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1 files changed, 122 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/clojure/clojure/contrib/io.clj b/src/main/clojure/clojure/contrib/io.clj
index 4d03e9d1..7101947c 100644
--- a/src/main/clojure/clojure/contrib/io.clj
+++ b/src/main/clojure/clojure/contrib/io.clj
@@ -63,7 +63,8 @@
BufferedReader File PrintWriter OutputStream
OutputStreamWriter BufferedWriter Writer
FileInputStream FileOutputStream ByteArrayOutputStream
- StringReader ByteArrayInputStream)
+ StringReader ByteArrayInputStream
+ BufferedInputStream BufferedOutputStream)
(java.net URI URL MalformedURLException Socket)))
@@ -98,6 +99,51 @@
(File. s)))
+(defmulti #^{:tag BufferedInputStream
+ :doc "Attempts to coerce its argument into an open
+ java.io.BufferedInputStream. Argument may be an instance of
+ BufferedInputStream, InputStream, File, URI, URL, Socket, or String.
+ If argument is a String, it tries to resolve it first as a URI, then
+ as a local file name. URIs with a 'file' protocol are converted to
+ local file names. If this fails, a final attempt is made to resolve
+ the string as a resource on the CLASSPATH.
+ Should be used inside with-open to ensure the InputStream is properly
+ closed."
+ :arglists '([x])}
+ input-stream class)
+(defmethod input-stream BufferedInputStream [x]
+ x)
+(defmethod input-stream InputStream [x]
+ (BufferedInputStream. x))
+(defmethod input-stream File [#^File x]
+ (input-stream (FileInputStream. x)))
+(defmethod input-stream URL [#^URL x]
+ (input-stream (if (= "file" (.getProtocol x))
+ (FileInputStream. (.getPath x))
+ (.openStream x))))
+(defmethod input-stream URI [#^URI x]
+ (input-stream (.toURL x)))
+(defmethod input-stream String [#^String x]
+ (try (let [url (URL. x)]
+ (input-stream url))
+ (catch MalformedURLException e
+ (input-stream (File. x)))))
+(defmethod input-stream Socket [#^Socket x]
+ (input-stream (.getInputStream x)))
+(defmethod input-stream :default [x]
+ (throw (Exception. (str "Cannot open " (pr-str x) " as an InputStream."))))
(defmulti #^{:tag BufferedReader
:doc "Attempts to coerce its argument into an open
java.io.BufferedReader. Argument may be an instance of Reader,
@@ -105,48 +151,93 @@
If argument is a String, it tries to resolve it first as a URI, then
as a local file name. URIs with a 'file' protocol are converted to
- local file names. Uses *default-encoding* as the text encoding.
+ local file names. If this fails, a final attempt is made to resolve
+ the string as a resource on the CLASSPATH.
+ Uses *default-encoding* as the text encoding.
Should be used inside with-open to ensure the Reader is properly
:arglists '([x])}
reader class)
+(defmethod reader BufferedReader [x]
+ x)
(defmethod reader Reader [x]
(BufferedReader. x))
(defmethod reader InputStream [#^InputStream x]
- (BufferedReader. (InputStreamReader. x *default-encoding*)))
+ (reader (InputStreamReader. x *default-encoding*)))
-(defmethod reader File [#^File x]
- (reader (FileInputStream. x)))
+(defmethod reader :default [x]
+ ; input-stream throws if it can't hanlde x.
+ (reader (input-stream x)))
-(defmethod reader URL [#^URL x]
- (reader (if (= "file" (.getProtocol x))
- (FileInputStream. (.getPath x))
- (.openStream x))))
+ #^{:doc "If true, writer, output-stream and spit will open files in append mode.
+ Defaults to false. Instead of binding this var directly, use append-writer,
+ append-output-stream or append-spit."
+ :tag "java.lang.Boolean"}
+ *append* false)
-(defmethod reader URI [#^URI x]
- (reader (.toURL x)))
+(defn- assert-not-appending []
+ (when *append*
+ (throw (Exception. "Cannot change an open stream to append mode."))))
-(defmethod reader String [#^String x]
- (try (let [url (URL. x)]
- (reader url))
- (catch MalformedURLException e
- (reader (File. x)))))
+(defmulti #^{:tag OutputStream
+ :doc "Attempts to coerce its argument into an open
+ java.io.OutputStream or java.io.BufferedOutputStream. Argument may
+ be an instance of OutputStream, File, URI, URL, Socket, or String.
-(defmethod reader Socket [#^Socket x]
- (reader (.getInputStream x)))
+ If argument is a String, it tries to resolve it first as a URI, then
+ as a local file name. URIs with a 'file' protocol are converted to
+ local file names.
-(defmethod reader :default [x]
- (throw (Exception. (str "Cannot open " (pr-str x) " as a reader."))))
+ Should be used inside with-open to ensure the OutputStream is
+ properly closed."
+ :arglists '([x])}
+ output-stream class)
+(defmethod output-stream BufferedOutputStream [#^BufferedOutputStream x]
+ (assert-not-appending)
+ x)
- #^{:doc "If true, writer and spit will open files in append mode.
- Defaults to false. Use append-writer or append-spit."
- :tag "java.lang.Boolean"}
- *append-to-writer* false)
+(defmethod output-stream OutputStream [#^OutputStream x]
+ (assert-not-appending)
+ (BufferedOutputStream. x))
+(defmethod output-stream File [#^File x]
+ (let [stream (FileOutputStream. x *append*)]
+ (binding [*append* false]
+ (output-stream stream))))
+(defmethod output-stream URL [#^URL x]
+ (if (= "file" (.getProtocol x))
+ (output-stream (File. (.getPath x)))
+ (throw (Exception. (str "Can not write to non-file URL <" x ">")))))
+(defmethod output-stream URI [#^URI x]
+ (output-stream (.toURL x)))
+(defmethod output-stream String [#^String x]
+ (try (let [url (URL. x)]
+ (output-stream url))
+ (catch MalformedURLException err
+ (output-stream (File. x)))))
+(defmethod output-stream Socket [#^Socket x]
+ (output-stream (.getOutputStream x)))
+(defmethod output-stream :default [x]
+ (throw (Exception. (str "Cannot open <" (pr-str x) "> as an output stream."))))
+(defn append-output-stream
+ "Like output-stream but opens file for appending. Does not work on streams
+ that are already open."
+ [x]
+ (binding [*append* true]
+ (output-stream x)))
(defmulti #^{:tag PrintWriter
@@ -164,10 +255,6 @@
:arglists '([x])}
writer class)
-(defn- assert-not-appending []
- (when *append-to-writer*
- (throw (Exception. "Cannot change an open stream to append mode."))))
(defmethod writer PrintWriter [x]
@@ -179,45 +266,31 @@
(defmethod writer Writer [x]
;; Writer includes sub-classes such as FileWriter
- (PrintWriter. (BufferedWriter. x)))
+ (writer (BufferedWriter. x)))
(defmethod writer OutputStream [#^OutputStream x]
- (PrintWriter.
- (BufferedWriter.
- (OutputStreamWriter. x *default-encoding*))))
+ (writer (OutputStreamWriter. x *default-encoding*)))
(defmethod writer File [#^File x]
- (let [stream (FileOutputStream. x *append-to-writer*)]
- (binding [*append-to-writer* false]
+ (let [stream (FileOutputStream. x *append*)]
+ (binding [*append* false]
(writer stream))))
-(defmethod writer URL [#^URL x]
- (if (= "file" (.getProtocol x))
- (writer (File. (.getPath x)))
- (throw (Exception. (str "Cannot write to non-file URL <" x ">")))))
-(defmethod writer URI [#^URI x]
- (writer (.toURL x)))
(defmethod writer String [#^String x]
(try (let [url (URL. x)]
(writer url))
(catch MalformedURLException err
(writer (File. x)))))
-(defmethod writer Socket [#^Socket x]
- (writer (.getOutputStream x)))
(defmethod writer :default [x]
- (throw (Exception. (str "Cannot open <" (pr-str x) "> as a writer."))))
+ (writer (output-stream x)))
(defn append-writer
"Like writer but opens file for appending. Does not work on streams
that are already open."
- (binding [*append-to-writer* true]
+ (binding [*append* true]
(writer x)))