diff options
authorStuart Sierra <mail@stuartsierra.com>2009-06-05 21:05:20 +0000
committerStuart Sierra <mail@stuartsierra.com>2009-06-05 21:05:20 +0000
commit794e921618f05eb66b19b7e9a7e5ed70a74f0a6b (patch)
parentd1e94596041492038f321885bf77e16d9a0a7589 (diff)
str_utils2.clj: added missing docstrings
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/src/clojure/contrib/str_utils2.clj b/src/clojure/contrib/str_utils2.clj
index 40765dfc..bd484a3c 100644
--- a/src/clojure/contrib/str_utils2.clj
+++ b/src/clojure/contrib/str_utils2.clj
@@ -245,13 +245,19 @@
(defn swap-case [#^String s]
(throw (IllegalStateException. "swap-case not implemented yet.")))
-(defn ltrim [#^String s]
+(defn ltrim
+ "Removes whitespace from the left side of string."
+ [#^String s]
(replace s #"^\s+" ""))
-(defn rtrim [#^String s]
+(defn rtrim
+ "Removes whitespace from the right side of string."
+ [#^String s]
(replace s #"\s+$" ""))
-(defn split-lines [#^String s]
+(defn split-lines
+ "Splits s on \\n or \\r\\n."
+ [#^String s]
(seq (.split #"\r?\n" s)))
@@ -261,22 +267,34 @@
;; functions. They are included here for completeness, and for use
;; when mapping over a collection of strings.
-(defn upper-case [#^String s]
+(defn upper-case
+ "Converts string to all upper-case."
+ [#^String s]
(.toUpperCase s))
-(defn lower-case [#^String s]
+(defn lower-case
+ "Converts string to all lower-case."
+ [#^String s]
(.toLowerCase s))
(defn split
+ "Splits string on a regular expression. Optional argument limit is
+ the maximum number of splits."
([#^String s #^Pattern re] (seq (.split re s)))
([#^String s #^Pattern re limit] (seq (.split re s limit))))
-(defn trim [#^String s]
+(defn trim
+ "Removes whitespace from both ends of string."
+ [#^String s]
(.trim s))
-(defn contains? [#^String s substring]
+(defn contains?
+ "True if s contains the substring."
+ [#^String s substring]
(.contains s substring))
-(defn get [#^String s i]
+(defn get
+ "Gets the i'th character in string."
+ [#^String s i]
(.charAt s i))