path: root/src
diff options
authorStuart Sierra <mail@stuartsierra.com>2009-08-15 16:05:39 -0400
committerStuart Sierra <mail@stuartsierra.com>2009-08-15 16:14:25 -0400
commit94ce3fbbbc180e10fc8f5e4412f68f72cde938c6 (patch)
tree54d45778156c32bb9c7bdbc2e1e0577997e35bd4 /src
parentee6e4bf2d912419dd180b712d32e817a479f14e8 (diff)
duck_streams.clj: added type hints to avoid reflection
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/src/clojure/contrib/duck_streams.clj b/src/clojure/contrib/duck_streams.clj
index fe0cc5fc..35af8ad7 100644
--- a/src/clojure/contrib/duck_streams.clj
+++ b/src/clojure/contrib/duck_streams.clj
@@ -69,7 +69,8 @@
#^{:doc "Name of the default encoding to use when reading & writing.
- Default is UTF-8."}
+ Default is UTF-8."
+ :tag "java.lang.String"}
*default-encoding* "UTF-8")
@@ -113,7 +114,7 @@
(defmethod reader Reader [x]
(BufferedReader. x))
-(defmethod reader InputStream [x]
+(defmethod reader InputStream [#^InputStream x]
(BufferedReader. (InputStreamReader. x *default-encoding*)))
(defmethod reader File [#^File x]
@@ -139,7 +140,8 @@
#^{:doc "If true, writer and spit will open files in append mode.
- Defaults to false. Use append-writer or append-spit."}
+ Defaults to false. Use append-writer or append-spit."
+ :tag "java.lang.Boolean"}
*append-to-writer* false)
@@ -175,7 +177,7 @@
;; Writer includes sub-classes such as FileWriter
(PrintWriter. (BufferedWriter. x)))
-(defmethod writer OutputStream [x]
+(defmethod writer OutputStream [#^OutputStream x]
@@ -234,7 +236,7 @@
(.close rdr))))]
(read-line (reader f))))
-(defn slurp*
+(defn #^String slurp*
"Like clojure.core/slurp but opens f with reader."
(with-open [#^BufferedReader r (reader f)]
@@ -301,7 +303,7 @@
(fn [input output] [(type input) (type output)]))
-(defmethod copy [InputStream OutputStream] [input output]
+(defmethod copy [InputStream OutputStream] [#^InputStream input #^OutputStream output]
(let [buffer (make-array Byte/TYPE *buffer-size*)]
(loop []
(let [size (.read input buffer)]
@@ -309,8 +311,8 @@
(do (.write output buffer 0 size)
-(defmethod copy [InputStream Writer] [input output]
- (let [buffer (make-array Byte/TYPE *buffer-size*)]
+(defmethod copy [InputStream Writer] [#^InputStream input #^Writer output]
+ (let [#^"[B" buffer (make-array Byte/TYPE *buffer-size*)]
(loop []
(let [size (.read input buffer)]
(when (pos? size)
@@ -318,12 +320,12 @@
(do (.write output chars)
-(defmethod copy [InputStream File] [input output]
+(defmethod copy [InputStream File] [#^InputStream input #^File output]
(with-open [out (FileOutputStream. output)]
(copy input out)))
-(defmethod copy [Reader OutputStream] [input output]
- (let [buffer (make-array Character/TYPE *buffer-size*)]
+(defmethod copy [Reader OutputStream] [#^Reader input #^OutputStream output]
+ (let [#^"[C" buffer (make-array Character/TYPE *buffer-size*)]
(loop []
(let [size (.read input buffer)]
(when (pos? size)
@@ -331,47 +333,47 @@
(do (.write output bytes)
-(defmethod copy [Reader Writer] [input output]
- (let [buffer (make-array Character/TYPE *buffer-size*)]
+(defmethod copy [Reader Writer] [#^Reader input #^Writer output]
+ (let [#^"[C" buffer (make-array Character/TYPE *buffer-size*)]
(loop []
(let [size (.read input buffer)]
(when (pos? size)
(do (.write output buffer 0 size)
-(defmethod copy [Reader File] [input output]
+(defmethod copy [Reader File] [#^Reader input #^File output]
(with-open [out (FileOutputStream. output)]
(copy input out)))
-(defmethod copy [File OutputStream] [input output]
+(defmethod copy [File OutputStream] [#^File input #^OutputStream output]
(with-open [in (FileInputStream. input)]
(copy in output)))
-(defmethod copy [File Writer] [input output]
+(defmethod copy [File Writer] [#^File input #^Writer output]
(with-open [in (FileInputStream. input)]
(copy in output)))
-(defmethod copy [File File] [input output]
+(defmethod copy [File File] [#^File input #^File output]
(with-open [in (FileInputStream. input)
out (FileOutputStream. output)]
(copy in out)))
-(defmethod copy [String OutputStream] [input output]
+(defmethod copy [String OutputStream] [#^String input #^OutputStream output]
(copy (StringReader. input) output))
-(defmethod copy [String Writer] [input output]
+(defmethod copy [String Writer] [#^String input #^Writer output]
(copy (StringReader. input) output))
-(defmethod copy [String File] [input output]
+(defmethod copy [String File] [#^String input #^File output]
(copy (StringReader. input) output))
-(defmethod copy [*byte-array-type* OutputStream] [input output]
+(defmethod copy [*byte-array-type* OutputStream] [#^"[B" input #^OutputStream output]
(copy (ByteArrayInputStream. input) output))
-(defmethod copy [*byte-array-type* Writer] [input output]
+(defmethod copy [*byte-array-type* Writer] [#^"[B" input #^Writer output]
(copy (ByteArrayInputStream. input) output))
-(defmethod copy [*byte-array-type* File] [input output]
+(defmethod copy [*byte-array-type* File] [#^"[B" input #^Writer output]
(copy (ByteArrayInputStream. input) output))
@@ -389,20 +391,20 @@
(defmethod to-byte-array *byte-array-type* [x] x)
-(defmethod to-byte-array String [x]
+(defmethod to-byte-array String [#^String x]
(.getBytes x *default-encoding*))
-(defmethod to-byte-array File [x]
+(defmethod to-byte-array File [#^File x]
(with-open [input (FileInputStream. x)
buffer (ByteArrayOutputStream.)]
(copy input buffer)
(.toByteArray buffer)))
-(defmethod to-byte-array InputStream [x]
+(defmethod to-byte-array InputStream [#^InputStream x]
(let [buffer (ByteArrayOutputStream.)]
(copy x buffer)
(.toByteArray buffer)))
-(defmethod to-byte-array Reader [x]
+(defmethod to-byte-array Reader [#^Reader x]
(.getBytes (slurp* x) *default-encoding*))