path: root/src/clojure/contrib/error_kit.clj
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authorChouser <chouser@n01se.net>2009-02-07 02:10:11 +0000
committerChouser <chouser@n01se.net>2009-02-07 02:10:11 +0000
commit15eff9268c5ac95a57806408f4d0f2828ecee229 (patch)
tree569875f338ff10500b3d57f9415a90b917c30792 /src/clojure/contrib/error_kit.clj
parentade7691d810f9e86431613e88f245060e30b2e3e (diff)
error-kit: initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'src/clojure/contrib/error_kit.clj')
1 files changed, 272 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/clojure/contrib/error_kit.clj b/src/clojure/contrib/error_kit.clj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..908caa64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/clojure/contrib/error_kit.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+; Copyright (c) Chris Houser, Jan 2009. All rights reserved.
+; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
+; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php)
+; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
+; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
+; the terms of this license.
+; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
+; System for defining and using custom errors
+; Please contact Chouser if you have any suggestions for better names
+; or API adjustments.
+(ns clojure.contrib.error-kit
+ (:use [clojure.contrib.def :only (defvar defvar-)]))
+(defvar- thread-data (ThreadLocal.)
+ "Holds data being returned across multiple stack frames.")
+(defvar- the-exception
+ (doto (proxy [Error] ["error-kit control obj"])
+ (.setStackTrace (make-array StackTraceElement 0)))
+ "The single Java Exception object used by error-kit for all stack
+ manipulation")
+(defvar- *handler-stack* () "Stack of bound handler symbols")
+(defvar- *continues* {} "Map of currently available continue forms")
+(defmacro throw-msg
+ "Returns a function that throws a Java Exception with the given
+ name. Useful to associate a new error-kit error type with a
+ particular Java Exception class, via the :unhandled error key."
+ [class-name]
+ `(fn [x#] (throw (new ~class-name (:msg x#)))))
+(defn *error*
+ "Base type for all error-kit errors"
+ [details]
+ (merge {:tag `*error* :msg "exception via error-kit"
+ :unhandled (throw-msg Exception)}
+ details))
+(defn- qualify-sym [sym]
+ (let [v (resolve sym)]
+ (assert v)
+ (apply symbol (map #(str (% ^v)) [:ns :name]))))
+(defmacro deferror
+ "Define a new error type"
+ {:arglists '([name [parent-error?] doc-string? [args*] & body]
+ [name [parent-error?] doc-string? args-destruct-map & body])}
+ [err-name pvec & decl]
+ (let [pvec (if (empty? pvec) [`*error*] pvec)
+ [docstr args & body] (if (string? (first decl)) decl (cons nil decl))
+ args (or args [])
+ argmap (if (vector? args) `{:keys ~args} args)
+ body (or body {})
+ qual-err-name (symbol (str *ns*) (name err-name))]
+ (assert (== (count pvec) 1)) ; only support single-inheritance for now
+ (assert (vector? args)) ; only vector (keyword destruct) args for now
+ `(do
+ (defn ~err-name [details#]
+ (let [basedata# ((resolve (first (parents '~qual-err-name))) details#)
+ ~argmap basedata#]
+ (merge basedata# {:tag '~qual-err-name} (do ~@body) details#)))
+ (alter-meta! (var ~err-name) assoc
+ :doc ~docstr ::args ~(vec (map #(keyword (str %)) args)))
+ ~@(for [parent pvec]
+ `(derive '~qual-err-name '~(qualify-sym parent)))
+ (var ~err-name))))
+(defn- throw-to [target-map args]
+ (.set thread-data (assoc target-map :args args))
+ (throw the-exception))
+(defn raise*
+ "Raise the given error object, best if created by an error
+ constructor defined with deferror. See also 'raise' macro."
+ [err]
+ (let [err-tag (:tag err)]
+ (loop [hs *handler-stack*]
+ (if (empty? hs)
+ ((:unhandled err) err)
+ (let [[{:keys [htag] :as handler}] hs]
+ (if (and htag (not (isa? err-tag htag)))
+ (recur (rest hs))
+ (let [rtn ((:hfunc handler) err)]
+ (if-not (vector? rtn)
+ (throw-to handler (list rtn))
+ (condp = (rtn 0)
+ ::continue-with (rtn 1)
+ ::continue (if-let [continue (*continues* (rtn 1))]
+ (throw-to continue (rtn 2))
+ (do (prn *continues*) (throw
+ (Exception.
+ (str "Unbound continue name " (rtn 1))))))
+ ::do-not-handle (recur (rest hs))
+ (throw-to handler (list rtn)))))))))))
+(defmacro raise
+ "Raise an error of the type err-name, constructed with the given args"
+ [err-name & args]
+ `(raise* (~err-name ~(zipmap (::args ^(resolve err-name))
+ args))))
+; It'd be nice to assert that these are used in a tail position of a handler
+(defmacro do-not-handle
+ "Use in a tail position of a 'handle' form to indicate 'raise' should
+ not consider the error handled, but should continue searching for an
+ appropriate 'handle' form. Allows finer-grain control over catching
+ than just the error type."
+ []
+ `[::do-not-handle])
+(defmacro continue-with [value]
+ "Use in a tail position of a 'handle' form to cause the currently
+ running 'raise' to return the given 'value'."
+ `[::continue-with ~value])
+(defmacro continue [continue-name & args]
+ "Use in a tail position of a 'handle' form to pass control to the
+ named 'continue' form, passing in the given args. The 'continue'
+ form with the given name and the smallest dynamic scope surrounding
+ the currently running 'raise' will be used."
+ `[::continue '~continue-name [~@args]])
+(def #^{:doc "Special form to be used inside a 'with-handler'. When
+ any error is 'raised' from withing the dynamic scope of 'body' that
+ is of error-name's type or a derived type, the args will be bound
+ and the body executed. If no 'error-name' is given, the body will
+ be executed for regardless of the type of error raised. The body
+ may return a value, in which case that will be the return value of
+ the entire 'with-handler' form, or it may use any of the special
+ return forms, 'do-not-handle', 'continue-with', or 'continue'."
+ :arglists '([error-name? [args*] & body]
+ [error-name? args-destruct-map-args & body])}
+ handle)
+(def #^{:doc "Special form to be used inside a 'with-handler'.
+ Control can be passed to this 'continue' form from a 'raise' enclosed
+ in this with-handler's dynamic scope, when this 'continue-name' is
+ given to a 'continue' form."
+ :arglists '([continue-name [args*] & body])}
+ bind-continue)
+(defn- special-form [form]
+ (and (list form)
+ (symbol? (first form))
+ (#{#'handle #'bind-continue} (resolve (first form)))))
+(defmacro with-handler
+ "This is error-kit's dynamic scope form. The body will be executed
+ in a dynamic context that includes all of the following 'handle' and
+ 'bind-continue' forms."
+ [& forms]
+ (let [[body special-forms] (split-with (complement special-form) forms)]
+ (assert (every? special-form special-forms))
+ (let [blockid (gensym)
+ handlers (for [[type & more] special-forms
+ :when (= (resolve type) #'handle)]
+ (let [[htag args & hbody] (if (symbol? (first more))
+ more
+ (cons nil more))
+ argmap (if (vector? args) `{:keys ~args} args)]
+ `{:blockid '~blockid
+ :htag ~(when htag (list `quote (qualify-sym htag)))
+ :hfunc (fn [~argmap] ~@hbody)
+ :rfunc identity}))
+ continues (into {}
+ (for [[type & more] special-forms
+ :when (= (resolve type) #'bind-continue)]
+ [(list `quote (first more))
+ `{:blockid '~blockid
+ :rfunc (fn ~@(rest more))}]))]
+ `(try
+ (binding [*handler-stack* (list* ~@handlers @#'*handler-stack*)
+ *continues* (merge @#'*continues* ~@continues)]
+ ~@body)
+ (catch ~(class the-exception) e#
+ (let [td# (.get @#'thread-data)]
+ (if (= '~blockid (:blockid td#))
+ (apply (:rfunc td#) (:args td#))
+ (throw e#))))))))
+(alias 'kit 'clojure.contrib.error-kit)
+; This defines an error and its action if unhandled. A good choice of
+; unhandled. action is to throw a Java exception so users of your code
+; who do not want to use error-kit can still use normal Java try/catch
+; forms to handle the error.
+(kit/deferror *number-error* [] [n]
+ {:msg (str "Number error: " n)
+ :unhandled (kit/throw-msg NumberFormatException)})
+(kit/deferror *odd-number-error* [*number-error*]
+ "Indicates an odd number was given to an operation that is only
+ defined for even numbers."
+ [n]
+ {:msg (str "Can't handle odd number: " n)})
+; Raise an error by name with any extra args defined by the deferror
+(defn int-half [i]
+ (if (even? i)
+ (quot i 2)
+ (kit/raise *odd-number-error* i)))
+; Throws Java NumberFormatException because there's no 'handle' form
+(vec (map int-half [2 4 5 8]))
+; Throws Java Exception with details provided by 'raise'
+ (vec (map int-half [2 4 5 8]))
+ (kit/handle *odd-number-error* [n]
+ (throw (Exception. (format "Odd number %d in vector." n)))))
+; The above is equivalent to the more complicated version below:
+ (vec (map int-half [2 4 5 8]))
+ (kit/handle {:keys [n tag]}
+ (if (isa? tag `*odd-number-error*)
+ (throw (Exception. (format "Odd number %d in vector." n)))
+ (kit/do-not-handle))))
+; Returns "invalid" string instead of a vector when an error is encountered
+ (vec (map int-half [2 4 5 8]))
+ (kit/handle kit/*error* [n]
+ "invalid"))
+; Inserts a zero into the returned vector where there was an error, in
+; this case [1 2 0 4]
+ (vec (map int-half [2 4 5 8]))
+ (kit/handle *number-error* [n]
+ (kit/continue-with 0)))
+; Intermediate continue: [1 2 :oops 5 4]
+(defn int-half-vec [s]
+ (reduce (fn [v i]
+ (kit/with-handler
+ (conj v (int-half i))
+ (kit/bind-continue instead-of-half [& instead-seq]
+ (apply conj v instead-seq))))
+ [] s))
+ (int-half-vec [2 4 5 8])
+ (kit/handle *number-error* [n]
+ (kit/continue instead-of-half :oops n)))
+; Notes:
+; It seems likely you'd want to convert a handle clause to
+; bind-continue, since it would allow higher forms to request what you
+; used to do by default. Thus both should appear in the same
+; with-handler form
+; Should continue-names be namespace qualified, and therefore require
+; pre-definition in some namespace?
+; (kit/defcontinue skip-thing "docstring")
+; Could add 'catch' for Java Exceptions and 'finally' support to
+; with-handler forms.