path: root/modules/graph
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/graph')
2 files changed, 244 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/graph/pom.xml b/modules/graph/pom.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a32dfd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/graph/pom.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
+ xmlns:xsi="http//www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+ xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0
+ http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
+ <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
+ <parent>
+ <groupId>org.clojure.contrib</groupId>
+ <artifactId>parent</artifactId>
+ <version>1.3.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
+ <relativePath>../parent</relativePath>
+ </parent>
+ <artifactId>graph</artifactId>
+ <dependencies>
+ </dependencies>
+</project> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/graph/src/main/clojure/clojure/contrib/graph.clj b/modules/graph/src/main/clojure/clojure/contrib/graph.clj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..226908fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/graph/src/main/clojure/clojure/contrib/graph.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+;; Copyright (c) Jeffrey Straszheim. All rights reserved. The use and
+;; distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public
+;; License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) which can
+;; be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. By
+;; using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the
+;; terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other,
+;; from this software.
+;; graph
+;; Basic Graph Theory Algorithms
+;; straszheimjeffrey (gmail)
+;; Created 23 June 2009
+ ^{:author "Jeffrey Straszheim",
+ :doc "Basic graph theory algorithms"}
+ clojure.contrib.graph
+ (use [clojure.set :only (union)]))
+(defstruct directed-graph
+ :nodes ; The nodes of the graph, a collection
+ :neighbors) ; A function that, given a node returns a collection
+ ; neighbor nodes.
+(defn get-neighbors
+ "Get the neighbors of a node."
+ [g n]
+ ((:neighbors g) n))
+;; Graph Modification
+(defn reverse-graph
+ "Given a directed graph, return another directed graph with the
+ order of the edges reversed."
+ [g]
+ (let [op (fn [rna idx]
+ (let [ns (get-neighbors g idx)
+ am (fn [m val]
+ (assoc m val (conj (get m val #{}) idx)))]
+ (reduce am rna ns)))
+ rn (reduce op {} (:nodes g))]
+ (struct directed-graph (:nodes g) rn)))
+(defn add-loops
+ "For each node n, add the edge n->n if not already present."
+ [g]
+ (struct directed-graph
+ (:nodes g)
+ (into {} (map (fn [n]
+ [n (conj (set (get-neighbors g n)) n)]) (:nodes g)))))
+(defn remove-loops
+ "For each node n, remove any edges n->n."
+ [g]
+ (struct directed-graph
+ (:nodes g)
+ (into {} (map (fn [n]
+ [n (disj (set (get-neighbors g n)) n)]) (:nodes g)))))
+;; Graph Walk
+(defn lazy-walk
+ "Return a lazy sequence of the nodes of a graph starting a node n. Optionally,
+ provide a set of visited notes (v) and a collection of nodes to
+ visit (ns)."
+ ([g n]
+ (lazy-walk g [n] #{}))
+ ([g ns v]
+ (lazy-seq (let [s (seq (drop-while v ns))
+ n (first s)
+ ns (rest s)]
+ (when s
+ (cons n (lazy-walk g (concat (get-neighbors g n) ns) (conj v n))))))))
+(defn transitive-closure
+ "Returns the transitive closure of a graph. The neighbors are lazily computed.
+ Note: some version of this algorithm return all edges a->a
+ regardless of whether such loops exist in the original graph. This
+ version does not. Loops will be included only if produced by
+ cycles in the graph. If you have code that depends on such
+ behavior, call (-> g transitive-closure add-loops)"
+ [g]
+ (let [nns (fn [n]
+ [n (delay (lazy-walk g (get-neighbors g n) #{}))])
+ nbs (into {} (map nns (:nodes g)))]
+ (struct directed-graph
+ (:nodes g)
+ (fn [n] (force (nbs n))))))
+;; Strongly Connected Components
+(defn- post-ordered-visit
+ "Starting at node n, perform a post-ordered walk."
+ [g n [visited acc :as state]]
+ (if (visited n)
+ state
+ (let [[v2 acc2] (reduce (fn [st nd] (post-ordered-visit g nd st))
+ [(conj visited n) acc]
+ (get-neighbors g n))]
+ [v2 (conj acc2 n)])))
+(defn post-ordered-nodes
+ "Return a sequence of indexes of a post-ordered walk of the graph."
+ [g]
+ (fnext (reduce #(post-ordered-visit g %2 %1)
+ [#{} []]
+ (:nodes g))))
+(defn scc
+ "Returns, as a sequence of sets, the strongly connected components
+ of g."
+ [g]
+ (let [po (reverse (post-ordered-nodes g))
+ rev (reverse-graph g)
+ step (fn [stack visited acc]
+ (if (empty? stack)
+ acc
+ (let [[nv comp] (post-ordered-visit rev
+ (first stack)
+ [visited #{}])
+ ns (remove nv stack)]
+ (recur ns nv (conj acc comp)))))]
+ (step po #{} [])))
+(defn component-graph
+ "Given a graph, perhaps with cycles, return a reduced graph that is acyclic.
+ Each node in the new graph will be a set of nodes from the old.
+ These sets are the strongly connected components. Each edge will
+ be the union of the corresponding edges of the prior graph."
+ ([g]
+ (component-graph g (scc g)))
+ ([g sccs]
+ (let [find-node-set (fn [n]
+ (some #(if (% n) % nil) sccs))
+ find-neighbors (fn [ns]
+ (let [nbs1 (map (partial get-neighbors g) ns)
+ nbs2 (map set nbs1)
+ nbs3 (apply union nbs2)]
+ (set (map find-node-set nbs3))))
+ nm (into {} (map (fn [ns] [ns (find-neighbors ns)]) sccs))]
+ (struct directed-graph (set sccs) nm))))
+(defn recursive-component?
+ "Is the component (recieved from scc) self recursive?"
+ [g ns]
+ (or (> (count ns) 1)
+ (let [n (first ns)]
+ (some #(= % n) (get-neighbors g n)))))
+(defn self-recursive-sets
+ "Returns, as a sequence of sets, the components of a graph that are
+ self-recursive."
+ [g]
+ (filter (partial recursive-component? g) (scc g)))
+;; Dependency Lists
+(defn fixed-point
+ "Repeatedly apply fun to data until (equal old-data new-data)
+ returns true. If max iterations occur, it will throw an
+ exception. Set max to nil for unlimited iterations."
+ [data fun max equal]
+ (let [step (fn step [data idx]
+ (when (and idx (= 0 idx))
+ (throw (Exception. "Fixed point overflow")))
+ (let [new-data (fun data)]
+ (if (equal data new-data)
+ new-data
+ (recur new-data (and idx (dec idx))))))]
+ (step data max)))
+(defn- fold-into-sets
+ [priorities]
+ (let [max (inc (apply max 0 (vals priorities)))
+ step (fn [acc [n dep]]
+ (assoc acc dep (conj (acc dep) n)))]
+ (reduce step
+ (vec (replicate max #{}))
+ priorities)))
+(defn dependency-list
+ "Similar to a topological sort, this returns a vector of sets. The
+ set of nodes at index 0 are independent. The set at index 1 depend
+ on index 0; those at 2 depend on 0 and 1, and so on. Those withing
+ a set have no mutual dependencies. Assume the input graph (which
+ much be acyclic) has an edge a->b when a depends on b."
+ [g]
+ (let [step (fn [d]
+ (let [update (fn [n]
+ (inc (apply max -1 (map d (get-neighbors g n)))))]
+ (into {} (map (fn [[k v]] [k (update k)]) d))))
+ counts (fixed-point (zipmap (:nodes g) (repeat 0))
+ step
+ (inc (count (:nodes g)))
+ =)]
+ (fold-into-sets counts)))
+(defn stratification-list
+ "Similar to dependency-list (see doc), except two graphs are
+ provided. The first is as dependency-list. The second (which may
+ have cycles) provides a partial-dependency relation. If node a
+ depends on node b (meaning an edge a->b exists) in the second
+ graph, node a must be equal or later in the sequence."
+ [g1 g2]
+ (assert (= (-> g1 :nodes set) (-> g2 :nodes set)))
+ (let [step (fn [d]
+ (let [update (fn [n]
+ (max (inc (apply max -1
+ (map d (get-neighbors g1 n))))
+ (apply max -1 (map d (get-neighbors g2 n)))))]
+ (into {} (map (fn [[k v]] [k (update k)]) d))))
+ counts (fixed-point (zipmap (:nodes g1) (repeat 0))
+ step
+ (inc (count (:nodes g1)))
+ =)]
+ (fold-into-sets counts)))
+;; End of file