usage: (dissoc-in m [k & ks :as keys])
Dissociates an entry from a nested associative structure returning a new
nested structure. keys is a sequence of keys. Any empty maps that result
will not be present in the new structure.


Usage: (new-by-name class-name & args)
Constructs a Java object whose class is specified by a String.


Usage: (seqable? x)
Returns true if (seq x) will succeed, false otherwise.
Logo & site design by Tom Hickey.
Clojure auto-documentation system by Tom Faulhaber.