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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 123 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/clojure/clojure/contrib/test_java.clj b/src/test/clojure/clojure/contrib/test_java.clj
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index 9aab2c64..00000000
--- a/src/test/clojure/clojure/contrib/test_java.clj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-(ns clojure.contrib.test-java
- (:use clojure.test
- [clojure.contrib.io :only (spit)]
- clojure.contrib.java)
- (:import [java.io File]
- [java.net URL URI]
- [java.util Properties]))
-(deftest test-relative-path-string
- (testing "strings"
- (is (= "foo" (relative-path-string "foo"))))
- (testing "absolute path strings are forbidden"
- (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (relative-path-string "/baz"))))
- (testing "relative File paths"
- (is (= "bar" (relative-path-string (File. "bar")))))
- (testing "absolute File paths are forbidden"
- (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (relative-path-string (File. "/quux")))))
-(deftest test-as-file
- (testing "strings"
- (is (= (File. "foo") (as-file "foo"))))
- (testing "Files"
- (is (= (File. "bar") (as-file (File. "bar")))))
-(deftest test-as-url
- (are [result expr] (= result expr)
- (URL. "http://foo") (as-url (URL. "http://foo"))
- (URL. "http://foo") (as-url "http://foo")
- (URL. "http://foo") (as-url (URI. "http://foo"))
- (URL. "file:/foo") (as-url (File. "/foo"))))
-(deftest test-file
- (testing "single argument"
- (is (= (File. "foo") (file "foo"))))
- (testing "two arguments"
- (is (= (File. "foo/bar") (file "foo" "bar"))))
- (testing "N arguments"
- (is (= (File. "foo/bar/baz/quux") (file "foo" "bar" "baz" "quux"))))
- (testing "no sneaking in absolute paths!"
- (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (file "foo" "bar" "/boom" "baz" "quux"))))
-(deftest test-as-str
- (testing "keyword to string"
- (is (= "foo") (as-str :foo)))
- (testing "symbol to string"
- (is (= "foo") (as-str 'foo)))
- (testing "string to string"
- (is (= "foo") (as-str "foo")))
- (testing "stringifying non-namish things"
- (is (= "42") (as-str 42)))
-(deftest test-get-system-property
- (testing "works the same with keywords, symbols, and strings"
- (is (= (get-system-property "java.home") (get-system-property 'java.home)))
- (is (= (get-system-property "java.home") (get-system-property :java.home))))
- (testing "treats second arg as default"
- (is (= "default" (get-system-property "testing.test-system-property" "default"))))
- (testing "returns nil for missing properties"
- (is (nil? (get-system-property "testing.test-system-property"))))
-(deftest test-set-system-properties
- (testing "set and then unset a property using keywords"
- (let [propname :clojure.contrib.java.test-set-system-properties]
- (is (nil? (get-system-property propname)))
- (set-system-properties {propname :foo})
- (is (= "foo") (get-system-property propname))
- (set-system-properties {propname nil})
- (is (nil? (get-system-property propname)))))
-(deftest test-with-system-properties
- (let [propname :clojure.contrib.java.test-with-system-properties]
- (testing "sets a property only for the duration of a block"
- (is (= "foo"
- (with-system-properties {propname "foo"}
- (get-system-property propname))))
- (is (nil? (get-system-property propname)))))
- (testing "leaves other properties alone"
- ; TODO: write this test better, using a properties -> map function
- (let [propname :clojure.contrib.java.test-with-system-properties
- propcount (count (System/getProperties))]
- (with-system-properties {propname "foo"}
- (is (= (inc propcount) (count (System/getProperties)))))
- (is (= propcount (count (System/getProperties))))))
-(deftest test-as-properties
- (let [expected (doto (Properties.)
- (.setProperty "a" "b")
- (.setProperty "c" "d"))]
- (testing "with a map"
- (is (= expected
- (as-properties {:a "b" :c "d"}))))
- (testing "with a sequence of pairs"
- (is (= expected
- (as-properties [[:a :b] [:c :d]]))))))
-(deftest test-read-properties
- (let [f (File/createTempFile "test" "properties")]
- (spit f "a=b\nc=d")
- (is (= {"a" "b" "c" "d"}
- (read-properties f)))))
-(deftest test-write-properties
- (let [f (File/createTempFile "test" "properties")]
- (write-properties [['a 'b] ['c 'd]] f)
- (is (= {"a" "b" "c" "d"}
- (read-properties f)))))
-(deftest test-delete-file
- (let [file (File/createTempFile "test" "deletion")
- not-file (File. (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)))]
- (delete-file (.getAbsolutePath file))
- (is (not (.exists file)))
- (is (thrown? ArithmeticException (/ 1 0)))
- (is (thrown? java.io.IOException (delete-file not-file)))
- (is (delete-file not-file :silently))))