diff options
8 files changed, 1194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/accumulators/src/examples/clojure/examples/accumulators.clj b/modules/accumulators/src/examples/clojure/examples/accumulators.clj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e5c0d98d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/accumulators/src/examples/clojure/examples/accumulators.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+;; Accumulator application examples
+ #^{:author "Konrad Hinsen"
+ :skip-wiki true
+ :doc "Examples for using accumulators"}
+ examples.accumulators
+ (:use [clojure.contrib.accumulators
+ :only (combine add add-items
+ empty-vector empty-list empty-queue empty-set empty-map
+ empty-counter empty-counter-with-total
+ empty-sum empty-product empty-maximum empty-minimum
+ empty-min-max empty-mean-variance empty-string empty-tuple)]))
+; Vector accumulator: combine is concat, add is conj
+(combine [:a :b] [:c :d] [:x :y])
+(add [:a :b] :c)
+(add-items empty-vector [:a :b :a])
+; List accumulator: combine is concat, add is conj
+(combine '(:a :b) '(:c :d) '(:x :y))
+(add '(:a :b) :c)
+(add-items empty-list [:a :b :a])
+; Queue accumulator
+(let [q1 (add-items empty-queue [:a :b :a])
+ q2 (add-items empty-queue [:x :y])]
+ (combine q1 q2))
+; Set accumulator: combine is union, add is conj
+(combine #{:a :b} #{:c :d} #{:a :d})
+(add #{:a :b} :c)
+(add-items empty-set [:a :b :a])
+; Map accumulator: combine is merge, add is conj
+(combine {:a 1} {:b 2 :c 3} {})
+(add {:a 1} [:b 2])
+(add-items empty-map [[:a 1] [:b 2] [:a 0]])
+; Counter accumulator
+(let [c1 (add-items empty-counter [:a :b :a])
+ c2 (add-items empty-counter [:x :y])]
+ (combine c1 c2))
+; Counter-with-total accumulator
+(let [c1 (add-items empty-counter-with-total [:a :b :a])
+ c2 (add-items empty-counter-with-total [:x :y])]
+ (combine c1 c2))
+; Sum accumulator: combine is addition
+(let [s1 (add-items empty-sum [1 2 3])
+ s2 (add-items empty-sum [-1 -2 -3])]
+ (combine s1 s2))
+; Product accumulator: combine is multiplication
+(let [p1 (add-items empty-product [2 3])
+ p2 (add-items empty-product [(/ 1 2)])]
+ (combine p1 p2))
+; Maximum accumulator: combine is max
+(let [m1 (add-items empty-maximum [2 3])
+ m2 (add-items empty-maximum [(/ 1 2)])]
+ (combine m1 m2))
+; Minimum accumulator: combine is min
+(let [m1 (add-items empty-minimum [2 3])
+ m2 (add-items empty-minimum [(/ 1 2)])]
+ (combine m1 m2))
+; Min-max accumulator: combination of minimum and maximum
+(let [m1 (add-items empty-min-max [2 3])
+ m2 (add-items empty-min-max [(/ 1 2)])]
+ (combine m1 m2))
+; Mean-variance accumulator: sample mean and sample variance
+(let [m1 (add-items empty-mean-variance [2 4])
+ m2 (add-items empty-mean-variance [6])]
+ (combine m1 m2))
+; String accumulator: combine is concatenation
+(combine "a" "b" "c" "def")
+(add "a" (char 44))
+(add-items empty-string [(char 55) (char 56) (char 57)])
+; Accumulator tuples permit to update several accumulators in parallel
+(let [pair (empty-tuple [empty-vector empty-string])]
+ (add-items pair [[1 "a"] [2 "b"]]))
diff --git a/modules/condition/src/examples/clojure/examples/condition.clj b/modules/condition/src/examples/clojure/examples/condition.clj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f0f2307e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/condition/src/examples/clojure/examples/condition.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+;; Copyright (c) Stephen C. Gilardi. All rights reserved. The use and
+;; distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public
+;; License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) which can
+;; be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. By
+;; using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the
+;; terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other,
+;; from this software.
+;; clojure.contrib.condition.example.clj
+;; scgilardi (gmail)
+;; Created 09 June 2009
+(ns example.condition
+ (:use (clojure.contrib
+ [condition
+ :only (handler-case print-stack-trace raise *condition*)])))
+(defn func [x y]
+ "Raises an exception if x is negative"
+ (when (neg? x)
+ (raise :type :illegal-argument :arg 'x :value x))
+ (+ x y))
+(defn main
+ []
+ ;; simple handler
+ (handler-case :type
+ (println (func 3 4))
+ (println (func -5 10))
+ (handle :illegal-argument
+ (print-stack-trace *condition*))
+ (println 3))
+ ;; multiple handlers
+ (handler-case :type
+ (println (func 4 1))
+ (println (func -3 22))
+ (handle :overflow
+ (print-stack-trace *condition*))
+ (handle :illegal-argument
+ (print-stack-trace *condition*)))
+ ;; nested handlers
+ (handler-case :type
+ (handler-case :type
+ nil
+ nil
+ (println 1)
+ (println 2)
+ (println 3)
+ (println (func 8 2))
+ (println (func -6 17))
+ ;; no handler for :illegal-argument
+ (handle :overflow
+ (println "nested")
+ (print-stack-trace *condition*)))
+ (println (func 3 4))
+ (println (func -5 10))
+ (handle :illegal-argument
+ (println "outer")
+ (print-stack-trace *condition*))))
diff --git a/modules/datalog/src/examples/clojure/examples/datalog.clj b/modules/datalog/src/examples/clojure/examples/datalog.clj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4e1efbb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/datalog/src/examples/clojure/examples/datalog.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+;; Copyright (c) Jeffrey Straszheim. All rights reserved. The use and
+;; distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public
+;; License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) which can
+;; be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. By
+;; using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the
+;; terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other,
+;; from this software.
+;; example.clj
+;; A Clojure implementation of Datalog - Example
+;; straszheimjeffrey (gmail)
+;; Created 2 March 2009
+(ns examples.datalog
+ (:use [clojure.contrib.datalog :only (build-work-plan run-work-plan)]
+ [clojure.contrib.datalog.rules :only (<- ?- rules-set)]
+ [clojure.contrib.datalog.database :only (make-database add-tuples)]
+ [clojure.contrib.datalog.util :only (*trace-datalog*)]))
+(def db-base
+ (make-database
+ (relation :employee [:id :name :position])
+ (index :employee :name)
+ (relation :boss [:employee-id :boss-id])
+ (index :boss :employee-id)
+ (relation :can-do-job [:position :job])
+ (index :can-do-job :position)
+ (relation :job-replacement [:job :can-be-done-by])
+ ;(index :job-replacement :can-be-done-by)
+ (relation :job-exceptions [:id :job])))
+(def db
+ (add-tuples db-base
+ [:employee :id 1 :name "Bob" :position :boss]
+ [:employee :id 2 :name "Mary" :position :chief-accountant]
+ [:employee :id 3 :name "John" :position :accountant]
+ [:employee :id 4 :name "Sameer" :position :chief-programmer]
+ [:employee :id 5 :name "Lilian" :position :programmer]
+ [:employee :id 6 :name "Li" :position :technician]
+ [:employee :id 7 :name "Fred" :position :sales]
+ [:employee :id 8 :name "Brenda" :position :sales]
+ [:employee :id 9 :name "Miki" :position :project-management]
+ [:employee :id 10 :name "Albert" :position :technician]
+ [:boss :employee-id 2 :boss-id 1]
+ [:boss :employee-id 3 :boss-id 2]
+ [:boss :employee-id 4 :boss-id 1]
+ [:boss :employee-id 5 :boss-id 4]
+ [:boss :employee-id 6 :boss-id 4]
+ [:boss :employee-id 7 :boss-id 1]
+ [:boss :employee-id 8 :boss-id 7]
+ [:boss :employee-id 9 :boss-id 1]
+ [:boss :employee-id 10 :boss-id 6]
+ [:can-do-job :position :boss :job :management]
+ [:can-do-job :position :accountant :job :accounting]
+ [:can-do-job :position :chief-accountant :job :accounting]
+ [:can-do-job :position :programmer :job :programming]
+ [:can-do-job :position :chief-programmer :job :programming]
+ [:can-do-job :position :technician :job :server-support]
+ [:can-do-job :position :sales :job :sales]
+ [:can-do-job :position :project-management :job :project-management]
+ [:job-replacement :job :pc-support :can-be-done-by :server-support]
+ [:job-replacement :job :pc-support :can-be-done-by :programming]
+ [:job-replacement :job :payroll :can-be-done-by :accounting]
+ [:job-exceptions :id 4 :job :pc-support]))
+(def rules
+ (rules-set
+ (<- (:works-for :employee ?x :boss ?y) (:boss :employee-id ?e-id :boss-id ?b-id)
+ (:employee :id ?e-id :name ?x)
+ (:employee :id ?b-id :name ?y))
+ (<- (:works-for :employee ?x :boss ?y) (:works-for :employee ?x :boss ?z)
+ (:works-for :employee ?z :boss ?y))
+ (<- (:employee-job* :employee ?x :job ?y) (:employee :name ?x :position ?pos)
+ (:can-do-job :position ?pos :job ?y))
+ (<- (:employee-job* :employee ?x :job ?y) (:job-replacement :job ?y :can-be-done-by ?z)
+ (:employee-job* :employee ?x :job ?z))
+ (<- (:employee-job* :employee ?x :job ?y) (:can-do-job :job ?y)
+ (:employee :name ?x :position ?z)
+ (if = ?z :boss))
+ (<- (:employee-job :employee ?x :job ?y) (:employee-job* :employee ?x :job ?y)
+ (:employee :id ?id :name ?x)
+ (not! :job-exceptions :id ?id :job ?y))
+ (<- (:bj :name ?x :boss ?y) (:works-for :employee ?x :boss ?y)
+ (not! :employee-job :employee ?y :job :pc-support))))
+(def wp-1 (build-work-plan rules (?- :works-for :employee '??name :boss ?x)))
+(run-work-plan wp-1 db {'??name "Albert"})
+(def wp-2 (build-work-plan rules (?- :employee-job :employee '??name :job ?x)))
+(binding [*trace-datalog* true]
+ (run-work-plan wp-2 db {'??name "Li"}))
+(def wp-3 (build-work-plan rules (?- :bj :name '??name :boss ?x)))
+(run-work-plan wp-3 db {'??name "Albert"})
+(def wp-4 (build-work-plan rules (?- :works-for :employee ?x :boss ?y)))
+(run-work-plan wp-4 db {})
+;; End of file
diff --git a/modules/miglayout/src/examples/clojure/examples/miglayout.clj b/modules/miglayout/src/examples/clojure/examples/miglayout.clj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..04c9a040
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/miglayout/src/examples/clojure/examples/miglayout.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+;; Copyright (c) Stephen C. Gilardi. All rights reserved. The use and
+;; distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public
+;; License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) which can
+;; be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. By
+;; using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the
+;; terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other,
+;; from this software.
+;; clojure.contrib.miglayout.example
+;; A temperature converter using miglayout. Demonstrates accessing
+;; components by their id constraint.
+;; scgilardi (gmail)
+;; Created 31 May 2009
+(ns examples.miglayout
+ (:import (javax.swing JButton JFrame JLabel JPanel JTextField
+ SwingUtilities))
+ (:use (clojure.contrib
+ [miglayout :only (miglayout components)]
+ [swing-utils :only (add-key-typed-listener)])))
+(defn fahrenheit
+ "Converts a Celsius temperature to Fahrenheit. Input and output are
+ strings. Returns \"input?\" if the input can't be parsed as a Double."
+ [celsius]
+ (try
+ (format "%.2f" (+ 32 (* 1.8 (Double/parseDouble celsius))))
+ (catch NumberFormatException _ "input?")))
+(defn- handle-key
+ "Clears output on most keys, shows conversion on \"Enter\""
+ [event out]
+ (.setText out
+ (if (= (.getKeyChar event) \newline)
+ (fahrenheit (-> event .getComponent .getText))
+ "")))
+(defn converter-ui
+ "Lays out and shows a Temperature Converter UI"
+ []
+ (let [panel
+ (miglayout (JPanel.)
+ (JTextField. 6) {:id :input}
+ (JLabel. "\u00b0Celsius") :wrap
+ (JLabel.) {:id :output}
+ (JLabel. "\u00b0Fahrenheit"))
+ {:keys [input output]} (components panel)]
+ (add-key-typed-listener input handle-key output)
+ (doto (JFrame. "Temperature Converter")
+ (.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame/DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE)
+ (.add panel)
+ (.pack)
+ (.setVisible true))))
+(defn main
+ "Invokes converter-ui in the AWT Event thread"
+ []
+ (SwingUtilities/invokeLater converter-ui))
diff --git a/modules/monads/src/examples/clojure/examples/monads.clj b/modules/monads/src/examples/clojure/examples/monads.clj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..926d7edf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/monads/src/examples/clojure/examples/monads.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+;; Monad application examples
+ #^{:author "Konrad Hinsen"
+ :skip-wiki true
+ :doc "Examples for using monads"}
+ examples.monads
+ (:use [clojure.contrib.monads
+ :only (domonad with-monad m-lift m-seq m-reduce m-when
+ sequence-m
+ maybe-m
+ state-m fetch-state set-state
+ writer-m write
+ cont-m run-cont call-cc
+ maybe-t)])
+ (:require (clojure.contrib [accumulators :as accu])))
+;; Sequence manipulations with the sequence monad
+; Note: in the Haskell world, this monad is called the list monad.
+; The Clojure equivalent to Haskell's lists are (possibly lazy)
+; sequences. This is why I call this monad "sequence". All sequences
+; created by sequence monad operations are lazy.
+; Monad comprehensions in the sequence monad work exactly the same
+; as Clojure's 'for' construct, except that :while clauses are not
+; available.
+(domonad sequence-m
+ [x (range 5)
+ y (range 3)]
+ (+ x y))
+; Inside a with-monad block, domonad is used without the monad name.
+(with-monad sequence-m
+ (domonad
+ [x (range 5)
+ y (range 3)]
+ (+ x y)))
+; Conditions are written with :when, as in Clojure's for form:
+(domonad sequence-m
+ [x (range 5)
+ y (range (+ 1 x))
+ :when (= (+ x y) 2)]
+ (list x y))
+; :let is also supported like in for:
+(domonad sequence-m
+ [x (range 5)
+ y (range (+ 1 x))
+ :let [sum (+ x y)
+ diff (- x y)]
+ :when (= sum 2)]
+ (list diff))
+; An example of a sequence function defined in terms of a lift operation.
+(with-monad sequence-m
+ (defn pairs [xs]
+ ((m-lift 2 #(list %1 %2)) xs xs)))
+(pairs (range 5))
+; Another way to define pairs is through the m-seq operation. It takes
+; a sequence of monadic values and returns a monadic value containing
+; the sequence of the underlying values, obtained from chaining together
+; from left to right the monadic values in the sequence.
+(with-monad sequence-m
+ (defn pairs [xs]
+ (m-seq (list xs xs))))
+(pairs (range 5))
+; This definition suggests a generalization:
+(with-monad sequence-m
+ (defn ntuples [n xs]
+ (m-seq (replicate n xs))))
+(ntuples 2 (range 5))
+(ntuples 3 (range 5))
+; Lift operations can also be used inside a monad comprehension:
+(domonad sequence-m
+ [x ((m-lift 1 (partial * 2)) (range 5))
+ y (range 2)]
+ [x y])
+; The m-plus operation does concatenation in the sequence monad.
+(domonad sequence-m
+ [x ((m-lift 2 +) (range 5) (range 3))
+ y (m-plus (range 2) '(10 11))]
+ [x y])
+;; Handling failures with the maybe monad
+; Maybe monad versions of basic arithmetic
+(with-monad maybe-m
+ (def m+ (m-lift 2 +))
+ (def m- (m-lift 2 -))
+ (def m* (m-lift 2 *)))
+; Division is special for two reasons: we can't call it m/ because that's
+; not a legal Clojure symbol, and we want it to fail if a division by zero
+; is attempted. It is best defined by a monad comprehension with a
+; :when clause:
+(defn safe-div [x y]
+ (domonad maybe-m
+ [a x
+ b y
+ :when (not (zero? b))]
+ (/ a b)))
+; Now do some non-trivial computation with division
+; It fails for (1) x = 0, (2) y = 0 or (3) y = -x.
+(with-monad maybe-m
+ (defn some-function [x y]
+ (let [one (m-result 1)]
+ (safe-div one (m+ (safe-div one (m-result x))
+ (safe-div one (m-result y)))))))
+; An example that doesn't fail:
+(some-function 2 3)
+; And two that do fail, at different places:
+(some-function 2 0)
+(some-function 2 -2)
+; In the maybe monad, m-plus selects the first monadic value that
+; holds a valid value.
+(with-monad maybe-m
+ (m-plus (some-function 2 0) (some-function 2 -2) (some-function 2 3)))
+;; Random numbers with the state monad
+; A state monad item represents a computation that changes a state and
+; returns a value. Its structure is a function that takes a state argument
+; and returns a two-item list containing the value and the updated state.
+; It is important to realize that everything you put into a state monad
+; expression is a state monad item (thus a function), and everything you
+; get out as well. A state monad does not perform a calculation, it
+; constructs a function that does the computation when called.
+; First, we define a simple random number generator with explicit state.
+; rng is a function of its state (an integer) that returns the
+; pseudo-random value derived from this state and the updated state
+; for the next iteration. This is exactly the structure of a state
+; monad item.
+(defn rng [seed]
+ (let [m 259200
+ value (/ (float seed) (float m))
+ next (rem (+ 54773 (* 7141 seed)) m)]
+ [value next]))
+; We define a convenience function that creates an infinite lazy seq
+; of values obtained from iteratively applying a state monad value.
+(defn value-seq [f seed]
+ (lazy-seq
+ (let [[value next] (f seed)]
+ (cons value (value-seq f next)))))
+; Next, we define basic statistics functions to check our random numbers
+(defn sum [xs] (apply + xs))
+(defn mean [xs] (/ (sum xs) (count xs)))
+(defn variance [xs]
+ (let [m (mean xs)
+ sq #(* % %)]
+ (mean (for [x xs] (sq (- x m))))))
+; rng implements a uniform distribution in the interval [0., 1.), so
+; ideally, the mean would be 1/2 (0.5) and the variance 1/12 (0.8333).
+(mean (take 1000 (value-seq rng 1)))
+(variance (take 1000 (value-seq rng 1)))
+; We make use of the state monad to implement a simple (but often sufficient)
+; approximation to a Gaussian distribution: the sum of 12 random numbers
+; from rng's distribution, shifted by -6, has a distribution that is
+; approximately Gaussian with 0 mean and variance 1, by virtue of the central
+; limit theorem.
+; In the first version, we call rng 12 times explicitly and calculate the
+; shifted sum in a monad comprehension:
+(def gaussian1
+ (domonad state-m
+ [x1 rng
+ x2 rng
+ x3 rng
+ x4 rng
+ x5 rng
+ x6 rng
+ x7 rng
+ x8 rng
+ x9 rng
+ x10 rng
+ x11 rng
+ x12 rng]
+ (- (+ x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12) 6.)))
+; Let's test it:
+(mean (take 1000 (value-seq gaussian1 1)))
+(variance (take 1000 (value-seq gaussian1 1)))
+; Of course, we'd rather have a loop construct for creating the 12
+; random numbers. This would be easy if we could define a summation
+; operation on random-number generators, which would then be used in
+; combination with reduce. The lift operation gives us exactly that.
+; More precisely, we need (m-lift 2 +), because we want both arguments
+; of + to be lifted to the state monad:
+(def gaussian2
+ (domonad state-m
+ [sum12 (reduce (m-lift 2 +) (replicate 12 rng))]
+ (- sum12 6.)))
+; Such a reduction is often quite useful, so there's m-reduce predefined
+; to simplify it:
+(def gaussian2
+ (domonad state-m
+ [sum12 (m-reduce + (replicate 12 rng))]
+ (- sum12 6.)))
+; The statistics should be strictly the same as above, as long as
+; we use the same seed:
+(mean (take 1000 (value-seq gaussian2 1)))
+(variance (take 1000 (value-seq gaussian2 1)))
+; We can also do the subtraction of 6 in a lifted function, and get rid
+; of the monad comprehension altogether:
+(with-monad state-m
+ (def gaussian3
+ ((m-lift 1 #(- % 6.))
+ (m-reduce + (replicate 12 rng)))))
+; Again, the statistics are the same:
+(mean (take 1000 (value-seq gaussian3 1)))
+(variance (take 1000 (value-seq gaussian3 1)))
+; For a random point in two dimensions, we'd like a random number generator
+; that yields a list of two random numbers. The m-seq operation can easily
+; provide it:
+(with-monad state-m
+ (def rng2 (m-seq (list rng rng))))
+; Let's test it:
+(rng2 1)
+; fetch-state and get-state can be used to save the seed of the random
+; number generator and go back to that saved seed later on:
+(def identical-random-seqs
+ (domonad state-m
+ [seed (fetch-state)
+ x1 rng
+ x2 rng
+ _ (set-state seed)
+ y1 rng
+ y2 rng]
+ (list [x1 x2] [y1 y2])))
+(identical-random-seqs 1)
+;; Logging with the writer monad
+; A basic logging example
+(domonad (writer-m accu/empty-string)
+ [x (m-result 1)
+ _ (write "first step\n")
+ y (m-result 2)
+ _ (write "second step\n")]
+ (+ x y))
+; For a more elaborate application, let's trace the recursive calls of
+; a naive implementation of a Fibonacci function. The starting point is:
+(defn fib [n]
+ (if (< n 2)
+ n
+ (let [n1 (dec n)
+ n2 (dec n1)]
+ (+ (fib n1) (fib n2)))))
+; First we rewrite it to make every computational step explicit
+; in a let expression:
+(defn fib [n]
+ (if (< n 2)
+ n
+ (let [n1 (dec n)
+ n2 (dec n1)
+ f1 (fib n1)
+ f2 (fib n2)]
+ (+ f1 f2))))
+; Next, we replace the let by a domonad in a writer monad that uses a
+; vector accumulator. We can then place calls to write in between the
+; steps, and obtain as a result both the return value of the function
+; and the accumulated trace values.
+(with-monad (writer-m accu/empty-vector)
+ (defn fib-trace [n]
+ (if (< n 2)
+ (m-result n)
+ (domonad
+ [n1 (m-result (dec n))
+ n2 (m-result (dec n1))
+ f1 (fib-trace n1)
+ _ (write [n1 f1])
+ f2 (fib-trace n2)
+ _ (write [n2 f2])
+ ]
+ (+ f1 f2))))
+(fib-trace 5)
+;; Sequences with undefined value: the maybe-t monad transformer
+; A monad transformer is a function that takes a monad argument and
+; returns a monad as its result. The resulting monad adds some
+; specific behaviour aspect to the input monad.
+; The simplest monad transformer is maybe-t. It adds the functionality
+; of the maybe monad (handling failures or undefined values) to any other
+; monad. We illustrate this by applying maybe-t to the sequence monad.
+; The result is an enhanced sequence monad in which undefined values
+; (represented by nil) are not subjected to any transformation, but
+; lead immediately to a nil result in the output.
+; First we define the combined monad:
+(def seq-maybe-m (maybe-t sequence-m))
+; As a first illustration, we create a range of integers and replace
+; all even values by nil, using a simple when expression. We use this
+; sequence in a monad comprehension that yields (inc x). The result
+; is a sequence in which inc has been applied to all non-nil values,
+; whereas the nil values appear unmodified in the output:
+(domonad seq-maybe-m
+ [x (for [n (range 10)] (when (odd? n) n))]
+ (inc x))
+; Next we repeat the definition of the function pairs (see above), but
+; using the seq-maybe monad:
+(with-monad seq-maybe-m
+ (defn pairs-maybe [xs]
+ (m-seq (list xs xs))))
+; Applying this to a sequence containing nils yields the pairs of all
+; non-nil values interspersed with nils that result from any combination
+; in which one or both of the values is nil:
+(pairs-maybe (for [n (range 5)] (when (odd? n) n)))
+; It is important to realize that undefined values (nil) are not eliminated
+; from the iterations. They are simply not passed on to any operations.
+; The outcome of any function applied to arguments of which at least one
+; is nil is supposed to be nil as well, and the function is never called.
+;; Continuation-passing style in the cont monad
+; A simple computation performed in continuation-passing style.
+; (m-result 1) returns a function that, when called with a single
+; argument f, calls (f 1). The result of the domonad-computation is
+; a function that behaves in the same way, passing 3 to its function
+; argument. run-cont executes a continuation by calling it on identity.
+ (domonad cont-m
+ [x (m-result 1)
+ y (m-result 2)]
+ (+ x y)))
+; Let's capture a continuation using call-cc. We store it in a global
+; variable so that we can do with it whatever we want. The computation
+; is the same one as in the first example, but it has the side effect
+; of storing the continuation at (m-result 2).
+(def continuation nil)
+ (domonad cont-m
+ [x (m-result 1)
+ y (call-cc (fn [c] (def continuation c) (c 2)))]
+ (+ x y)))
+; Now we can call the continuation with whatever argument we want. The
+; supplied argument takes the place of 2 in the above computation:
+(run-cont (continuation 5))
+(run-cont (continuation 42))
+(run-cont (continuation -1))
+; Next, a function that illustrates how a captured continuation can be
+; used as an "emergency exit" out of a computation:
+(defn sqrt-as-str [x]
+ (call-cc
+ (fn [k]
+ (domonad cont-m
+ [_ (m-when (< x 0) (k (str "negative argument " x)))]
+ (str (. Math sqrt x))))))
+(run-cont (sqrt-as-str 2))
+(run-cont (sqrt-as-str -2))
diff --git a/modules/probabilities/src/examples/clojure/examples/finite_distributions.clj b/modules/probabilities/src/examples/clojure/examples/finite_distributions.clj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a795e16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/probabilities/src/examples/clojure/examples/finite_distributions.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+;; Probability distribution application examples
+ #^{:author "Konrad Hinsen"
+ :skip-wiki true
+ :doc "Examples for finite probability distribution"}
+ examples.finite-distributions
+ (:use [clojure.contrib.probabilities.finite-distributions
+ :only (uniform prob cond-prob join-with dist-m choose
+ normalize certainly cond-dist-m normalize-cond)])
+ (:use [clojure.contrib.monads
+ :only (domonad with-monad m-seq m-chain m-lift)])
+ (:require clojure.contrib.accumulators))
+;; Simple examples using dice
+; A single die is represented by a uniform distribution over the
+; six possible outcomes.
+(def die (uniform #{1 2 3 4 5 6}))
+; The probability that the result is odd...
+(prob odd? die)
+; ... or greater than four.
+(prob #(> % 4) die)
+; The sum of two dice
+(def two-dice (join-with + die die))
+(prob #(> % 6) two-dice)
+; The sum of two dice using a monad comprehension
+(assert (= two-dice
+ (domonad dist-m
+ [d1 die
+ d2 die]
+ (+ d1 d2))))
+; The two values separately, but as an ordered pair
+(domonad dist-m
+ [d1 die
+ d2 die]
+ (if (< d1 d2) (list d1 d2) (list d2 d1)))
+; The conditional probability for two dice yielding X if X is odd:
+(cond-prob odd? two-dice)
+; A two-step experiment: throw a die, and then add 1 with probability 1/2
+(domonad dist-m
+ [d die
+ x (choose (/ 1 2) d
+ :else (inc d))]
+ x)
+; The sum of n dice
+(defn dice [n]
+ (domonad dist-m
+ [ds (m-seq (replicate n die))]
+ (apply + ds)))
+(assert (= two-dice (dice 2)))
+(dice 3)
+;; Construct an empirical distribution from counters
+; Using an ordinary counter:
+(def dist1
+ (normalize
+ (clojure.contrib.accumulators/add-items
+ clojure.contrib.accumulators/empty-counter
+ (for [_ (range 1000)] (rand-int 5)))))
+; Or, more efficiently, using a counter that already keeps track of its total:
+(def dist2
+ (normalize
+ (clojure.contrib.accumulators/add-items
+ clojure.contrib.accumulators/empty-counter-with-total
+ (for [_ (range 1000)] (rand-int 5)))))
+;; The Monty Hall game
+;; (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monty_Hall_problem for a description)
+; The set of doors. In the classical variant, there are three doors,
+; but the code can also work with more than three doors.
+(def doors #{:A :B :C})
+; A simulation of the game, step by step:
+(domonad dist-m
+ [; The prize is hidden behind one of the doors.
+ prize (uniform doors)
+ ; The player make his initial choice.
+ choice (uniform doors)
+ ; The host opens a door which is neither the prize door nor the
+ ; one chosen by the player.
+ opened (uniform (disj doors prize choice))
+ ; If the player stays with his initial choice, the game ends and the
+ ; following line should be commented out. It describes the switch from
+ ; the initial choice to a door that is neither the opened one nor
+ ; his original choice.
+ choice (uniform (disj doors opened choice))
+ ]
+ ; If the chosen door has the prize behind it, the player wins.
+ (if (= choice prize) :win :loose))
+;; Tree growth simulation
+;; Adapted from the code in:
+;; Martin Erwig and Steve Kollmansberger,
+;; "Probabilistic Functional Programming in Haskell",
+;; Journal of Functional Programming, Vol. 16, No. 1, 21-34, 2006
+;; http://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~erwig/papers/abstracts.html#JFP06a
+; A tree is represented by two attributes: its state (alive, hit, fallen),
+; and its height (an integer). A new tree starts out alive and with zero height.
+(def new-tree {:state :alive, :height 0})
+; An evolution step in the simulation modifies alive trees only. They can
+; either grow by one (90% probability), be hit by lightning and then stop
+; growing (4% probability), or fall down (6% probability).
+(defn evolve-1 [tree]
+ (let [{s :state h :height} tree]
+ (if (= s :alive)
+ (choose 0.9 (assoc tree :height (inc (:height tree)))
+ 0.04 (assoc tree :state :hit)
+ :else {:state :fallen, :height 0})
+ (certainly tree))))
+; Multiple evolution steps can be chained together with m-chain,
+; since each step's input is the output of the previous step.
+(with-monad dist-m
+ (defn evolve [n tree]
+ ((m-chain (replicate n evolve-1)) tree)))
+; Try it for zero, one, or two steps.
+(evolve 0 new-tree)
+(evolve 1 new-tree)
+(evolve 2 new-tree)
+; We can also get a distribution of the height only:
+(with-monad dist-m
+ ((m-lift 1 :height) (evolve 2 new-tree)))
+;; Bayesian inference
+;; Suppose someone has three dice, one with six faces, one with eight, and
+;; one with twelve. This person throws one die and gives us the number,
+;; but doesn't tell us which die it was. What are the Bayesian probabilities
+;; for each of the three dice, given the observation we have?
+; A function that returns the distribution of a dice with n faces.
+(defn die-n [n] (uniform (range 1 (inc n))))
+; The three dice in the game with their distributions. With this map, we
+; can easily calculate the probability for an observation under the
+; condition that a particular die was used.
+(def dice {:six (die-n 6)
+ :eight (die-n 8)
+ :twelve (die-n 12)})
+; The only prior knowledge is that one of the three dice is used, so we
+; have no better than a uniform distribution to start with.
+(def prior (uniform (keys dice)))
+; Add a single observation to the information contained in the
+; distribution. Adding an observation consists of
+; 1) Draw a die from the pri