path: root/src/clojure/contrib/monads.clj
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authorKonrad Hinsen <konrad.hinsen@laposte.net>2009-01-06 08:18:28 +0000
committerKonrad Hinsen <konrad.hinsen@laposte.net>2009-01-06 08:18:28 +0000
commit03c2baf58c6faf6da076f254029e9fd68f6bd1cf (patch)
treedb50a2fd840dcb5378c88f15158d727025e1f456 /src/clojure/contrib/monads.clj
parent422ec0ad734d951d41b6950b65cb42818013430e (diff)
New file clojure.contrib.monads (plus its entry in build.xml)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/clojure/contrib/monads.clj')
1 files changed, 232 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/clojure/contrib/monads.clj b/src/clojure/contrib/monads.clj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42abc629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/clojure/contrib/monads.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+;; Monads in Clojure
+;; by Konrad Hinsen
+;; last updated December 30, 2008
+;; Copyright (c) Konrad Hinsen, 2008. All rights reserved. The use
+;; and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse
+;; Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php)
+;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this
+;; distribution. By using this software in any fashion, you are
+;; agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. You must not
+;; remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
+(ns clojure.contrib.monads)
+;; Defining monads
+(defmacro monad
+ "Define a monad by defining the monad operations. The definitions
+ are written like bindings to the monad operations m-bind and
+ m-result (required) and m-zero and m-plus (optional)."
+ [operations]
+ `(let [~'m-zero nil ~'m-plus nil ~@operations]
+ {:m-result ~'m-result :m-bind ~'m-bind
+ :m-zero ~'m-zero :m-plus ~'m-plus}))
+(defmacro defmonad
+ "Define a named monad by defining the monad operations. The definitions
+ are written like bindings to the monad operations m-bind and
+ m-result (required) and m-zero and m-plus (optional)."
+ ([name doc-string operations]
+ (let [doc-name (with-meta name {:doc doc-string})]
+ `(defmonad ~doc-name ~operations)))
+ ([name operations]
+ `(def ~name (monad ~operations))))
+;; Using monads
+(defn- add-monad-step
+ "Add a monad comprehension step before the already transformed
+ monad comprehension expression mexpr."
+ [mexpr step]
+ (let [[bform expr] step]
+ (if (identical? bform :when)
+ (list 'm-bind `(if ~expr (~'m-result nil) ~'m-zero)
+ (list 'fn ['_] mexpr))
+ (list 'm-bind expr (list 'fn [bform] mexpr)))))
+(defn- monad-expr
+ "Transforms a monad comprehension, consisting of a list of steps
+ and an expression defining the final value, into an expression
+ chaining together the steps using :bind and returning the final value
+ using :result. The steps are given as a vector of
+ binding-variable/monadic-expression pairs."
+ [steps expr]
+ (when (odd? (count steps))
+ (throw (Exception. "Odd number of elements in monad comprehension steps")))
+ (reduce add-monad-step
+ (list 'm-result expr)
+ (reverse (partition 2 steps))))
+(defmacro with-monad
+ "Evaluates an expression after replacing the keywords defining the
+ monad operations by the functions associated with these keywords
+ in the monad definition given by name."
+ [name & exprs]
+ `(let [~'m-bind (:m-bind ~name)
+ ~'m-result (:m-result ~name)
+ ~'m-zero (:m-zero ~name)
+ ~'m-plus (:m-plus ~name)]
+ (do ~@exprs)))
+(defmacro domonad
+ "Monad comprehension. Takes the name of a monad, a vector of steps
+ given as binding-form/monadic-expression pairs, and a result value
+ specified by expr. The monadic-expression terms can use the binding
+ variables of the previous steps. If the monad contains a definition
+ of :zero, the step list can also contain conditions of the form [:when p],
+ where the predicate p can contain the binding variables from all previous
+ steps."
+ ([steps expr]
+ (monad-expr steps expr))
+ ([name steps expr]
+ (let [mexpr (monad-expr steps expr)]
+ `(with-monad ~name ~mexpr))))
+;; Defining functions used with monads
+(defmacro defmonadfn
+ "Like defn, but for functions that use monad operations and are used inside
+ a with-monad block."
+ ([name doc-string args expr]
+ (let [doc-name (with-meta name {:doc doc-string})]
+ `(defmonadfn ~doc-name ~args ~expr)))
+ ([name args expr]
+ (let [fn-name (symbol (format "m+%s+m" (str name)))]
+ `(do
+ (def ~fn-name nil)
+ (defmacro ~name ~args
+ (list (quote ~fn-name)
+ '~'m-bind '~'m-result '~'m-zero '~'m-plus
+ ~@args))
+ (defn ~fn-name [~'m-bind ~'m-result ~'m-zero ~'m-plus ~@args] ~expr)))))
+;; Commonly used monad functions
+(defmacro m-lift
+ "Converts a function f of n arguments into a function of n
+ monadic arguments returning a monadic value."
+ [n f]
+ (let [expr (take n (repeatedly #(gensym "x_")))
+ vars (vec (take n (repeatedly #(gensym "mv_"))))
+ steps (vec (interleave expr vars))]
+ (list `fn vars (monad-expr steps (cons f expr)))))
+(defmonadfn m-join
+ "Converts a monadic value containing a monadic value into a 'simple'
+ monadic value."
+ [m]
+ (m-bind m identity))
+(defmonadfn m-fmap
+ "Bind the monadic value m to the function returning (f x) for argument x"
+ [f m]
+ (m-bind m (fn [x] (m-result (f x)))))
+(defmonadfn m-seq
+ "'Executes' the monadic values in ms and returns a sequence of the
+ basic values contained in them."
+ [ms]
+ (reduce (fn [q p]
+ (m-bind p (fn [x]
+ (m-bind q (fn [y]
+ (m-result (lazy-cons x y)))) )))
+ (m-result '())
+ (reverse ms)))
+(defmonadfn m-map
+ "'Executes' the sequence of monadic values resulting from mapping
+ f onto the values xs. f must return a monadic value."
+ [f xs]
+ (m-seq (map f xs)))
+(defmonadfn m-chain
+ "Chains together monadic computation steps that are each functions
+ of one parameter. Each step is called with the result of the previous
+ step as its argument. (m-chain (step1 step2)) is equivalent to
+ (fn [x] (domonad [r1 (step1 x) r2 (step2 r1)] r2))."
+ [steps]
+ (reduce (fn m-chain-link [chain-expr step]
+ (fn [v] (m-bind (chain-expr v) step)))
+ m-result
+ steps))
+;; Commonly used monads
+; Maybe monad
+(defmonad maybe
+ "Monad describing computations with possible failures. Failure is
+ represented by an empty vector, success by a vector with a single
+ element, the resulting value."
+ [m-zero []
+ m-result (fn m-result-maybe [v]
+ [v])
+ m-bind (fn m-bind-maybe [mv f]
+ (if (= mv m-zero)
+ m-zero
+ (f (first mv))))
+ m-plus (fn m-plus-maybe [& mvs]
+ (let [first-valid (first (drop-while empty? mvs))]
+ (if (nil? first-valid) m-zero first-valid)))
+ ])
+; Sequence monad (called "list monad" in Haskell)
+(defmonad sequence
+ "Monad describing multi-valued computations, i.e. computations
+ that can yield multiple values. Any object implementing the seq
+ protocol can be used as a monadic value."
+ [m-result (fn m-result-sequence [v]
+ (list v))
+ m-bind (fn m-bind-sequence [mv f]
+ (apply concat (map f mv)))
+ m-zero (list)
+ m-plus (fn m-plus-sequence [& mvs]
+ (apply concat mvs))
+ ])
+; State monad
+(defmonad state
+ "Monad describing stateful computations. The monadic values have the
+ structure (fn [old-state] (list result new-state))."
+ [m-result (fn m-result-state [v]
+ (fn [s] (list v s)))
+ m-bind (fn m-bind-state [mv f]
+ (fn [s]
+ (let [[v ss] (mv s)]
+ ((f v) ss))))
+ ])
+(defn update-state [f]
+ (fn [s] (list s (f s))))
+(defn set-state [s]
+ (update-state (fn [_] s)))
+(defn fetch-state []
+ (update-state identity))