Index of Public Functions and Variables - clojure-contrib v1.1 (stable)

This page has an alphabetical index of all the documented functions and variables in clojure-contrib.


 *allow-direct-logging*       var           logging            A boolean indicating whether direct logging (as op...
 *append-to-writer*           var           duck-streams       If true, writer and spit will open files in append...
 abs                          multimethod   generic.math-functions Return the abs of x..
 abs                          function      math               (abs n) is the absolute value of n.
 acos                         multimethod   generic.math-functions Return the acos of x..
 action-translation-table     var           swing-utils        Translation table for the make-action constructor..
 add                          multimethod   accumulators       Add item to the accumulator acc. The exact meaning...
 add-action-listener          function      swing-utils        Adds an ActionLister to component. When the action...
 add-break-thread!            function      repl-utils         Add the given thread to break-threads so that it w...
 add-cell-watcher             function      dataflow           Adds a watcher to a cell to respond to changes of ...
 add-cells                    function      dataflow           Given a collection of cells, add them to the dataf...
 add-items                    function      accumulators       Add all elements of a collection coll to the accum...
 add-key-typed-listener       function      swing-utils        Adds a KeyListener to component that only responds...
 add-local-javadoc            function      repl-utils         Adds to the list of local Javadoc paths..
 add-loops                    function      graph              For each node n, add the edge n->n if not already ...
 add-menu-item                multimethod   swing-utils        Adds a menu item to the parent according to the it...
 add-remote-javadoc           function      repl-utils         Adds to the list of remote Javadoc URLs.  package-...
 agent-write!                 function      logging            Writes the message immediately, and ignores the fi...
 all-greatest                 function      greatest-least     Returns all the greatest elements..
 all-greatest-by              function      greatest-least     Return all the elements for which f yields the gre...
 all-least                    function      greatest-least     Returns all the least elements..
 all-least-by                 function      greatest-least     Return all the elements for which f yields the lea...
 ancestors                    function      zip-filter         Returns a lazy sequence of all ancestors of locati...
 append-spit                  function      duck-streams       Like spit but appends to file..
 append-writer                function      duck-streams       Like writer but opens file for appending.  Does no...
 apply-macro                  macro         apply-macro        This is evil.  Don't ever use it.  It makes a macr...
 apply-template               function      test-is            Replaces _1, _2, _3, etc. in expr with correspondi...
 approx=                      function      generic.math-functions Return true if the absolute value of the diffe...
 are                          macro         test-is            Checks multiple assertions with a template express...
 as-file                      multimethod   java-utils         Interpret a String or a as a File. Bu...
 as-object-name               multimethod   jmx                Interpret an object as a JMX ObjectName..
 as-properties                function      java-utils         Convert any seq of pairs to a java.utils.Propertie...
 as-str                       function      java-utils         Like clojure.core/str, but if an argument is a key...
 as-url                       multimethod   java-utils         Coerces argument (URL, URI, or String) to a java.n...
 asin                         multimethod   generic.math-functions Return the asin of x..
 assert-any                   function      test-is            Returns generic assertion code for any test, inclu...
 assert-predicate             function      test-is            Returns generic assertion code for any functional ...
 assoc                        multimethod   generic.collection Returns a new collection in which the values corre...
 atan                         multimethod   generic.math-functions Return the atan of x..
 atan2                        multimethod   generic.math-functions Return the atan2 of x and y..
 attribute-info               function      jmx                Get the MBeanAttributeInfo for an attribute.
 attribute-names              function      jmx                All attribute names available on an MBean..


 *buffer-size*                var           duck-streams       Size, in bytes or characters, of the buffer used w...
 *byte-array-type*            var           duck-streams       Type object for a Java primitive byte array..
 bind-continue                function      error-kit          Special form to be used inside a 'with-handler'. C...
 blank?                       function      str-utils2         True if s is nil, empty, or contains only whitespa...
 break-threads                var           repl-utils         Threads to stop when Ctrl-C is pressed.  See 'add-...
 buffer-bytes                 function      http.agent         The default HTTP agent result handler; it collects...
 buffer-stream                function      mmap               Returns an InputStream for a ByteBuffer, such as r...
 build-attribute-info         function      jmx                Construct an MBeanAttributeInfo. Normally called w...
 build-dataflow               function      dataflow           Given a collection of cells, build and return a da...
 build-source-cell            function      dataflow           Builds a source cell.
 build-standard-cell          function      dataflow           Builds a standard cell.
 build-validator-cell         function      dataflow           Builds a validator cell.
 build-work-plan              function      datalog            Given a list of rules and a query, build a work pl...
 butlast                      function      str-utils2         Returns s without the last n characters.  Returns ...
 bytes                        function      http.agent         Returns a Java byte array of the content returned ...


 *code-dispatch*              multimethod   pprint             The pretty print dispatch function for pretty prin...
 *connection*                 var           jmx                The connection to be used for JMX ops. Defaults to...
 call-cc                      function      monads             A computation in the cont monad that calls functio...
 calls                        function      mock               Creates or associates to an existing expectation h...
 capitalize                   function      str-utils2         Converts first character of the string to upper-ca...
 capture-and-send             macro         agent-utils        Capture the current value of the specified vars an...
 cartesian-product            function      combinatorics      All the ways to take one item from each sequence.
 case                         macro         fcase              Like cond, but test-value is compared against the ...
 ceil                         multimethod   generic.math-functions Return the ceil of x..
 ceil                         multimethod   math               (ceil n) returns the least integer greater than or...
 cell                         macro         dataflow           Build a standard cell, like this:  (cell fred ...
 certainly                    function      probabilities.finite-distributions Returns a distribution in which th...
 children                     function      zip-filter         Returns a lazy sequence of all immediate children ...
 children-auto                function      zip-filter         Returns a lazy sequence of all immediate children ...
 chomp                        function      str-utils          Removes all trailing newline \n or return \r chara...
 chomp                        function      str-utils2         Removes all trailing newline \n or return \r chara...
 choose                       function      probabilities.finite-distributions Construct a distribution from an e...
 chop                         function      str-utils          Removes the last character of string..
 chop                         function      str-utils2         Removes the last character of string, does nothing...
 cl-format                    function      pprint             An implementation of a Common Lisp compatible form...
 classpath                    function      classpath          Returns a sequence of File objects of the elements...
 classpath-directories        function      classpath          Returns a sequence of File objects for the directo...
 classpath-jarfiles           function      classpath          Returns a sequence of JarFile objects for the JAR ...
 client-error?                function      http.agent         Returns true if the HTTP response code was in the ...
 clojure-source-file?         function      find-namespaces    Returns true if file is a normal file with a .clj ...
 clojure-sources-in-jar       function      find-namespaces    Returns a sequence of filenames ending in .clj fou...
 codepoints                   function      str-utils2         Returns a sequence of integer Unicode code points ...
 combinations                 function      combinatorics      All the unique ways of taking n different elements...
 combine                      multimethod   accumulators       Combine the values of the accumulators acc1 and ac...
 comment?                     function      find-namespaces    Returns true if form is a (comment ...).
 compile-format               function      pprint             Compiles format-str into a compiled format which c...
 component-graph              function      graph              Given a graph, perhaps with cycles, return a reduc...
 components                   function      miglayout          Returns a map from id (a keyword) to component for...
 compose-fixtures             function      test-is            Composes two fixture functions, creating a new fix...
 cond-dist-m                  var           probabilities.finite-distributions Variant of the dist monad that can...
 cond-let                     macro         cond               Takes a binding-form and a set of test/expr pairs....
 cond-prob                    function      probabilities.finite-distributions Returns the conditional probabilit...
 conj                         multimethod   generic.collection Returns a new collection resulting from adding all...
 conjugate                    multimethod   generic.math-functions Return the conjugate of x..
 connection                   function      sql                Returns the current database connection (or throws...
 const                        macro         macros             Evaluate the constant expression expr at compile t...
 cont-m                       var           monads             Monad describing computations in continuation-pass...
 contains?                    function      str-utils2         True if s contains the substring..
 copy                         multimethod   duck-streams       Copies input to output.  Returns nil. Input may be...
 cos                          multimethod   generic.math-functions Return the cos of x..
 create-repl-server           function      server-socket      create a repl on a socket.
 create-server                function      server-socket      Creates a server socket on port. Upon accept, a ne...
 create-table                 function      sql                Creates a table on the open database connection gi...


 *default-encoding*           var           duck-streams       Name of the default encoding to use when reading &...
 debug                        macro         logging            Logs a message at the debug level..
 deep-merge-with              function      map-utils          Like merge-with, but merges maps recursively, appl...
 defadt                       macro         types              Define an algebraic data type name by an exhaustiv...
 defalias                     macro         def                Defines an alias for a var: a new var with the sam...
 deferror                     macro         error-kit          Define a new error type.
 defhinted                    macro         def                Defines a var with a type hint matching the class ...
 defmacro-                    macro         def                Same as defmacro but yields a private definition.
 defmethod*                   macro         generic.arithmetic Define a method implementation for the multimethod...
 defmonad                     macro         monads             Define a named monad by defining the monad operati...
 defmonadfn                   macro         monads             Like defn, but for functions that use monad operat...
 defn-memo                    macro         def                Just like defn, but memoizes the function using cl...
 defnk                        macro         def                Define a function accepting keyword arguments. Sym...
 defonce-                     macro         def                Same as defonce but yields a private definition.
 defst                        macro         stream-utils       Define the stream transformer name by body. The no...
 defstream                    macro         stream-utils       Define object of the given type as a stream whose ...
 defstruct-                   macro         def                Same as defstruct but yields a private definition.
 defsymbolmacro               macro         macro-utils        Define a symbol macro. Because symbol macros are n...
 deftemplate                  macro         macro-utils        Define a macro that expands into forms after repla...
 deftest                      macro         test-is            Defines a test function with no arguments.  Test f...
 deftest-                     macro         test-is            Like deftest but creates a private var..
 deftrace                     macro         trace              Use in place of defn; traces each call/return of t...
 deftype                      macro         types              Define a data type by a type tag (a namespace-qual...
 deftype-                     macro         types              Same as deftype but the constructor is private..
 defunbound                   macro         def                Defines an unbound var with optional doc string.
 defunbound-                  macro         def                Same as defunbound but yields a private definition.
 defvar                       macro         def                Defines a var with an optional intializer and doc ...
 defvar-                      macro         def                Same as defvar but yields a private definition.
 delete-file                  function      java-utils         Delete file f. Raise an exception if it fails unle...
 delete-file-recursively      function      java-utils         Delete file f. If it's a directory, recursively de...
 delete-rows                  function      sql                Deletes rows from a table. where-params is a vecto...
 dependency-list              function      graph              Similar to a topological sort, this returns a vect...
 descendants                  function      zip-filter         Returns a lazy sequence of all descendants of loca...
 dir                          macro         ns-utils           Prints a sorted directory of public vars in a name...
 discrete                     function      probabilities.monte-carlo A discrete distribution, defined by a map d...
 display-cell                 multimethod   dataflow           A 'readable' form of the cell.
 dissoc                       multimethod   generic.collection Returns a new collection in which the entries corr...
 dissoc-in                    function      core               Dissociates an entry from a nested associative str...
 dist-m                       var           probabilities.finite-distributions Monad describing computations on f...
 do-commands                  function      sql                Executes SQL commands on the open database connect...
 do-not-handle                macro         error-kit          Use in a tail position of a 'handle' form to indic...
 do-prepared                  function      sql                Executes an (optionally parameterized) SQL prepare...
 do-swing                     macro         swing-utils        Executes body in the Swing event thread asynchrono...
 do-swing*                    function      swing-utils        Runs thunk in the Swing event thread according to ...
 do-swing-and-wait            macro         swing-utils        Executes body in the Swing event thread synchronou...
 do-template                  macro         test-is            Repeatedly evaluates template expr (in a do block)...
 dochars                      macro         str-utils2         bindings => [name string]  Repeatedly executes bod...
 docodepoints                 macro         str-utils2         bindings => [name string]  Repeatedly executes bod...
 docs                         macro         ns-utils           Prints documentation for the public vars in a name...
 domonad                      macro         monads             Monad comprehension. Takes the name of a monad, a ...
 done?                        function      http.agent         Returns true if the HTTP request/response has comp...
 dotrace                      macro         trace              Given a sequence of function identifiers, evaluate...
 drop                         function      str-utils2         Drops first n characters from s.  Returns an empty...
 drop-table                   function      sql                Drops a table on the open database connection give...


 *enable-profiling*           var           profile            Set this to false before loading/compiling to omit...
 emit                         function      lazy-xml           Prints an <?xml?> declaration line, and then calls...
 emit-element                 function      lazy-xml           Recursively prints as XML text the element struct ...
 empty                        multimethod   generic.collection Returns an empty collection of the same kind as th...
 empty-counter                var           accumulators       An empty counter accumulator. Its value is a map t...
 empty-counter-with-total     var           accumulators       An empty counter-with-total accumulator. It works ...
 empty-list                   var           accumulators       An empty list accumulator. Adding an item appends ...
 empty-map                    var           accumulators       An empty map accumulator. Items to be added must b...
 empty-maximum                var           accumulators       An empty maximum accumulator. Only numbers can be ...
 empty-mean-variance          var           accumulators       An empty mean-variance accumulator, combining samp...
 empty-min-max                var           accumulators       An empty min-max accumulator, combining minimum an...
 empty-minimum                var           accumulators       An empty minimum accumulator. Only numbers can be ...
 empty-product                var           accumulators       An empty sum accumulator. Only numbers can be adde...
 empty-queue                  var           accumulators       An empty queue accumulator. Adding an item appends...
 empty-set                    var           accumulators       An empty set accumulator..
 empty-string                 var           accumulators       An empty string accumulator. Adding an item (strin...
 empty-sum                    var           accumulators       An empty sum accumulator. Only numbers can be adde...
 empty-tuple                  function      accumulators       Returns an accumulator tuple with the supplied emp...
 empty-vector                 var           accumulators       An empty vector accumulator. Adding an item append...
 enabled?                     macro         logging            Returns true if the specific logging level is enab...
 encode                       function      base64             Encodes bytes of input, writing Base 64 text on ou...
 encode-str                   function      base64             Encodes String in base 64; returns a String.  If n...
 error                        function      error-kit          Base type for all error-kit errors.
 error                        macro         logging            Logs a message at the error level..
 error?                       function      http.agent         Returns true if the HTTP response code was in the ...
 escape                       function      str-utils2         Returns a new String by applying cmap (a function ...
 eval-cell                    multimethod   dataflow           Evaluate a dataflow cell.  Return [changed, old va...
 exact-integer-sqrt           function      math               (exact-integer-sqrt n) expects a non-negative inte...
 exp                          multimethod   generic.math-functions Return the exp of x..
 expect                       macro         mock               Use expect to redirect calls to dependent function...
 exponential                  function      probabilities.monte-carlo Transform a sequence of uniform random numb...
 expression-info              function      repl-utils         Uses the Clojure compiler to analyze the given s-e...
 expt                         multimethod   math               (expt base pow) is base to the pow power. Returns ...


 *full-stack-traces*          var           condition          Bind to true to include clojure.{core,lang,main} f...
 fatal                        macro         logging            Logs a message at the fatal level..
 fcase                        macro         fcase              Generic switch/case macro.  'fcase' is short for '...
 fetch-state                  function      monads             Return a state-monad function that returns the cur...
 fetch-val                    function      monads             Return a state-monad function that assumes the sta...
 fibs                         function      lazy-seqs          Returns a lazy sequence of all the Fibonacci numbe...
 file                         function      java-utils         Returns a from string or file args..
 file-position                function      test-is            Returns a vector [filename line-number] for the nt...
 file-str                     function      duck-streams       Concatenates args as strings and returns a
 filenames-in-jar             function      jar                Returns a sequence of Strings naming the non-direc...
 fill-queue                   function      seq-utils          filler-func will be called in another thread with ...
 find-clojure-sources-in-dir  function      find-namespaces    Searches recursively under dir for Clojure source ...
 find-connection              function      sql                Returns the current database connection (or nil if...
 find-first                   function      seq-utils          Returns the first item of coll for which (pred ite...
 find-holes                   function      test-is            Recursively finds all symbols starting with _ in f...
 find-javadoc-url             function      repl-utils         Searches for a URL for the given class name.  Trie...
 find-namespaces-in-dir       function      find-namespaces    Searches dir recursively for (ns ...) declarations...
 find-namespaces-in-jarfile   function      find-namespaces    Searches the JAR file for Clojure source files con...
 find-namespaces-on-classpath function      find-namespaces    Searches CLASSPATH (both directories and JAR files...
 find-ns-decls-in-dir         function      find-namespaces    Searches dir recursively for (ns ...) declarations...
 find-ns-decls-in-jarfile     function      find-namespaces    Searches the JAR file for Clojure source files con...
 find-ns-decls-on-classpath   function      find-namespaces    Searches CLASSPATH (both directories and JAR files...
 find-pure-exprs              function      test-is            Recursively finds all sub-expressions in form that...
 find-symbols                 function      test-is            Recursively finds all symbols in form..
 fixed-point                  function      graph              Repeatedly apply fun to data until (equal old-data...
 flatten                      function      seq-utils          Takes any nested combination of sequential things ...
 flatten-map                  function      test-is            Transforms a map into a vector like [key value key...
 floor                        multimethod   generic.math-functions Return the floor of x..
 floor                        multimethod   math               (floor n) returns the greatest integer less than o...
 flush                        function      monadic-io-streams Flush.
 fmap                         multimethod   generic.functor    Applies function f to each item in the data struct...
 fnmap                        function      fnmap              Creates a fnmap, or functional map.  A fnmap behav...
 formatter                    macro         pprint             Makes a function which can directly run format-in....
 formatter-out                macro         pprint             Makes a function which can directly run format-in....
 frequencies                  function      seq-utils          Returns a map from distinct items in coll to the n...
 fresh-line                   function      pprint             Make a newline if the Writer is not already at the...
 function?                    function      test-is            Returns true if argument is a function or a symbol...


 gcd                          function      math               (gcd a b) returns the greatest common divisor of a...
 generate-documentation       function      gen-html-docs      Returns a string which is the HTML documentation f...
 generate-documentation-to-file function    gen-html-docs      Calls generate-documentation on the libraries name...
 get                          multimethod   generic.collection Returns the element of coll referred to by key. Ea...
 get                          function      str-utils2         Gets the i'th character in string..
 get-cell                     function      dataflow           Get the single cell named by name.
 get-cells                    function      dataflow           Get all the cells named by name.
 get-neighbors                function      graph              Get the neighbors of a node..
 get-ns                       function      ns-utils           Returns the namespace named by ns-sym or throws if...
 get-old-value                function      dataflow           Looks up an old value.
 get-possibly-unbound-var     function      test-is            Like var-get but returns nil if the var is unbound...
 get-source                   function      repl-utils         Returns a string of the source code for the given ...
 get-source-cells             function      dataflow           Returns a collection of source cells from the data...
 get-system-property          function      java-utils         Get a system property..
 get-value                    function      dataflow           Gets a value from the df matching the passed symbo...
 get-value-from-cell          function      dataflow           Given a cell, get its value.
 get-values                   function      dataflow           Gets a collection of values from the df by name.
 global-singleton             function      singleton          Returns a global singleton function.  f is a funct...
 greatest                     function      greatest-least     Return the greatest argument..
 greatest-by                  function      greatest-least     Return the argument for which f yields the greates...
 grep                         function      str-utils2         Filters elements of coll by a regular expression. ...
 group-by                     function      seq-utils          Returns a sorted map of the elements of coll keyed...
 guess-attribute-typename     function      jmx                Guess the attribute typename for MBeanAttributeInf...


 *html-compatible*            var           prxml              If true, empty tags will have a space before the c...
 handle                       function      error-kit          Special form to be used inside a 'with-handler'.  ...
 handler-case                 macro         condition          Executes body in a context where raised conditions...
 has-args                     macro         mock               Creates or associates to an existing expectation h...
 has-matching-signature?      function      mock               Calls no-matching-function-signature if no match i...
 headers                      function      http.agent         Returns a map of HTTP response headers.  Header na...
 headers-seq                  function      http.agent         Returns the HTTP response headers in order as a se...
 http-agent                   function      http.agent         Creates (and immediately returns) an Agent represe...
 http-connection              function      http.connection    Opens an HttpURLConnection at the URL, handled by ...


 *impl-name*                  var           logging            The name of the logging implementation used..
 identity-m                   var           monads             Monad describing plain computations. This monad do...
 immigrate                    function      ns-utils           Create a public var in this namespace for each pub...
 impl-enabled?                var           logging            Implementation-specific check if a particular leve...
 impl-get-log                 var           logging            Returns an implementation-specific log by string n...
 impl-write!                  var           logging            Implementation-specific write of a log message. En...
 import-static                macro         import-static      Imports the named static fields and/or static meth...
 in-case                      macro         fcase              Like case, but test expressions are sequences.  Th...
 inc-report-counter           function      test-is            Increments the named counter in *report-counters*,...
 includes?                    function      seq-utils          Returns true if coll contains something equal (wit...
 indexed                      function      seq-utils          Returns a lazy sequence of [index, item] pairs, wh...
 info                         macro         logging            Logs a message at the info level..
 insert-records               function      sql                Inserts records into a table. records are maps fro...
 insert-rows                  function      sql                Inserts complete rows into a table. Each row is a ...
 insert-values                function      sql                Inserts rows into a table with values for specifie...
 instance-case                macro         fcase              Like case, but the test expressions are Java class...
 into                         multimethod   generic.collection Returns a new coll consisting of to-coll with all ...
 is                           macro         test-is            Generic assertion macro.  'form' is any predicate ...
 is-rollback-only             function      sql                Returns true if the outermost transaction will rol...


 *json-keyword-keys*          var           If true, JSON object keys will be converted to key...
 jar-file?                    function      jar                Returns true if file is a normal file with a .jar ...
 javadoc                      function      repl-utils         Opens a browser window displaying the javadoc for ...
 jmx->clj                     multimethod   jmx                Coerce JMX data structures into Clojure data. Hand...
 jmx-url                      function      jmx                Build a JMX URL from options..
 join                         function      str-utils2         Returns a string of all elements in coll, separate...
 join-fixtures                function      test-is            Composes a collection of fixtures, in order.  Alwa...
 join-with                    function      probabilities.finite-distributions Returns the distribution of (f x y...
 json-str                     function      json.write         Converts x to a JSON-formatted string..



 *load-tests*                 var           test-is            True by default.  If set to false, no test functio...
 *local-javadocs*             var           repl-utils         Ref to a list of local paths for Javadoc-generated...
 *logging-agent*              var           logging            The default agent used for performing logging durn...
 lazy-get                     macro         map-utils          Like get, but doesn't evaluate not-found unless it...
 lazy-walk                    function      graph              Return a lazy sequence of the nodes of a graph sta...
 lcg                          function      probabilities.random-numbers Create a linear congruential generator.
 lcm                          function      math               (lcm a b) returns the least common multiple of a a...
 least                        function      greatest-least     Return the smallest element..
 least-by                     function      greatest-least     Return the argument for which f yields the smalles...
 left-locs                    function      zip-filter         Returns a lazy sequence of locations to the left o...
 leftmost?                    function      zip-filter         Returns true if there are no more nodes to the lef...
 letfn-                       macro         macros             OBSOLETE: use clojure.core/letfn A variant of let ...
 lex-permutations             function      combinatorics      Fast lexicographic permutation generator for a seq...
 log                          multimethod   generic.math-functions Return the log of x..
 log                          macro         logging            Logs a message, either directly or via an agent. A...
 log-capture!                 function      logging            Captures System.out and System.err, redirecting al...
 log-stream                   function      logging            Creates a PrintStream that will output to the log....
 log-uncapture!               function      logging            Restores System.out and System.err to their origin...
 lognormal                    function      probabilities.monte-carlo Transform a sequence of uniform random numb...
 lower-case                   function      str-utils2         Converts string to all lower-case..
 ltrim                        function      str-utils2         Removes whitespace from the left side of string..


 m-chain                      var           monads             Chains together monadic computation steps that are...
 m-fmap                       var           monads             Bind the monadic value m to the function returning...
 m-join                       var           monads             Converts a monadic value containing a monadic valu...
 m-lift                       macro         monads             Converts a function f of n arguments into a functi...
 m-map                        var           monads             'Executes' the sequence of monadic values resultin...
 m-reduce                     var           monads             Return the reduction of (m-lift 2 f) over the list...
 m-seq                        var           monads             'Executes' the monadic values in ms and returns a ...
 m-until                      var           monads             While (p x) is false, replace x by the value retur...
 m-when                       macro         monads             If test is logical true, return monadic value m-ex...
 m-when-not                   macro         monads             If test if logical false, return monadic value m-e...
 macrolet                     macro         macro-utils        Define local macros that are used in the expansion...
 make-action                  function      swing-utils        Create an Action proxy from the given action spec....
 make-arg-checker             function      mock               Creates the argument verifying function for a repl...
 make-count-checker           function      mock               creates the count checker that is invoked at the e...
 make-distribution            function      probabilities.finite-distributions Returns the distribution in which ...
 make-menubar                 function      swing-utils        Create a menubar containing the given sequence of ...
 make-mock                    function      mock               creates a vector containing the following informat...
 make-parents                 function      duck-streams       Creates all parent directories of file..
 map->attribute-infos         function      jmx                Construct an MBeanAttributeInfo[] from a Clojure a...
 map-str                      function      str-utils2         Apply f to each element of coll, concatenate all r...
 match                        macro         types              Given a value and a list of template-expr clauses,...
 maybe-atomize                function      jmx                Convert a list of length 1 into its contents, leav...
 maybe-keywordize             function      jmx                Convert a string key to a keyword, leaving other t...
 maybe-m                      var           monads             Monad describing computations with possible failur...
 maybe-t                      function      monads             Monad transformer that transforms a monad m into a...
 mbean                        function      jmx                Like clojure.core/bean, but for JMX beans. Returns...
 mbean-names                  function      jmx                Finds all MBeans matching a name on the current *c...
 menu-constructor-dispatch    var           swing-utils        An atom containing the dispatch set for the add-me...
 message                      function      http.agent         Returns the HTTP response message (e.g. 'Not Found...
 method                       function      http.agent         Returns the HTTP method name used by this HTTP age...
 mexpand                      function      macro-utils        Like clojure.core/macroexpand, but takes into acco...
 mexpand-1                    function      macro-utils        Like clojure.core/macroexpand-1, but takes into ac...
 mexpand-all                  function      macro-utils        Perform a full recursive macro expansion of a form...
 miglayout                    function      miglayout          Adds java.awt.Components to a javax.swing.JCompone...
 mmap                         function      mmap               Memory-map the file named f.  Returns a ByteBuffer...
 monad                        macro         monads             Define a monad by defining the monad operations. T...
 monad-transformer            macro         monads             Define a monad transforer in terms of the monad op...


 n-sphere                     function      probabilities.monte-carlo Return a uniform distribution of n-dimensio...
 name-with-attributes         function      def                To be used in macro definitions. Handles optional ...
 new-by-name                  function      core               Constructs a Java object whose class is specified ...
 normal                       function      probabilities.monte-carlo Transform a sequence urs of uniform random ...
 normal-box-muller            function      probabilities.monte-carlo Transform a sequence of uniform random numb...
 normalize                    function      probabilities.finite-distributions Convert a weight map (e.g. a map o...
 ns-decl?                     function      find-namespaces    Returns true if form is a (ns ...) declaration..
 ns-vars                      function      ns-utils           Returns a sorted seq of symbols naming public vars...


 op-param-types               function      jmx                The parameter types (as class name strings) for op...
 open-url-in-browser          function      javadoc.browse     Opens url (a string) in the default system web bro...
 open-url-in-swing            function      javadoc.browse     Opens url (a string) in a Swing window..
 operation                    function      jmx                The MBeanOperationInfo for operation op on mbean n...
 operation-names              function      jmx                All operation names available on an MBean..
 operations                   function      jmx                All oeprations available on an MBean..


 *print-base*                 var           pprint             The base to use for printing integers and rational...
 *print-circle*               var           pprint             Mark circular structures (N.B. This is not yet use...
 *print-lines*                var           pprint             Maximum number of lines to print in a pretty print...
 *print-miser-width*          var           pprint             The column at which to enter miser style. Dependin...
 *print-pprint-dispatch*      var           pprint             The pretty print dispatch function. Use with-pprin...
 *print-pretty*               var           pprint             Bind to true if you want write to use pretty print...
 *print-radix*                var           pprint             Print a radix specifier in front of integers and r...
 *print-right-margin*         var           pprint             Pretty printing will try to avoid anything going b...
 *print-shared*               var           pprint             Mark repeated structures rather than repeat them (...
 *print-suppress-namespaces*  var           pprint             Don't print namespaces with symbols. This is parti...
 *prxml-indent*               var           prxml              The number of spaces to indent sub-tags.  nil for ...
 parse-seq                    function      lazy-xml           Parses the source s, which can be a File, InputStr...
 parse-trim                   function      lazy-xml           Parses the source s, which can be a File, InputStr...
 partial                      function      str-utils2         Like clojure.core/partial for functions that take ...
 partition                    function      str-utils2         Splits the string into a lazy sequence of substrin...
 partition-all                function      seq-utils          Returns a lazy sequence of lists like clojure.core...
 partition-by                 function      seq-utils          Applies f to each value in coll, splitting it each...
 per-thread-singleton         function      singleton          Returns a per-thread singleton function.  f is a f...
 permutations                 function      combinatorics      All the permutations of items, lexicographic by in...
 pick                         function      stream-utils       Return the next value of stream argument n inside ...
 pick-all                     function      stream-utils       Return a vector containing the next value of each ...
 positions                    function      seq-utils          Returns a lazy sequence containing the positions a...
 post-ordered-nodes           function      graph              Return a sequence of indexes of a post-ordered wal...
 pow                          multimethod   generic.math-functions Return the pow of x and y..
 powers-of-2                  function      lazy-seqs          Returns a lazy sequence of all the powers of 2.
 pp                           macro         pprint             A convenience macro that pretty prints the last th...
 pprint                       function      pprint             Pretty print object to the optional output writer....
 pprint-indent                function      pprint             Create an indent at this point in the pretty print...
 pprint-logical-block         macro         pprint             Execute the body as a pretty printing logical bloc...
 pprint-newline               function      pprint             Print a conditional newline to a pretty printing s...
 pprint-tab                   function      pprint             Tab at this point in the pretty printing stream. k...
 primes                       var           lazy-seqs          Lazy sequence of all the prime numbers..
 print                        function      monadic-io-streams Print obj.
 print-dataflow               function      dataflow           Prints a dataflow, one cell per line.
 print-dir                    function      ns-utils           Prints a sorted directory of public vars in a name...
 print-docs                   function      ns-utils           Prints documentation for the public vars in a name...
 print-json                   multimethod   json.write         Prints x as JSON.  Nil becomes JSON null.  Keyword...
 print-repl-info              function      repl-ln            Prints info about the current repl.
 print-stack-trace            function      condition          Prints a stack trace for a condition or Throwable....
 print-summary                function      profile            Prints a table of the results returned by summariz...
 println                      function      monadic-io-streams Print obj followed by a newline.
 prob                         function      probabilities.finite-distributions Return the probability that the pr...
 prof                         macro         profile            If *enable-profiling* is true, wraps body in profi...
 profile                      macro         profile            Runs body with profiling enabled, then prints a su...
 proper-subset?               function      set                Is s1 a proper subset of s2?.
 proper-superset?             function      set                Is s1 a proper superset of s2?.
 prxml                        function      prxml              Print XML to *out*.  Vectors become XML tags: the ...
 pwd                          function      duck-streams       Returns current working directory as a String.  (L...


 qsym                         macro         generic.arithmetic Create the qualified symbol corresponding to sym i...


 *remote-javadocs*            var           repl-utils         Ref to a map from package name prefixes to URLs fo...
 raise                        macro         condition          Raises a condition. With no arguments, re-raises t...
 raise                        macro         error-kit          Raise an error of the type err-name, constructed w...
 raise*                       function      error-kit          Raise the given error object, best if created by a...
 rand-elt                     function      seq-utils          Return a random element of this seq.
 rand-stream                  var           probabilities.random-numbers A random number stream based on clojure....
 random-stream                function      probabilities.monte-carlo Define a random stream by a distribution an...
 raw-read                     function      jmx                Read an mbean property. Returns low-level Java obj...
 re-case                      macro         fcase              Like case, but the test expressions are regular ex...
 re-gsub                      function      str-utils          Replaces all instances of 'pattern' in 'string' wi...
 re-partition                 function      str-utils          Splits the string into a lazy sequence of substrin...
 re-split                     function      str-utils          Splits the string on instances of 'pattern'.  Retu...
 re-sub                       function      str-utils          Replaces the first instance of 'pattern' in 'strin...
 read                         var           jmx                Read an mbean property..
 read-char                    function      monadic-io-streams Read a single character.
 read-exceptions              var           jmx                Exceptions that might be thrown if you try to read...
 read-file-ns-decl            function      find-namespaces    Attempts to read a (ns ...) declaration from file,...
 read-json                    function          Read one JSON record from s, which may be a String...
 read-line                    function      monadic-io-streams Read a single line.
 read-lines                   function      duck-streams       Like clojure.core/line-seq but opens f with reader...
 read-lines                   function      monadic-io-streams Read all lines and return them in a vector.
 read-ns-decl                 function      find-namespaces    Attempts to read a (ns ...) declaration from rdr, ...
 read-ns-decl-from-jarfile-entry function   find-namespaces    Attempts to read a (ns ...) declaration from the n...
 read-properties              function      java-utils         Read properties from file-able..
 read-supported               function      jmx                Calls read to read an mbean property, *returning* ...
 readable?                    function      jmx                Is attribute readable?.
 reader                       multimethod   duck-streams       Attempts to coerce its argument into an open java....
 rec-cat                      macro         seq-utils          Similar to lazy-cat but binds the resulting sequen...
 rec-seq                      macro         seq-utils          Similar to lazy-seq but binds the resulting seq to...
 recursive-component?         function      graph              Is the component (recieved from scc) self recursiv...
 redirect?                    function      http.agent         Returns true if the HTTP response code was in the ...
 reductions                   function      seq-utils          Returns a lazy seq of the intermediate values of t...
 reject                       function      probabilities.monte-carlo Return the distribution that results from r...
 relative-path-string         multimethod   java-utils         Interpret a String or as a relative p...
 remove-cells                 function      dataflow           Given a collection of cells, remove them from the ...
 remove-loops                 function      graph              For each node n, remove any edges n->n..
 repeat                       function      str-utils2         Returns a new String containing s repeated n times...
 repl                         function      repl-ln            A repl that supports line numbers. For definitions...
 repl-info                    function      repl-ln            Returns a map of info about the current repl.
 repl-prompt                  function      repl-ln            Returns the current repl prompt based on this repl...
 replace                      multimethod   str-utils2         Replaces all instances of pattern in string with r...
 replace-first                multimethod   str-utils2         Replaces the first instance of pattern in s with r...
 report                       multimethod   test-is            Generic reporting function, may be overridden to p...
 request-body                 function      http.agent         Returns the HTTP request body given to this HTTP a...
 request-headers              function      http.agent         Returns the request headers specified for this HTT...
 request-uri                  function      http.agent         Returns the URI/URL requested by this HTTP agent, ...
 result                       function      http.agent         Returns the value returned by the :handler functio...
 returns                      function      mock               Creates or associates to an existing expectation h...
 reverse                      function      str-utils2         Returns s with its characters reversed..
 reverse-graph                function      graph              Given a directed graph, return another directed gr...
 right-locs                   function      zip-filter         Returns a lazy sequence of locations to the right ...
 rightmost?                   function      zip-filter         Returns true if there are no more nodes to the rig...
 rint                         multimethod   generic.math-functions Return the rint of x..
 rotations                    function      seq-utils          Returns a lazy seq of all rotations of a seq.
 round                        multimethod   generic.math-functions Return the round of x..
 round                        multimethod   math               (round n) rounds to the nearest integer. round alw...
 rtrim                        function      str-utils2         Removes whitespace from the right side of string..
 run                          macro         repl-utils         Loads the specified namespace and invokes its "mai...
 run*                         function      repl-utils         Loads the specified namespace and invokes its "mai...
 run-all-tests                function      test-is            Runs all tests in all namespaces; prints results. ...
 run-cont                     function      monads             Execute the computation c in the cont monad and re...
 run-tests                    function      test-is            Runs all tests in the given namespaces; prints res...
 run-work-plan                function      datalog            Given a work plan, a database, and some query bind...


 *simple-dispatch*            multimethod   pprint             The pretty print dispatch function for simple data...
 *stack-trace-depth*          var           test-is            The maximum depth of stack traces to print when an...
 safe-get                     function      map-utils          Like get, but throws an exception if the key is no...
 safe-get-in                  function      map-utils          Like get-in, but throws an exception if any key is...
 sample                       function      probabilities.monte-carlo Return the distribution of samples of lengt...
 sample-mean                  function      probabilities.monte-carlo Return the distribution of the mean over n ...
 sample-mean-variance         function      probabilities.monte-carlo Return the distribution of the mean-and-var...
 sample-reduce                function      probabilities.monte-carlo Returns the distribution of the reduction o...
 sample-sum                   function      probabilities.monte-carlo Return the distribution of the sum over n s...
 scc                          function      graph              Returns, as a sequence of sets, the strongly conne...
 selections                   function      combinatorics      All the ways of taking n (possibly the same) eleme...
 self-recursive-sets          function      graph              Returns, as a sequence of sets, the components of ...
 send-request-entity          multimethod   http.connection    Transmits a request entity body..
 separate                     function      seq-utils          Returns a vector: [ (filter f s), (filter (complem...
 seq                          multimethod   generic.collection Returns a seq on the object s..
 seq-on                       multimethod   seq-utils          Returns a seq on the object s. Works like the buil...
 seqable?                     function      core               Returns true if (seq x) will succeed, false otherw...
 sequence-m                   var           monads             Monad describing multi-valued computations, i.e. c...
 sequence-t                   function      monads             Monad transformer that transforms a monad m into a...
 server-error?                function      http.agent         Returns true if the HTTP response code was in the ...
 set-m                        var           monads             Monad describing multi-valued computations, like s...
 set-pprint-dispatch          function      pprint             Set the pretty print dispatch function to a functi...
 set-repl-name                function      repl-ln            Sets the repl name format to the string name-fmt. ...
 set-repl-prompt              function      repl-ln            Sets the repl prompt. Include the following codes ...
 set-rollback-only            function      sql                Marks the outermost transaction such that it will ...
 set-state                    function      monads             Return a state-monad function that replaces the cu...
 set-system-properties        function      java-utils         Set some system properties. Nil clears a property..
 set-test                     macro         test-is            Experimental. Sets :test metadata of the named var...
 set-val                      function      monads             Return a state-monad function that assumes the sta...
 sgn                          multimethod   generic.math-functions Return the sign of x (-1, 0, or 1)..
 sh                           function      shell-out          Passes the given strings to Runtime.exec() to laun...
 show                         function      repl-utils         With one arg prints all static and instance member...
 shuffle                      function      seq-utils          Return a random permutation of coll.
 sin                          multimethod   generic.math-functions Return the sin of x..
 skip-chars                   function      monadic-io-streams Skip n characters.
 slurp                        function      mmap               Reads the file named by f and returns it as a stri...
 slurp*                       function      duck-streams       Like clojure.core/slurp but opens f with reader..
 source                       macro         repl-utils         Prints the source code for the given symbol, if it...
 source-cell?                 function      dataflow           Is this cell a source cell?.
 spit                         function      duck-streams       Opposite of slurp.  Opens f with writer, writes co...
 split                        function      str-utils2         Splits string on a regular expression.  Optional a...
 split-lines                  function      str-utils2         Splits s on \n or \r\n..
 spy                          macro         logging            Evaluates expr and outputs the form and its result...
 sqr                          multimethod   generic.math-functions Return the square of x..
 sqrt                         multimethod   generic.math-functions Return the sqrt of x..
 sqrt                         multimethod   math               Square root, but returns exact number if possible..
 stack-trace-info             multimethod   condition          Returns header, stack-trace, and cause info from c...
 start-handling-break         function      repl-utils         Register INT signal handler.  After calling this, ...
 state-m                      var           monads             Monad describing stateful computations. The monadi...
 state-m-until                function      monads             An optimized implementation of m-until for the sta...
 state-t                      function      monads             Monad transformer that transforms a monad m into a...
 status                       function      http.agent         Returns the HTTP response status code (e.g. 200, 4...
 str-join                     function      str-utils          Returns a string of all elements in 'sequence', se...
 stratification-list          function      graph              Similar to dependency-list (see doc), except two g...
 stream                       function      http.agent         Returns an InputStream of the HTTP response body. ...
 stream-drop                  function      stream-utils       Return a stream containing all but the first n ele...
 stream-filter                multimethod   stream-utils       Return a new stream that contrains the elements of...
 stream-flatten               function      stream-utils       Converts a stream of sequences into a stream of th...
 stream-m                     var           stream-utils       Monad describing stream computations. The monadic ...
 stream-map                   multimethod   stream-utils       Return a new stream by mapping the function f on t...
 stream-next                  multimethod   stream-utils       Returns a vector [next-value new-state] where next...
 stream-repl                  function      repl-ln            Repl entry point that provides convenient overridi...
 stream-seq                   function      stream-utils       Return a lazy seq on the stream. Also accessible v...
 stream-type                  var           stream-utils       The root type for the stream hierarchy. For each s...
 string                       function      http.agent         Returns the HTTP response body as a string, using ...
 subset?                      function      set                Is set1 a subset of set2?.
 subsets                      function      combinatorics      All the subsets of items.
 success?                     function      http.agent         Returns true if the HTTP response code was in the ...
 successful?                  function      test-is            Returns true if the given test summary indicates a...
 summarize                    function      profile            Takes the raw data returned by with-profile-data a...
 superset?                    function      set                Is set1 a superset of set2?.
 swap-case                    function      str-utils2         Changes upper case characters to lower case and vi...
 symbol-macrolet              macro         macro-utils        Define local symbol macros that are used in the ex...


 *trace-depth*                var           trace              Current stack depth of traced function calls..
 tail                         function      str-utils2         Returns the last n characters of s..
 take                         function      str-utils2         Take first n characters from s, up to the length o...
 tan                          multimethod   generic.math-functions Return the tan of x..
 template?                    function      test-is            Returns true if form is a valid template expressio...
 test-all-vars                function      test-is            Calls test-var on every var interned in the namesp...
 test-ns                      function      test-is            If the namespace defines a function named test-ns-...
 test-var                     function      test-is            If v has a function in its :test metadata, calls t...
 testing                      macro         test-is            Adds a new string to the list of testing contexts....
 testing-contexts-str         function      test-is            Returns a string representation of the current tes...
 testing-vars-str             function      test-is            Returns a string representation of the current tes...
 throw-arg                    function      except             Throws an IllegalArgumentException. All arguments ...
 throw-if                     function      except             Throws an Exception or Error if test is true. args...
 throw-if-not                 function      except             Throws an Exception or Error if test is false. arg...
 throw-msg                    macro         error-kit          Returns a function that throws a Java Exception wi...
 throwf                       function      except             Throws an Exception or Error with an optional mess...
 times                        macro         mock               Creates or associates to an existing expectation h...
 to-byte-array                multimethod   duck-streams       Converts argument into a Java byte array.  Argumen...
 trace                        macro         logging            Logs a message at the trace level..
 trace                        function      trace              Sends name (optional) and value to the tracer func...
 trace-fn-call                function      trace              Traces a single call to a function f with args.  '...
 trace-indent                 function      trace              Returns an indentation string based on *trace-dept...
 tracer                       function      trace              This function is called by trace.  Prints to stand...
 transaction                  macro         sql                Evaluates body as a transaction on the open databa...
 transitive-closure           function      graph              Returns the transitive closure of a graph.  The ne...
 trim                         function      str-utils2         Removes whitespace from both ends of string..
 try-expr                     macro         test-is            Used by the 'is' macro to catch unexpected excepti...


 uniform                      function      probabilities.finite-distributions Return a distribution in which eac...
 update-or-insert-values      function      sql                Updates values on selected rows in a table, or ins...
 update-state                 function      monads             Return a state-monad function that replaces the cu...
 update-val                   function      monads             Return a state-monad function that assumes the sta...
 update-values                function      dataflow           Given a dataflow, and a map of name-value pairs, u...
 update-values                function      sql                Updates values on selected rows in a table. where-...
 upper-case                   function      str-utils2         Converts string to all upper-case..
 use-fixtures                 multimethod   test-is            Wrap test runs in a fixture function to perform se...
 use-method                   function      pprint             Installs a function as a new method of multimethod...


 validate-counts              function      mock               given the sequence of all mock data for the expect...
 vars                         macro         ns-utils           Returns a sorted seq of symbols naming public vars...


 wall-hack-field              function      java-utils         Access to private or protected field..
 wall-hack-method             function      java-utils         Calls a private or protected method. params is a v...
 warn                         macro         logging            Logs a message at the warn level..
 with-command-line            macro         command-line       Bind locals to command-line args..
 with-connection              macro         jmx                Execute body with JMX connection specified by opts...
 with-connection              macro         sql                Evaluates body in the context of a new connection ...
 with-direct-linking          macro         macros             EXPERIMENTAL! Compiles the functions in body with ...
 with-handler                 macro         error-kit          This is error-kit's dynamic scope form.  The body ...
 with-in-reader               macro         duck-streams       Opens a PushbackReader on f, binds it to *in*, and...
 with-io-streams              function      monadic-io-streams Open one or more streams as specified by io-spec, ...
 with-logs                    macro         logging            Evaluates exprs in a context in which *out* and *e...
 with-monad                   macro         monads             Evaluates an expression after replacing the keywor...
 with-ns                      macro         with-ns            Evaluates body in another namespace.  ns is either...
 with-out-append-writer       macro         duck-streams       Like with-out-writer but appends to file..
 with-out-writer              macro         duck-streams       Opens a writer on f, binds it to *out*, and evalut...
 with-pprint-dispatch         macro         pprint             Execute body with the pretty print dispatch functi...
 with-profile-data            macro         profile            Executes body with *profile-data* bound to an atom...
 with-query-results           macro         sql                Executes a query, then evaluates body with results...
 with-reader                  function      monadic-io-streams Create a reader from reader-spec, run the monadic ...
 with-state-field             function      monads             Returns a state-monad function that expects a map ...
 with-symbol-macros           macro         macro-utils        Fully expand exprs, including symbol macros..
 with-system-properties       macro         java-utils         setting => property-name value  Sets the system pr...
 with-temp-ns                 macro         with-ns            Evaluates body in an anonymous namespace, which is...
 with-test                    macro         test-is            Takes any definition form (that returns a Var) as ...
 with-test-out                macro         test-is            Runs body with *out* bound to the value of *test-o...
 with-writer                  function      monadic-io-streams Create a writer from writer-spec, run the monadic ...
 write                        function      monadic-io-streams Write text (a string).
 write                        function      pprint             Write an object subject to the current bindings of...
 write-lines                  function      duck-streams       Writes lines (a seq) to f, separated by newlines. ...
 write-out                    function      pprint             Write an object to *out* subject to the current bi...
 write-properties             function      java-utils         Write properties to file-able..
 writer                       multimethod   duck-streams       Attempts to coerce its argument into an open java....
 writer-m                     function      monads             Monad describing computations that accumulate data...




 zero?                        multimethod   generic.comparison Return true of x is zero..
 zipf                         function      probabilities.finite-distributions Returns the Zipf distribution in w...


 *                            multimethod   generic.arithmetic Return the product of all arguments. The minimal i...
 +                            multimethod   generic.arithmetic Return the sum of all arguments. The minimal imple...
 -                            multimethod   generic.arithmetic Return the difference of the first argument and th...
 -?>                          macro         core               Same as clojure.core/-> but returns nil as soon as...
 .?.                          macro         core               Same as clojure.core/.. but returns nil as soon as...
 /                            multimethod   generic.arithmetic Return the quotient of the first argument and the ...
 <                            multimethod   generic.comparison Return true if each argument is smaller than the f...
 <=                           multimethod   generic.comparison Return true if each arguments is smaller than or e...
 =                            multimethod   generic.comparison Return true if all arguments are equal. The minima...
 >                            multimethod   generic.comparison Return true if each argument is larger than the fo...
 >=                           multimethod   generic.comparison Return true if each argument is larger than or equ...
Logo & site design by Tom Hickey.
Clojure auto-documentation system by Tom Faulhaber.