path: root/modules/prxml/src/main/clojure/clojure/contrib/prxml.clj
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/prxml/src/main/clojure/clojure/contrib/prxml.clj')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/prxml/src/main/clojure/clojure/contrib/prxml.clj b/modules/prxml/src/main/clojure/clojure/contrib/prxml.clj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2c2ec761
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/prxml/src/main/clojure/clojure/contrib/prxml.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+;;; prxml.clj -- compact syntax for generating XML
+;; by Stuart Sierra, http://stuartsierra.com/
+;; March 29, 2009
+;; Copyright (c) 2009 Stuart Sierra. All rights reserved. The use and
+;; distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse
+;; Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php)
+;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this
+;; distribution. By using this software in any fashion, you are
+;; agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. You must not
+;; remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
+;; Change Log
+;; March 29, 2009: added *prxml-indent*
+;; January 4, 2009: initial version
+;; See function "prxml" at the bottom of this file for documentation.
+ ^{:author "Stuart Sierra",
+ :doc "Compact syntax for generating XML. See the documentation of \"prxml\"
+for details."}
+ clojure.contrib.prxml
+ (:use [clojure.contrib.string :only (escape as-str)]))
+ ^{:doc "If true, empty tags will have a space before the closing />"}
+ *html-compatible* false)
+ ^{:doc "The number of spaces to indent sub-tags. nil for no indent
+ and no extra line-breaks."}
+ *prxml-indent* nil)
+(def ^{:private true} *prxml-tag-depth* 0)
+(def ^{:private true} print-xml) ; forward declaration
+(defn- escape-xml [s]
+ (escape {\< "&lt;"
+ \> "&gt;"
+ \& "&amp;"
+ \' "&apos;"
+ \" "&quot;"} s))
+(defn- prxml-attribute [name value]
+ (print " ")
+ (print (as-str name))
+ (print "=\"")
+ (print (escape-xml (str value)))
+ (print "\""))
+(defmulti ^{:private true} print-xml-tag (fn [tag attrs content] tag))
+(defmethod print-xml-tag :raw! [tag attrs contents]
+ (doseq [c contents] (print c)))
+(defmethod print-xml-tag :comment! [tag attrs contents]
+ (print "<!-- ")
+ (doseq [c contents] (print c))
+ (print " -->"))
+(defmethod print-xml-tag :decl! [tag attrs contents]
+ (let [attrs (merge {:version "1.0" :encoding "UTF-8"}
+ attrs)]
+ ;; Must enforce ordering of pseudo-attributes:
+ (print "<?xml version=\"")
+ (print (:version attrs))
+ (print "\" encoding=\"")
+ (print (:encoding attrs))
+ (print "\"")
+ (when (:standalone attrs)
+ (print " standalone=\"")
+ (print (:standalone attrs))
+ (print "\""))
+ (print "?>")))
+(defmethod print-xml-tag :cdata! [tag attrs contents]
+ (print "<![CDATA[")
+ (doseq [c contents] (print c))
+ (print "]]>"))
+(defmethod print-xml-tag :doctype! [tag attrs contents]
+ (print "<!DOCTYPE ")
+ (doseq [c contents] (print c))
+ (print ">"))
+(defmethod print-xml-tag :default [tag attrs contents]
+ (let [tag-name (as-str tag)]
+ (when *prxml-indent*
+ (newline)
+ (dotimes [n (* *prxml-tag-depth* *prxml-indent*)] (print " ")))
+ (print "<")
+ (print tag-name)
+ (doseq [[name value] attrs]
+ (prxml-attribute name value))
+ (if (seq contents)
+ (do ;; not an empty tag
+ (print ">")
+ (if (every? string? contents)
+ ;; tag only contains strings:
+ (do (doseq [c contents] (print-xml c))
+ (print "</") (print tag-name) (print ">"))
+ ;; tag contains sub-tags:
+ (do (binding [*prxml-tag-depth* (inc *prxml-tag-depth*)]
+ (doseq [c contents] (print-xml c)))
+ (when *prxml-indent*
+ (newline)
+ (dotimes [n (* *prxml-tag-depth* *prxml-indent*)] (print " ")))
+ (print "</") (print tag-name) (print ">"))))
+ ;; empty tag:
+ (print (if *html-compatible* " />" "/>")))))
+(defmulti ^{:private true} print-xml class)
+(defmethod print-xml clojure.lang.IPersistentVector [x]
+ (let [[tag & contents] x
+ [attrs content] (if (map? (first contents))
+ [(first contents) (rest contents)]
+ [{} contents])]
+ (print-xml-tag tag attrs content)))
+(defmethod print-xml clojure.lang.ISeq [x]
+ ;; Recurse into sequences, so we can use (map ...) inside prxml.
+ (doseq [c x] (print-xml c)))
+(defmethod print-xml clojure.lang.Keyword [x]
+ (print-xml-tag x {} nil))
+(defmethod print-xml String [x]
+ (print (escape-xml x)))
+(defmethod print-xml nil [x])
+(defmethod print-xml :default [x]
+ (print x))
+(defn prxml
+ "Print XML to *out*. Vectors become XML tags: the first item is the
+ tag name; optional second item is a map of attributes.
+ Sequences are processed recursively, so you can use map and other
+ sequence functions inside prxml.
+ (prxml [:p {:class \"greet\"} [:i \"Ladies & gentlemen\"]])
+ ; => <p class=\"greet\"><i>Ladies &amp; gentlemen</i></p>
+ PSEUDO-TAGS: some keywords have special meaning:
+ :raw! do not XML-escape contents
+ :comment! create an XML comment
+ :decl! create an XML declaration, with attributes
+ :cdata! create a CDATA section
+ :doctype! create a DOCTYPE!
+ (prxml [:p [:raw! \"<i>here & gone</i>\"]])
+ ; => <p><i>here & gone</i></p>
+ (prxml [:decl! {:version \"1.1\"}])
+ ; => <?xml version=\"1.1\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
+ [& args]
+ (doseq [arg args] (print-xml arg)))